Abstract The Judicial Service as the third arm of the government of Ghana is the body mandated by the country’s constitution to dispense justice in the country, in a manner that peace, tranquility and stability prevail to ensure socio-economic development. In court operations in the country however, effectiveness, efficiency and speed of justice delivery are often reported to be very low.The main source of this problem as reported in most judicial services annual reports show that the probl...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION IVACKNOWI .EDGEMENT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ixChAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Background of the study 11.1 Background 31.2 Statement of the problem 31 .3 General objective 31.4 Scope of the Study 41.5 Significance of the study 4CI IAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Background 52.1 Ideas and Opinions of Experts 52.2 Benefits of using computerized system 9CHAPTER THREE 10METHODOLOGY 103.0 Introduction 103.1 Research Design 10...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivABSTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTS ~.LIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF DEFINED TERMS xCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Background to the study I1.1 Project Overview 11.2 Problem Statement I1.3 Scope of Study1.4 Significance of Study 21.5 Aim ofthe project 21.6 General Objective 21.7 Specific Objectives 21.8 Limitations ofthe study 31.9 Research Question 3CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 41.0 Introduction 42.1 Literature Review 42.2 Information Sy...
The study aimed at establishing the factors promoting adoption of E-Learning and determining the usability challenges in E-Learning applications in Kenya. Consequently, an E-learning educational prototype application was developed to address the usability challenges. The prototype application dubbed “Elimu Digital” was designed to complement physical classroom teaching by providing an online representation of course content. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis were employed in t...
Crime profiling helps law enforcement agencies understand, tackle and sometimes predict the next move by criminals. This can be achieved by monitoring and studying patterns and trends that have occurred in the past and continue to occur in the present. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Reddit and in this case Twitter, have created platforms where people share views, opinions and emotions all the while influencing and informing others. This research set out with...
Over years, the economic impact of Small and Medium Enterprises in our societies has been significant. For instance, In Kenya, over 50 percent of jobs were created by this sector in 2005 leading to the growth of the country’s GDP. But despite its impact, SME’s often take the biggest blow in periods of slow business. When there are reduced orders, cancelation of orders, delayed payments by creditors, the impact is immediate as most of these firms don’t have a wide array of products or se...
The government of Kenya has undertaken an ambitious project to equip children with laptops and tablets for the purposes of facilitating electronic based learning. This initiative can only bear fruit provided that there is content relevant to the studies being undertaken. Many Kenyans learn English as a second language. Swahili or other African languages is the mother tongue. Therefore, with content in Swahili, a better and deeper understanding of subject matter takes place. Much of the academ...
Most organizations in private and public sector take a risk-based approach to mitigate any business venture also leveraging on customer satisfaction aligned with quality and keeping costs at bay. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the development of an integrated risk-based microservice can reduce the turnaround time for consignment clearance. Also ascertain whether use of microservices enhances level four Enterprise Resource Planning integration of organizational enterprise syst...
Social engineering refers to the use of deception by an attacker, with the intent of psychologically manipulating the target/victim, into sharing crucial/confidential information which could either be leaked or used to swindle them. Without a clear understanding of social engineering, mobile users may be highly likely to be victims of social engineering crimes. Regarding social engineering on the mobile money platform, there are few existing documents/statistics on the study. Therefore, this ...
The growth of technology specifically the mobile devices has been exponential and this is evident in the growth of smart phones and mobile devices around the world. The growth has also encouraged its usage in educational environments such as in schools. In several countries the smartphones have been introduced in the various schools so as to aid in learning and many other different benefits. In Kenya, the government through the digital literacy programme, has provided tablet devices to variou...
The high profits posted each year by one of the major mobile phone operators in Kenya is an indication of the high smart phones and data usage in the country. Further the highest percentage of this mobile data usage is on social media which includes facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram, snapchat and others. While a lot of organizations especially companies have leveraged on information shared on these platforms to improve on product and service delivery while fostering better customer servi...
A huge number of studies have been done supporting seamless mobility networks and mobile technologies over the years. The recent innovations in mobile technologies have unveiled another revolution from the static architectural approach for client-server network relationships to more dynamic, and even mobile approaches. Due to the special equipment and infrastructure needed to support network mobility management, it is difficult to deploy such networks beyond the local network coverage witho...
Agriculture forms the backbone of Kenya's economy contributing 30% of the country's GDP. However, little is known about the prices, supply and demand of fruits and vegetables. Market price information is a very important agricultural concern which can be enhanced by big data and machine learning techniques like predictive analytics. This research work was based on developing an agricultural commodity price prediction application that uses a machine learning model on appropriate data to facili...
Internet of Things has been described as a system of related computing devices, machines, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers to capture and transfer data over a network without requiring human intervention or human-to-computer interaction. It has been used in several fields such as surveillance, tracking and weather forecasting. Weather forecasting is the process by which the state of the atmosphere and the weather conditions are predicted for some future period. Weat...
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face numerous challenges in identification, setting up and making use of Information Technology (IT) as an enabler for business. Cloud computing could solve this problem by offering ready, low cost of entry IT solutions. Adoption of cloud computing among the SMEs in developing countries is however low due to a number of barriers as identified by previous studies. Over the years, research on adoption on innovation and technology has unveiled a number of theo...