ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and price value on consumers’ behavioural intention to adopt mobile money in Ghana. Studies on mobile money in developing countries have so far focused more on issues relating to adoption, use, deployment and diffusion. The most dominant among these areas is studies on adoption. However, there still remain salient facto...
ABSTRACT Today, Ghana has over fourteen percent of its population using the internet. Social Media is one of the main platforms that these users interact with online. This has presented an opportunity for companies to gain business benefits by reaching their clients online. For others, it has provided a means to reach new audience. Social media has greatly affected the legacy media industry, especially regarding content delivery and creation. This has caused legacy media companies to look int...
ABSTRACT A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE PAST AND PRESENT STATE OF CHILDREN’S TELEVISION IN GHANA: THE STATE OF LOCAL CONTENT CHILDREN’S TELEVISON PROGRAMS The central focus of this dissertation is to examine the state of local content children television in Ghana with regards to quantity and type and the importance of having more of it in the children’s television in Ghana. In order to place the situation in context, Cultivation Theory and Social Theory were adopted as theoretical framework...
Abstract Inventory management and control with its associated financial books preparation/management has been a major source of concern for a good number of businesses over the past years. For most businesses, the inability to effectively monitor and control has been a source of preoccupation with the businesses inevitably incurring huge loses, breaking even, let alone making profits. As a key element in overhead management, inventory management is a major factor in the realization of net pro...
Abstract The field of computer science over the past two decades has witnessed a huge leap in the areas of improved systems design, hardware processing power and the development of software that maximizes these advances in systems. This leap can attributed to continuous innovation that drives the field to new heights at an ever speedy pace. The pace at which the field is growing requires educators to be abreast with new and changing technology. It is the desire of educators to have access to ...
Abstract This report details the findings of an applied project to design and implement a sustainable Information and Communications Technology center in the rural community of Berekuso. The project was intended to address the challenges of providing the community with access to quality education. The project design was divided into three key areas which include the establishment of the physical hardware infrastructure, the hosting of a digital library equipped with relevant educational conte...
Abstract If you ask me what comes to mind when I think about the Internet, the first thing I would conceive is, “information.” It is a world of information- billions and billions of information. There is really no limit to the information available on the Internet. Today, it is very easy to find answers to questions on subjects you have little knowledge of by simply running a search on the Internet. To me, another word closely tied to information is “power.” Knowledge, they say is pow...
ABSTRACT This research paper investigates the effect of celebrity endorsements on buying behavior in the telecommunications industry in Ghana. The paper seeks to provide fresh insight on the use of celebrity endorsement as a marketing tool in Ghana. The objectives of the studies are to examine how celebrity endorsements are being employed by firms in the telecommunication market in Ghana and its effect on marketing performance. It also analyzes how celebrity endorsements affect consumer behav...
ABSTRACT Information Technology continues to have a great impact on the way humans live and work. The business world is one of the aspects of life that has experienced this phenomenon. This advancement of technology has contributed to the growing use of paper in the office place which has had tremendous impact on the environment. However several new technologies have been developed to eliminate paper outright or at least reduce the amount of paper in the office environment. This phenomenon kn...
Abstract Human resources management (HRM) is the management of people in an organization. In order for this to be effective, a number of activities must be carried out. Records of these activities have to be kept in order to keep track of progress. Some approaches have been tried over the years to make HRM efficient. These are the paper based system and automation of some HRM. These approaches however have proven to be inadequate. This project focuses on designing and building an employee por...
ABSTRACT PAGE Recreational activities in Ghana are generally limited in relation to its scope. Looking at exploration as a recreational activity that translates into activities that fall under the tourism sector, a remedy to the limitation placed on the scope of recreational activities in Ghana can in turn, boost the tourism culture that exists in Ghana. With the many technological advancements, social media has become quite common especially among the youth at large. This paper would be expl...
ABSTRACT Proof of delivery systems have been developed to enhance business operations in the case of businesses that carry out delivery services. Key issues that necessitate the usage of such systems include the need to enhance customer service, monitor delivery personnel, reduce the tendency of losing paper receipts as well as verifying that customers have received their goods. The main purpose of this project is to develop a proof of delivery system to streamline service delivery for busine...
ABSTRACT Housing is a one of the most fundamental rights every human being deserves for survival and existence. Every human being in one way or the other has the longing desire to own a home. A country with a healthy environment, good labor force, good infrastructure, good society, affordable and decent housing produces a good urban economy. However, in Ghana, a difficult issue most citizens are facing is the inability to afford or rent decent housing in a decent neighborhood. This study ther...
ABSTRACT This research explores linear programming optimization models for distributing products by tankers in a land transportation system. Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) is used as a case study. The transportation problem is of great economic significance to the Government of Ghana, whose economy is traditionally dominated to a large extent by the oil sector. Any enhancement in the existing transportation procedure has the potential for significant cost savings for the Ghanaian economy. A linear p...
Abstract Microfinance when implemented well in developing countries for example could help very poor households to meet basic needs and protect against risks; thus microfinance is associated with improvements in household economic welfare (Asiama and Osei, 2007). Microfinance institutions (MFIs), the providers of microfinance services are faced with the problem of how to ensure the sustainability and profitability of microfinance schemes. This research seeks to investigate the factors that in...