DECLARATION .................................................................................. I
APPROVAL ....................................................................................... II
DEDICATION ................................................................................. III
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................... IV
DEFINITION OF SIGNIFICANT TERMS ................................................. V
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................. VI
' TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................... VII
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... X
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1
1.0 Background to the Study ............................................................. 1
1.1 Theoretical Framework ................................................................ 4
1.2. The Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 6
1.3 Staten;ient of The Problem ........................................................... 8
1.4 Purpose of The Study .................................................................. 9
1.5 Objectives of The Study ............................................................... 9
1.6_ Research Questions .................................................................... 9
1. 7 The Assumption of The Study ..................................................... 10
1.8 Significance of The Study ..... _. ..................................................... 10
1_.9,Justification of The Study ........................................................... 11
1.10 Scope of The Study ................................................................. 12
1.11 Limitations of The Study .......................................................... 13
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................. 14
~ITERA TU~E REVIEW .................................................................. 14
2.0· Introduction: ............................................................................ 14
2.1 Definition of Child Abuse ............................................................ 14
2.2 Types of Child Abuse ................................................................. 15
2.3 Forms of Child Abuse ................................................................ 19
2.4 Causes of Child Abuse ............................................................... -20
2.5 Effects -of Child Abuse on Academic Performance .......................... 22
CHAPTER THREE •......................................................................... 28
THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............•...•.................................• -28
3.0 Introduction ............................................................................. 28
3.1 Research Design ....................................................................... 28
3.2 Research Environment ............................................................... 28
3.3·Sa,mpling Procedure .................................................................. 28
3·.4 Sampling Population ................................................................. 29
3.6 Data Collecting Procedure .......................................................... 30
3.7 Data Analysis ...................................................................... · ..... 30
CHAPTER FOUR ...•...•...................................•..............................• 32
DAT,A,PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ......................................... 32
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................. 32
, 4.1 Head-Teacher Related Questionnaire ........................................... 32
4.1.1 Are There Chances of Institutions Causing Child Abuse? ............. 34
4.1.2 The Role of Institutions in Assisting Abused Pupils ...................... 35
4.1.3 Availability of a Functional Body to Assist the Abused Learners .... 35
4,2: Teachers Related Questionnaire., .............................................. 36
4.2.0: Teachers Background Information ........................................... 36
4.2.1: Identification and Signs of an Abused Child .............................. 38
4.2.2: Number of Pupils with Signs of Abuse ...................................... 39
4,2.3 Action Taken to Assist Abused Pupils ........................................ 40
4.2·.4 Counseling of Affected Parents And Behavioral Signs Observed .... 40
4.3: Pupils Related Questionnaire ..................................................... 41
4.3.0: Background Information ........................................................ 42
4.4 Child Abuse .............................................................................. 43
4.3.1: Lateness, Absenteeism, Causes and Interest in Schooling .......... 43
• 4.3.2 Caret9 ker and Provision of Basic Needs ........... ; ........................ 44
4.3-.3 P,rovision of Labour for Payments ............................................. 46
4.3.4 Availability of Study Time and Reason for Lack of the Same ........ 46
4.3.5: Disciplining Pupils, Methods Used and Injuries Sustained ........... 47
4.3.6: Sexual Harassment, Where Abused and the Abuser .................. 49
4.3.7: The Role of the Religion ......................................................... 50
4.5; Effect;of Child abuse on Academic Performance ........................... 50
CHAPTER FIVE .•..•...............•........................................................ 52
5.0 Introduction ............................................................................. 52
5.1 Summary of the Study .............................................................. 52
5.2 Implication of the Findings: ........................................................ 53
• 5.3. Recommendations .................................................................... 54
BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................. 56
APPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE TEACHERS .................... · ....... 59
APPENDIX D: TRANSMITTAL LETTER ................................................. 66
APPENDIX E: INTRODUCTORY LETTER ............................................. 67
APPENDIX F: MAP OF RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT ................................ 68
ABSTRACT A few years ago, children were taken to be a communal responsibility. The children act is the main document that takes up issues of child protection. Despite the Children Act and the government's effort to fight against child violence, children are still abused. Statistics have shown that the violators of children rights are more often than not persons known to them, that is, family members, neighbours, teachers and other acquaintances. Children are meant to be nurtured until they mature. This is a responsibility of the community in the wider sense including the government. During the survey it was evident that child abuse is commonly experi-enced, within the family - (Familial abuse) outside their family (extra-family) and in various institutions (Institutional abuse). This has greatly, contributed to poor academic performance in Mugoiri zorie. Lack of trained and functional body to handle cases of child abuse, •in the institutions has contributed to a negative impact. Finally, there is need for the education implementers to join hands with all the' ·stakeholders to promote a conducive environment for learners in order to improve the academic performance in schools hence a bright future for the learners.
NJOROGE, T (2022). The Effect of Child Abuse On Academic Performance of Primary School Children in Mugoiri Zone, Kahuro Division, Murang'a North District of Kenya.. Afribary. Retrieved from
NJOROGE, TERESIA "The Effect of Child Abuse On Academic Performance of Primary School Children in Mugoiri Zone, Kahuro Division, Murang'a North District of Kenya." Afribary. Afribary, 18 Aug. 2022, Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.
NJOROGE, TERESIA . "The Effect of Child Abuse On Academic Performance of Primary School Children in Mugoiri Zone, Kahuro Division, Murang'a North District of Kenya.". Afribary, Afribary, 18 Aug. 2022. Web. 12 Mar. 2025. < >.
NJOROGE, TERESIA . "The Effect of Child Abuse On Academic Performance of Primary School Children in Mugoiri Zone, Kahuro Division, Murang'a North District of Kenya." Afribary (2022). Accessed March 12, 2025.