Search Results


ABSTRACT Preservation of food is a pre-requisite for food safety and security, bridging the gap between the site of production and site of consumption and the rising between demand and supply. There has been a problem of preserving seasonal food properly and disinfesting food without noticeable hazard to the consumer. There is also a noticeable increase in the incidence of food borne disease. The study is aimed at determine the shelf life extension of avocado, carrot, okra and tomatoes when p...

Naads Program and Food Security in Uganda a Case Study of Ddwaniro Sub-County Rakai District

ABSTRACT The study sought of assessing the relationship between NAADs program and Food security in Ddwaniro Subcounty Rakai District, determine the role played by NAADs program on food security and challenges to NAADs program and how to combat the challenges. The study used a descriptive reseach design and employing both qualitative and quantitative apporaches in the searching for the informaiton. The populaiton sample size was 196. The study findings indicated that the major challenges affec...

Assessment Of Impacts Of Climate Change And Variability On Food Security In West Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for food security assessment in the wake of today’s challenge of climate change and variability. This study aimed at assessing the impacts climate change and variability on food security in West Pokot County for the period 1980-2012. Objectives of the study were to: characterize rainfall and temperature data for the specified years, evaluate spatial variability in relation to climate change and variability in the county using remote sensing and Geograph...

Agricultural Development Programme in Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Abia State, Nigeria, 2000-2010

ABSTRACT 6 The study has as its objectives, to examine the twin issue of Poverty Alleviation and Food Security in Nigeria. In addition, to deepen our understanding of how Poverty Alleviation Programmes had been implemented overtime and the effect of those strategies and programmes on food security in Abia State. The study applied the chi-square (X2 ) techniques to test the hypotheses on Abia ADP Programme on Food Security vis: the impact of Abia ADP Programme on Food Security, food sufficienc...

Climate Variability and Household Food Security in Masisi, North Kivu Province, Dr Congo

ABSTRACT This study assessed the influence of climate variability on household food security in Masisi, North Kivu Province, DR.Congo. The following objectives guided the study: i) to assess the impact of climate variability on the food availability of the households in Masisi, DRC; ii) to evaluate the impact of climate variability on food accessibility of the households in Masisi, DRC; and iii) to assess the impact of climate variability on food utilization of the households in Masisi, DRC; ...

Border management strategies used to curb insecurity in liboi border post of Kenya from 2007- 2015.

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the strategies of patrolling and surveillance as used by the border management to curb insecurity, at Liboi border post of Kenya. The period under study is from 2007 - 2015. The purpose of the study was to establish how the strategies of surveillance and patrols have been applied by the border management to curb insecurity along the border. The main objective was to study how these strategies have been used for security purposes at the border. The study h...


                                                               ABSTRACTPeace, safety and security are both necessary and indispensable requirements for development and the attainment of good quality of life for any human society. Insecurity impacts negatively on all citizens through losses of property, life and limb, or through loss of confidence from fear of violence. Human safety and security are indeed human rights having a valu...

The Impacts Of Food Insecurity Among The Residents Of Endebes Division In Trans-Zoia County

ABSTRACT The analysis of food insecurity and coping strategies of rural people during food insecurity in Endebess division , Tranzoia district was examined between May and October 2012. The ultimate objectives ofthe study were to: (i) Examine the causes of food shortages in rural households of Endebess division (ii) document the coping strategies of the people during food shot1ages; (iii) to examine people's opinions on the mitigation of food shortage in their area. The data were collected us...

Refugees and Insecurity in Uganda a Case Study of Kasese

ABSTRACT This study is guided by three specific objectives: i) to determine whether Uganda's government refugee policies are guided by principles of international law, ii) to investigate the extent to which refugees pose security problems in the country and iii) to assess how and why the refugee are connected to terrorism. The researcher used a cross sectional survey design based on the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches, sample size of 50 respondents were considered to collect da...


ABSTRACT This work titled “Security challenges and Small business survival in Abia State: A study of Aba in Abia State” was aimed at determining the implication of insecurity as a major challenge to the survival of small business in Abia State, analyze the role government play by towards curbing security challenges in Abia State and to ascertain the causes of security challenges on the survival of Small business in Abia state. This research was motivated by the level of insecurity as it ...

Climate Change Effects On Food Security And Coping Strategies By Women Groups In Gikindu Division, Kiharu Sub County, Murang’a County, Kenya

The study sought to find out the climate change effects on food security, and the community coping strategies in Gikindu Division in Murang’a County. The study was in response to the profound climate change effects over the years leading to depressed rainfall and increased temperatures exposing the farmers to the risk of diminished returns from the production activities. Gikindu area sits on a low agro-ecological zone five and six which is prone to persistent crop failure attributed to the ...


Abstract This project titled “NETWORK BASE SECURITY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM” is so design to help security information system especially for the management of the present porous security system in the campuses. Presently the polytechnic is not armed with modern data processing and security information system. To help wake it up from its stagnation, my solution is to transform the existing age-long manual information system and embrace latest technology that will avert loss of informatio...

Islamic Fundamentalism and National Security in Nigeria Analysis of Boko Haram, 2009-2014

ABSTRACT  The contemporary Nigerian state is enmeshed in social problems which has deepened the developmental problems that plagued it over the years. Among these problems are kidnapping, armed robbery and terrorism. However, this study investigated the Islamic fundamentalism and national security in Nigeria with particular emphasis on the Boko Haram terrorist group from 2009- 2014. The specific objectives of the study are: (1.) To examine if the Islamic fundamentalism acted as preparatory g...

Gulf of Guinea and Security Challenges: The Nigerian Experience

ABSTRACT Piracy and insecurity in Gulf of Guinea maritime environment has been of serious concern to member states as well foreign investors. The abundant mineral resources most especially hydrocarbon, has attracted major multi-national oil firms as well other investors to the oil rich region. However, the region is battered by sophisticated pirate groups among other sea criminals. Generally, the study was focused on Nigerian experience amidst security challenges in the Gulf of Guinea. Thus, ...

The Contribution of Rice Growing to Household Income and Food Security in Doho Sub-County Butalleja District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the contribution of rice farming to household income and food security in the Doho sub-county Butalejja District. The cross-sectional method was used in the study. The survey sample consisted of 50 respondents all of who hailed from rice growers. These were selected using a random sampling method. The primary data for the study was collected using questionnaires administered to the respondents that were selected for the study, tables, graphs, a...

16 - 30 Of 134 Results