Abstract The paper presents the results of investigation conducted on foamed aerated concrete – a lightweight concrete - with a view to determining its potential as a construction material in Nigeria. The properties investigated on foamed aerated concrete having a designed density of 1600kg/m3 were: workability, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, and the water absorption capacity. The results showed that at the designed density adopted for this work, the material was workable ...
Abstract: This paper presents the results of an investigation conducted to determine some structural properties of concrete made with recycled coarse aggregates but containing (PKSA) as partial replacement of cement by weight. Cement was replaced with palm kernel shell ash (PKSA) up to 50% by weight at interval of 5% to produce the concrete used in the investigation. The properties investigated were: setting times, workability, compressive strength, and tensile strength. The results showed th...
ABSTRACT This work presents comparative study of strength of truss reinforced concrete beam and conventional reinforced concrete beam. Two sets of 0.15 x 0.15 x 1m beams were cast. One set was cast using truss as a system of reinforcement at spacing of 100mm, 150mm and 200mm. The other set was cast using longitudinal bars and links at spacing of 100mm, 150mm, and 200mm as the conventional reinforcement. In all 27 truss and 27 conventional reinforcement beams were cast. Three mix ratios we...
ABSTRACT This research work focused on the Prediction of Compressive strength of Saw dust Ash-Cement concrete using Artificial Neural Network method. Neural Networks offer a number of advantages including requiring less formal statistical training, ability to implicitly detect complex non-linear relationship between dependent and independent variables, ability to detect all possible interactions between predictor’s variables, and availability of multiple training algorithms. A 5-20-1 ne...
Correlation and regression in this paper were employed as analytical tools to study the degree of relationship as well as the nature and strength of the relationship between green concrete properties and percentage replacement of cement with civil engineering materials. Pearson product-moment method and Spearman’s correlation coefficient were extensively used to show how correlation analysis can be practically applied in green concrete research. Least square regression line method for b...
This research investigates the improvement of the mechanical and durability properties of concrete using Date Palm Seed Ash (DPSA) as partial replacement of cement. The DPSA used was obtained by controlled burning of date palm seed in a kiln at a maximum temperature of 630oc for eight hours and after cooling, it was sieved through 75um sieve and its oxide composition analysis was conducted using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) procedures. DoE method of mix design was used to produce concrete ingredi...
In this paper, rocks with existing cracks and the effects on concrete structures it supports is discussed. Based on this paper, rock cracks may occur naturally when the rock gets closer to the earth surface due to erosion, through weathering processes (particularly frost wedging in mountainous areas and the diurnal heating and cooling of a rock outer layer in hot arid environments) and through tree roots. Artificially, cracks in rock may be caused by shock waves during rock blasting. The effe...
This paper attempts to study the mechanicalbehaviour of coconut shell aggregate (CSA) concretesubjected to elevated temperatures when coconut shell (CS)is used to replace coarse aggregate at 0, 10, 20 and 40% inconcrete. The coconut shell used was obtained by breakingthe shells into smaller sizes of less than 20mm after thefibres were removed. In order to produce control concretesamples with a minimum compressive strength of 15N/mm2at 28 days curing age, mix ratio of 1:2:4 and water-cementrat...
This paper presents the findings of an investigation on the use of coconut shell ash (CSA) as admixture in concrete and its effect on durability performance. The CSA used was obtained by controlled burning of coconut shell in an incinerator to a temperature of 600–650ºC for 3 hours, air cooled, sieved through 75μm sieve and characterized by using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analytical method. The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of concrete were investigated at varying CSA additio...
This paper presents the findings of an investigation on coconut shell ash (CSA) as admixture in cement paste and concrete. The CSA used was obtained by controlled burning of coconut shell in an incinerator to a temperature of between 600–650ºC for 3 hours, air cooled, sieved through 75μm sieve and characterized based on its oxides composition determined using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analytical method. The effects of CSA on cement paste were investigated with addition of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and...
Correlation and regression in this paper were employed as analytical tools to study the degree of relationship as well asthe nature and strength of the relationship between green concrete properties and percentage replacement of cementwith civil engineering materials. Pearson product-moment method and Spearman’s correlation coefficient wereextensively used to show how correlation analysis can be practically applied in green concrete research. Least squareregression line method for both line...
Abstract This project outlines the structural design of eight-storey reinforced concrete hostel building following British standard, BS: 8110, part 1, 1997 “Structural use of Concrete”. The project aimed at producing structural design of eight storey hostel. The research was achieved based on the objectives of; developing structural layout from the architectural drawings; analyzing and designing the structural elements with some degree of economic consideration and producing the structura...
CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of StudyThere is need for affordable building materials in providing adequate housing for teamingpopulace of the world. The cost of conventional building materials continue to increase asmajority of the population continues to fall below the poverty line. Thus, there is the need tosearch for local materials as alternatives for the construction of functional but low-cost buildingsin bo...
Study of Coarse Aggregate Characteristics on Strength Properties of High Performance Concrete Using Chemical Admixtures Mushtaque Ahmed Pathan1, Rafique Ahmed2, Maryam Maira3 1Assistant Professor, 2Associate Professor, Center for Pure & Applied Geology, UoS Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan 3Freelancer Researcher Mehran university of Engg. & Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan *Corresponding author: Mushtaque Ahmed Pathan | Received: 14.03.2019 | Accepted: 21.03.2019 | Published: 31.03.2019 DOI:10.2...
Abstract The term Geopolymer was introduced to represent the mineral polymers resulting from geochemistry. The process involves a chemical reaction under highly alkaline conditions on Si-Al minerals, yielding polymeric Si-O-Al-O bonds in amorphous form. The actual compressive strength of the concrete depends on various parameters such as the ratio of the activator solution to fly ash, molarity of the alkaline solution, ratio of the activator chemicals, curing temperature etc. In recent years,...