ABSTRACT The purpose of this project work is to assess the strength of No-fines concrete pavement. No-Fines concrete is use in low traffic volume, pathways, sidewalk and parking lots. No-fines concrete is produced by using ordinary Portland cement, coarse aggregates, and water. In this study, Two (2) batches of no-fines concrete each with two different water – cement ratio 0.36 and 0.45 and cement – coarse aggregate 1:4 and 1:6 were prepared to find the mix that generated high compressive...
Consider a steel-rust-concrete composite consisting of a circular cylindrical concrete cover and a coaxial uniformly corroding steel reinforcement. Prediction of the amount of rust penetrated into the microcracks of concrete cover from a set of data measured at the surface of the concrete is of particular interest. The steel is assumed to be linear isotropic and rust follows a power law stress–strain relation. For the concrete, anisotropic behavior and post-cracking softening model is emplo...
One of the most crucial factors affecting the service life of reinforced concrete (RC) structures attacked by aggressive ions is reinforcement corrosion. As the steel corrosion progresses, crack propagation in concrete medium endangers the serviceability and the strength of RC structural members. In this study, a nonlinear mathematical model for determining the displacement and stress fields in RC structures subjected to reinforcement corrosion is introduced. For corrosion products, a nonline...
ABSTRACT In recent years there has been an increase in the number of construction works and concrete is the main construction material for most of the structures that are being built. Nigeria is a developing Country with a large population and land area therefore a consumer of concrete. This paper considers the option of recycling concrete in order to meet the high concrete demand and effective management of construction and demolition waste. The test focused on the use of recycle...
An inquiry on the blatant effectiveness of manure on zooplanktons and water quality in a concrete pond culture was reviewed within durations of twelve weeks. Zooplanktons were obtained using scooping net and water sample analysisdetermined using standard techniques. Result revealed a higher culture of zooplanktons using poultry manure than those from cow dungs: 10 zooplankton species belonging to Rotifera, Cladocera and Crustacea was recorded with Brachionuscalyciflorusand Brachionusleydigi, ...
This project work aims at formulating Scheffe’s mathematical model which prescribes concrete mix ratios for a desired compressive strength of periwinkle shell aggregate concrete and obtaining the combination of water, cement, river sand and periwinkle shell which will produce the optimum strength.The model was formulated from first principle producing an equation with several unknown coefficients. These coefficients were determined by carrying out compressive strength test on thirty c...
ABSTRACT Bamboo is one of the oldest traditional materials used by mankind. They are the largest members of the grass family and are the fastest growing in the world. Bamboo is a substitute building material which is renewable, environment friendly and widely available as the wood resources are diminishing and restrictions are imposed on the felling of the natural forest trees. Due to its rapid growth and high yield, adaptability to most climatic conditions and due to its properties, bamboo...
Abstract In countries where industrialization is on the rise there is a corresponding increase in waste production resulting from industries which eventually upsetsthe environment and community for which they provide. While most of these waste generated are hazardous and should be managed, others could be put to appropriate use either directly or after been recycled. Most agro-waste can be recycled and be used asraw materialsfor manufacturing various products. This research is designed to inv...
ABSTRACT This project presents the results of the investigation conducted on a lightweight foamed concrete using different reagents; Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) and Lithofoam, with a view to determining its potential as a construction material in Nigeria. The properties investigated on the foamed concrete having target density of 1800kg/m3 were: workability, bulk density and compressive strength. The foamed concretes produced using SLS were developed using a w/c ratio of 0.5 and a mix ratio ...
Abstract Nowadays, the natural material as agriculture waste in concrete has long been discussed. Coconut shell is one of the most vast and readily available agricultural solid waste in many tropical countries. The properties of coconut shell are examined and the use of coconut shell aggregate as construction materials are evaluated. This study focused on the effect of coconut shell as fine aggregate replacement on the performance of concrete in terms of the mechanical properties and physical...
Abstract Shelter is a basic human need. Unfortunately, decent shelter for the masses; the poor have not materialized over the years. The cost of concrete materials in building and civil engineering project has been a concern to the society. These and other things led to the research on Biological local materials that are dumped as waste in our environment, causing pollution and congestion as substitute materials. Therefore, this research work was carried out in respect to that and the researc...
ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of curing methods on the compressive strength of concrete with fine and coarse aggregates components fully and partly replaced with lateritic sand and periwinkle shell respectively. A total of 90 cube specimens of 100 x 100 mm dimensions for each percentage replacements ranging from 10 to 40% percentage replacement of fine aggregate with lateritic sand and coarse aggregate with periwinkle shell and 100% percentage replacement of fine aggregate w...
Abstract This research tends to compare the workability and compressive strength of granite against periwinkle and palm kernel shells as coarse aggregates in concrete production. Specific objective is to determine the workability of local substitute for granite using periwinkle and palm kernel shell as coarse aggregate, and to compare the compressive strengths of periwinkle and palm kernel shells with granite based concrete using different concrete mixes. The One-hundred and eight cubes p...