Abstract: Food security issue is one of the critical concern and top priority area for developing countries. Having clear picture on food security status and its determinants helps policy makers to devise appropriate policies that enhance food security. Hence, this study aims to determine the food security status of the households, its determinants, and identify coping strategies used during food shortage in Oda Bultum district of West Hararghe zone, Oromia National Regional State. By using ...
Abstract: For most Ethiopian rural households, food insecurity has been the most critical concern. Small-scale irrigation is among the first measures in increasing vegetable production, diversifying household assets and income, and improving household food security. This study measured the impact of small-scale irrigation use on household vegetable production and food security using outcome indicators of household food consumption score, household dietary diversity score and yield of onion. ...
Abstract: In Ethiopia microfinance institutions are becoming increasingly essential instruments in reducing poverty. Improving the delivery of financial services to the poor helps the poor to increase their disposable income, asset ownership, and cushion consumption during food deficit periods. Accordingly, Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company has been providing formal financial services for rural households in Oromia region for the last two decades. Large number of studies examined the im...
Abstract: Enset is one of the major food crops supporting many people in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region. The crop requires intensive management and has high amount of nutrients. However, only limited efforts have been made to improve productivity and marketing of the crop though the demand for the crop increases from time to time. Therefore, this study examines enst production efficiency and impacts of participation in enset products marketing on food security in gedeo zo...
Abstract: This study deals with the analysis of dairy industry and its impact on household market participation, income and food security in Mekelle city, Ethiopia. The study employed cross-sectional data obtained from 797 respondents were 427 of them constitute the whole population of producers, processors and traders and 370 were consumers selected using multistage random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using value chain mapping, descriptive statistics, cost-margin analysis and ...
Abstract: Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing food demand in Ethiopia. Small-scale irrigation has been identified as an excellent way to augment rain-fed agriculture while also assuring food security, particularly in places with limited rainfall. Small-scale irrigation is a policy priority in Ethiopia for rural poverty alleviation and growth, as well as climate adaptation. This study was intended to evaluate the impact of small-scale ...
Abstract: Agricultural cooperatives are one of the most important tools that lead to the enhancement of livelihoods through the provision of credit services, market access, and improve agricultural technologies. Despite the benefit, level of cooperative membership is still very low. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to identify factors influencing the decision to join primary coffee cooperatives and to evaluate the impact of primary coffee cooperatives on smallholder farmers coffee...
Abstract: Small-scale irrigation is among the feasible way in which agricultural production and productivity can be boosted to meet the ever-growing food demand of least developed countries like Ethiopia. But, unlike the irrigation potential, the utilization level and its impact on food security were not empirically analyzed in specific areas of the country. This study was conducted to identify factors affecting household participation in small-scale irrigation, factors affecting household f...
Abstract: Chronic food insecurity is one of the main problems which affected millions of Ethiopians for centuries. In 2005, to solve the problem of food insecurity and move away from the previous system of annual emergency appeals, the Ethiopian government in collaboration with development partners launched social protection program called productive safety net program. This study was conducted to identify factors affecting participation in productive safety net program and to evaluate its i...
Abstract: Homegarden agroforestry support biodiversity and a considerable contribution for rural households’ food security. Yet, the diversity of plant species and it’s contribution to food security was insufficiently understood and documented in Melka Bello District. Therefore, the study aims to assess the diversity of plant species in homegarden agroforestry and its contribution to food security in Melka Bello District of East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Sixteen kebeles were purposively s...
Abstract: The agricultural sector greatly influences the economic performance and is the longstanding sector in contributing to food security in Ethiopia. This research attempts to contribute to the understanding of farm households’ crop commercialization and food security conditions in Eastern zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Specifically, it was designed to estimate the level of crop commercialization and calorie consumption, investigate the common determinants of intensity of crop commercializ...
Abstract: Woody species of Parkland agroforestry are prominent features in many crop landscapes in Ethiopia. Parkland agroforestry which is a system practiced for many local populations is very important for house hold food security and widely acknowledged. Therefore, in the eastern part a little information compiled in the eastern part generally and specifically in the study district don’t any information available concerning woody species diversity of parkland agroforestry and its role i...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, the problem of food security is an enduring critical challenge, which their responses were dominated by annual emergency food aid for a long time. In 2005, to combat the problem of food security and to move away from the previous system of annual emergency appeals, the Ethiopian government in collaboration with development partners launched social protection program called productive safety net program. This study was evaluated the impact of PSNP on household food secu...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, small scale irrigation is thought to be one of the most useful irrigation systems which has a profound impact on food security through increasing income and production. Therefore, the study focused on the impact of small scale irrigation on farm household food security with specific reference to Kobo District of Amhara Regional State. The specific objectives of the study were to identify factors affecting households’ participation in small scale irrigation and its im...
Abstract: This study examines pulse producers production efficiency, commercialization and its impact on food security using a cross-sectional data obtained from 385 randomly and proportionately selected sampled households from East Gojjam zone, Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and econometric models including two limit Tobit, double hurdle, Binary Logit, Seemingly Unrelated Regression and Generalized Propensity Score. The mean techn...