Abstract: Productive Safety Net Program is one of the largest social protection programs operating in Ethiopia. It has been operating in Ethiopia since 2005 though its impact on improving the food security and asset building of the participating households. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of productive safety net program on households’ food security and asset building in Meta district, East Hararghe zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Both primary and secondary da...
Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze wheat producers’ technical efficiency, market participation and food security in North Shewa zone of Amhara National Region State, Central Ethiopia. Cobb-Douglas SFP function fitted with inefficiency model was used to estimate productivity and technical inefficiency level of wheat producers. Land size, fertilizer, seed, labor, and oxen power were significantly affecting wheat output. Age, education level, non-farm income, extension contac...
Abstract: Food security is one of the critical concerns and top priority of policy agenda for developing countries. Having clear picture on food security status and its determinants helps policy makers to devise appropriate policies that enhance food security. Hence, this study aims to determine the food security status of the households, status, gap and severity of food insecurity among rural households and its determinants in Oda Bultum district of West Hararghe zone, Oromia National Regio...
Abstract: Credit is one of the most essential tools that contribute to the improvement of the livelihoods of households by fulfilling financial needs and helping to ensure food security. The main purpose of this study was to identify the role of financial intermediation in the food security status of rural households in the Soro District of Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia. Four rural Kebeles were randomly selected. The total sample respondents were 248 out of whom 108 were beneficiaries of credit serv...
Abstract: Adoption of improved wheat varieties are playing vital role in improving household food security in Ethiopia. This study’s major aim was to analyze the adoption of improved wheat varieties and its impact on the household food security in Lemo District of Hadiya Zone. The data was collected from Lemo Woreda of Hadiya Zone, SNNPR in 2022. The survey consists of 256 sampled wheat growers out of whom 119 were improved wheat variety adopters and 137 were non-adopters. In this study, a...
Abstract: The farmers in developing nations should make important decisions to adopt agricultural technologies as a response to the reduction of food insecurity. Because the farmers in these nations face numerous obstacles while attempting to adopt new agricultural technologies, there is a need to investigate such challenges. This paper aims to analyze the adoption of improved maize varieties and its impacts on household food security in the Daro Lebu district of West Haraghe, Ethiopia. Prim...
Abstract: Livestock plays a vital role in the livelihood of many people in Ethiopia. However, a number of challenges hindered the development of the dairy sector along with its commercialization. This study examines production efficiency commercialization and its impact on food security of cow milk producers using a cross-sectional data obtained from 385 randomly and proportionately selected sampled households from West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia. The collected...
Abstract: Ethiopian rural households are heavily reliant on small-scale, rain-fed agriculture for their livelihoods. The use of existing water resources for irrigation development is the most promising answer to the country's unpredictable rainfall patterns and periodic droughts, which make agricultural production challenging and to enhance the food security of smallholder farmers. The primary goal of this study was to assess the determinants of SSI participation and the impact of SSI on hou...
Abstract: The gap between demand for and supply of malt barley grain in Ethiopia is mainly attributed to the low productivity of the malt-barley sub-sector. The establishment and expansion of agricultural cooperatives, which are meant to provide improved inputs and marketing options and thereby increase the productivity of smallholders, is being encouraged for over two and half decades. However, participation of farmers in these cooperatives and the impact of these organizations on farmers�...
Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a region beset with challenges, not least its ability to feed itself. Low agricultural productivity, exploding populations, and escalating urbanization have led to declining per capita food availability. In order to reverse this trend, crop production systems must intensify, which brings with it an elevated threat from pests and diseases, including plant-parasitic nematodes. A holistic systems approach to pest management recognizes disciplinary integrati...
Abstract: Adoption of agricultural innovations is perceived as a key avenue for poverty reduction and improved food and nutritional security in developing countries. The International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) has developed and implemented a set of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategiesin several sub-Saharan African countries aimed at controlling mango infesting fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis). Although positive returns from the use of fruit fly IPM have already...
Abstract: Enset (Ensete ventricosum), is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Musaceae, along with banana and plantain. Despite wild populations occurring in eastern, central and southern Africa, it is only in Ethiopia that the crop has been domesticated, where it is culturally and agriculturally symbolic as a food security crop. Although an under-researched orphan crop, enset serves as a staple food for about 20% of the Ethiopian population, comprising more than 20 million p...
Abstract: Livestock rearing link to food security and nutrition is an important aspect to farmers and research institutions. Push-pull technology,an innovation at nternational Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), has been distinguished as an advocate to livestock growth and production. This Push-pull novelty follows a chain to income boost and household food purchase power. This study sought to establish the perfect link of Push-pull livestock production to an enhanced household...
Abstract: Mango (Mangifera indica) is one of the leading tropical fruits grown in Kenya and is ranked third after banana and pineapples in terms of acreage and total production volume. However, production has fallen below consumption due in part to fruit fly (Bactrocera invadens) infestation. About 40 percent of annual mango production in Kenya estimated at US$ 32 million, is lost due to direct damage of fruit flies. In an effort to improve production, the International center for Insect Phy...
Though concepts of food security have acquired a variety of interpretations, it acquires a meaning where it also connotes nutritional security at the household level. Nowhere in developed and in the developing world has this notion become operationalised. Ensuring nutritional security requires that the three vital institutions - the state, the market and civil society, each recognises its own role and responsibility in warding off hunger, and ensuring food security