The Primary Host of the Lassa Fever Virus is the Rat.
Our Hostels have often times been besieged by heavy duty Rats. They are always after food stuff in the female hostel or sweaty shoes in the male hostels. Whatever that attracts them, the need to eliminate them is paramount in these Lassa Fever Virus times. Hence, the reason for this informative article.
Mode Of Transmission:
–Contact with food or household items that has come in contact with rodent’s excreta.
–Human to human through sexual contact, air droplets, and direct contact with pharyngeal secretions or urine of the infected person.
9 ways to avoid contracting the virus:
1) Boost your immune system; Eat good, live right and when you feel physically drained, take ORS solution.
2) Maintain thorough cleanliness of your environment; clear all bushes, clear garbage, burn your refuse if you can and be mindful of food particles that could attract rodents.
3) Wear hand-glove, Overall and high knee boot when disposing your waste, cutting grass or doing any outdoor activity.
4) Be careful when buying grains from the market: most grains are often exposed to rodents or kept in stores where rodents can have access to them.
5) Boil all grain appropriately so that heat would kill the virus, wash pepper with salt and water before blending. All fruits and vegetables brought from the market should be thoroughly washed this way as well.
6) Proper hand washing with disinfectants, washing of floors and kitchen with antibacterial detergent. Wash your hand as many times as possible and dry it.
7) Protect your household and environment from rodents infestation by carrying out fumigation of both internal and external environment.
8) Visit a government hospital if you feel sick, due to the fact that Lassa fever infections are difficult to distinguish from other viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola and from more common febrile illnesses such as malaria.
9) If you notice anyone being sick for too long and kept at home, quickly inform the authorities, in order to prevent what could result in an epidemic. However, this is not to say all sicknesses are Lassa fever prone.
Please share this post to your friends, so they can also know how to avoid Lassa fever and join hands to eradicate the virus from around us.