International Affairs Study Materials

GST 103- Nigerian Nationalism

1. Sabon Garis were established in the - 2. The nationalist who resigned his membership of NYM because his candidate lost an election into executive council was who? 3. Sabo Garis were occupied by who?

POS 205- Alternate titles: foreign affairs, foreign relations

International relations, the study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies, political parties, and interest groups). It is related to a number of other academic disciplines, including political science, geography, history, economics, law, sociology, psychology, and philosophy.The field of international relations emerged at the beginning of the 20th century largely in the West and in particular in the...

The Philosophy and Strategy of Sun Zhou

To inquire into the Philosophy and Strategy of Sun-Zhou, it is necessary to provide a brief historical background of Sun-Zhou, his birth, circumstances and events around his birthplace, community and country. Things around the time that must have influenced his philosophy and inspired his strategies, which culminated in the book “The Art of War”. This is because nothing happens in isolation. His book has instructively become adopted as one of the most classical war strategy reference sou...