Philosophy Study Materials


Meaning of Philosophy Basic Sense in Understanding of Philosophy Major Conceptions of Philosophy Definition of Philosophy by different Philosophers People's belief and Ideas on the Universe Characteristics/Nature of Philosophy Types of Philosophy Methods of Philosophy Origin of Western Philosophy Pre-Socrates Schools of Philosophy Branches of Philosophy Schools of Thought in Epistemology Sources of Knowledge Truth Origin and Meaning of Metaphysics The Schools of Thought in Metaphysics Ethics ...

AEM 203- Introduction to Home Economics

“Philosophy” is a word you will have came across at one time or the other. Can you define “philosophy”? The original meaning of philosophy as conceived by the Greeks is as follows: Philein – meaning love Sophia – meaning wisdom i.e. philein, Sophia crystallized into “Love of wisdom”, where wisdom means the ability to relate the facts from various forms of knowledge to experience. The English dictionary meaning of philosophy is diverse (Oxford Dictionary 2001). Philosophy is de...

PHI 210- African Philosophy

In the first book of the metaphysics of Aristotle there is an emphasis on how all naturally desire to know. The basics desire of man is the desire of knowledge. In life he wonders about his immediate environment. That is he begins to reflect on nature as reality presents himself around him at a particular time and space in a specific language and culture.

PHI 304- Epistemology

By the time that Renee Descartes was born the new influence of the preceding of two centuries has taken effect. The astronomy has displaced the earth from the center of the universe and Galileo has formulated the laws of mechanics which experiment not scripture would confirm.

Philosophy and the Rise of Modern Science

It is difficult if not impossible to give a precise definition of Philosophy. In fact, the issue of the definition of Philosophy is as controversial as controversy itself. Consequently, there are different basis of opinions regarding what constitutes the subject matter of philosophy. However, the broadest and of course of the oldest conception of philosophy is the etymological conception.

Philosophy of Development

The issues of human rights to me touches on our moral nerves because of its intrinsic and extrinsic value to human existence. The UNO, African Union and commonwealth and other organisations that are involved In addressing human rights abuses by different government and societies all over the world appear to be the moral conscience of the world.

PHL 302- Existentialism and Phenomenology

Existentialism and Phenomenology are two of the most influential movements in twentieth philosophy. During the heyday of Existentialism in the middle decades of the twentieth century there were heated arguments about whether the movements belonged together or were even compatible with each other.

Philosophy of Mathematics

Ever since Plato philosophers have been impressed by the fact that there are universal propositions which we can apparently know to be true with absolute certainty though we could not possibly observe all or even a large proportion of the instances to which they apply. 

GST 102 - Philosophy and Logic Lecture Note

Meaning of Philosophy Importance of Studying Philosophy Major Branches of Philosophy Historical Development of Western Philosophy Some Schools/Systems in Philosophy Logic

GNS 202: Logic and Philosophy

The Philosophy called ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy comes from two Greek word philo & Sophia which means “love of and wisdom”.  Wisdom is higher than truth and knowledge but knowledge is philosophy. Excellence, integrity and service “Philosophy of Lautech”.  There are two senses which are:  (i) “loose sense” (is a philosophy (love of wisdom) from first order.  (ii) Strict sense (is a philosophy from second order/ study of philosophy, academic discipline) here we see philo...