This research work is to examine “Evaluation of Customer Service and relationship marketing in the banking industry with reference to first Bank Nig. Ltd Enugu was carried out to evaluate the relationship marketing of banking industry in Enugu metropolis. This study has the following objectives: To find out whether the practice of customer relationship marketing by first bank Nigeria Ltd increases customers patronage of their services. To find out whether customer relationship marketing practice of first bank Nigeria Ltd lead to long-term relationship between the management and customers. To solve the research problem, both primary and secondary data were collected the research instruments used in collecting the data were questionnaire and oral interviews. The population of the study comprised the relevant management and staff and customers of first bank. The sample size was determined using bourley’s formular for customers and census was used for relevant management and staff.
In organizing and presenting data collected tables, percentages and frequencies were used. From that data collected, the researcher made some findings, among which are: The practice of customer relationship marketing by first bank Nigeria Plc leads to long-term relationship with their customers. The trained and motivated employees to improve customers service and relationship. Based on these findings, the research recommended that: For the productivity of the bank, the banking industry should train and motivate their employees to take good care of their customers to increase their customers service and relationship. It is the research opinion that if these recommendations are judiciously implemented, the customers of first bank will not only be satisfied but also increased patronage.
Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contentsiv
1.1Background of the Study
1.2Statement of the Problem
1.3Objectives of the Study
1.4Formulations of hypotheses/Research questions
1.5Significance of the Study
1.6Scope / Delimitation of Study
1.7Definition of Terms
Literature Review
2.1An Overview of Marketing
2.2Marketing Mix – an Overview
2.3What is Customer Service
2.4Components of relationship marketing
2.5The role of Customer Service Delivery in Business
2.6Customer Relationship Marketing for Service Delivery
2.7The Role of Customer Service Delivery in Banking Industry
Research Methodology
3.1Sources of data
3.2Population of the Study
3.3Sample Size Determination
3.4Sampling Techniques
3.5Research instruments Used
3.6Valuation of Research Instrument Used
3.7Questionnaire Allocation and Administration
3.8Method of data analysis
3.9Limitation of the Study
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
4.1Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.2Test of Hypothesis
Discussion of Finding, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1Summary of Findings
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