Introduction In developing countries, most of the municipalities spend large proportions of their budgets on the collection, transport and disposal of solid waste. Their solid waste management is a costly service that consumes between 20% and 50% of their available operational budgets for municipal services. The specific objective of the study is; 1. To assess the social economic factors affecting the community in participation in solid waste management in Walukuba I Masese Division. 2. To assess the attitudes, of the community towards participation in solid waste management. 3. To assess resource available for the community participation m solid waste management. Methodology This is a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Walukuba I Masese division, Jinja district in July, 2010 Keish and Leslie (1965) formula was used to determine the sample size that yielded 246 respondents. 4 key informants (Kis) participated in the study. The respondents were identified using multi-stage and random sampling techniques. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire and Kls guide. Quantitative data was analyzed using EPI INFO 2002 computer software. Qualitative data was analyzed using a master sheet. Quality control and research ethics were ensured. Results Seventy eight percent of the respondents were participating in solid waste management. There was non-statistically significant association between the age of the respondents and their participation in solid waste management. There was statistically significant association between education, income, occupation, nature of housing, and attitude towards the community participation. The majority of the respondents mentioned that, fund from the division as the resource mostly needed for community participation in solid waste management among others.
Conclusions Health and environment concern were the reasons behind the pQrticipation of the majority of the respondents. There was non-statistically significant association between the age of the respondents and their participation in solid waste management. Whereas, education status, income level, occupation, attitude and nature of housing, of the respondents were statistically significant association with their participation in solid waste management. Recommendations The leadership of the community of Walukuba I Masese division should take the advantage of the community participation in solid waste management to create awareness campaigns about proper solid waste management to sensitize those who were not participating. The division authority should explain to the community members the other services that utilize the taxes besides solid waste management. Contracting of private sector in solid waste management should be encouraged. The division should encourage community-based solid waste management in the division with support of local government and NGOs. A fmiher study should be conducted to find out which type of community participation in solid waste management is needed in Walukuba I Masese division.
Declaration...................................................................................... ii
Dedication....................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement............................................................................ iv
Table of content................................................................................. v
List of table's ... .. . . .. . . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. . . ... vii
List offigures................................................................................. viii
Acronyms....................................................................................... rx
List of Appendices........................................................................... x
Operational definition....................................................................... xii
Abstract........................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................... .
Introduction .................................................................................. .
Background .................................................................................. .
Problem statement .......................................................................... .
Objectives of the study ..................................................................... .
Justification of the study ................................................................... .
Research question .......................................................................... .
Conceptual framewor·k .................................................................... .
Explanation of the conceptual framework ............................................ .
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................ .
Introduction ................................................................................... .
Social cultm·al factor·s and community pa•·ticipaiion in SWM .................... .
Knowledge, attitude and participation SVIYI ......................................... .
Willingness to pay .......................................................................... .
Privatization and solid waste management. .......................................... .
Resource availability and community participation in SWM ..................... .
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ............................................... .
Study area .................................................................................... .
Study design
Study population.............................................................................. 14
Determination of the sample size.......................................................... 14
Sample size procedure..................................................................... 14
Inclusion criteria.............................................................................. 15
Data collection................................................................................. 15
Date analysis and presentation............................................................ 16
Ethical consideration........................................................................ 16
Study limitations.............................................................................. 16
CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation of Results, Analysis and Interpretation Results 17
Introduction .................................................................................. 17
Social demographic characteristics of respondents .. .......... .. . .... . . ... .. .. ....... 17
Effects of the social economic factors on community participation in solid waste Management .......................... 18
The relationship between knowledge, attitude and respondents about SWM...... I 9
CHAPTER FIVE: Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations ...... ... ..... 24
Discussion..................................................................................... 24
Conclusions.................................................................................. 27
Recommendations ... ... ... ... ... .. . ............ .... .. . .. .. . . ....... .... ... . . ..... ... . . . . . 28
References 29
Appendix I: consent form.................................................................. 32
Appendix II: questionnaire................................................................ 33
Appendix III: key information guide . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. 40
Consults, E. (2022). Factors Affecting Community Participation in Solid Waste Management A Case Study of Walukuba Division, Jinja District. Afribary. Retrieved from https://afribary.com/works/factors-affecting-community-participation-in-solid-waste-management-a-case-study-of-walukuba-division-jinja-district
Consults, Education "Factors Affecting Community Participation in Solid Waste Management A Case Study of Walukuba Division, Jinja District" Afribary. Afribary, 30 Sep. 2022, https://afribary.com/works/factors-affecting-community-participation-in-solid-waste-management-a-case-study-of-walukuba-division-jinja-district. Accessed 14 Feb. 2025.
Consults, Education . "Factors Affecting Community Participation in Solid Waste Management A Case Study of Walukuba Division, Jinja District". Afribary, Afribary, 30 Sep. 2022. Web. 14 Feb. 2025. < https://afribary.com/works/factors-affecting-community-participation-in-solid-waste-management-a-case-study-of-walukuba-division-jinja-district >.
Consults, Education . "Factors Affecting Community Participation in Solid Waste Management A Case Study of Walukuba Division, Jinja District" Afribary (2022). Accessed February 14, 2025. https://afribary.com/works/factors-affecting-community-participation-in-solid-waste-management-a-case-study-of-walukuba-division-jinja-district