ABSTRACT This study analyses the determinants of household demand for maize in Iwo Adp zone of Osun State. The objectives of the study were to:- Analyse the determinants of demand for maize, determine the level of demand for maize and determine the income distribution of the household maize consumers in the area of study. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select one hundred and twenty respondents in the area. The descriptive statistics that was employed in this study include mean, ...
The selling of dairy products is widespread among the Fulani. The traditional pastoral sector is noted for the production and vending of milk is the most important economic preoccupation of the Fulani however, it faces many challenges in Nigeria. The study therefore, examined the profitability of cheese production among nomadic households in Ogun State. Data were with an interview schedule from 180 randomly selected nomadic households. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and farm ...
ABSTRACT The study examined the costs and returns of vegetable crops production in Delta State, Nigeria. The objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristic of vegetable crops farmers, identify the major vegetable crops cultivated and the production system adopted in the study area, examine the effect of socio-economic factors on output of vegetable crops production, determine the structure of costs, returns and therefore profitability of vegetable crops production, examine the ...
ABSTRACTLabour productivity and technical efficiency of farmers in tobacco and maize production in Zimbabwe were studied in Marondera District. Primary data were collected from 30 tobacco and maize A1 farmers selected using convenient sampling. Data analyses was done using the multiple linear regression and the Linear Programming approach to understanding resource allocation. Results showed that labour from hired and family source was mostly used in tobacco production and permanent labour in ...
ABSTRACT The study examines the determinants of agricultural output based on the empirical evidence of the short-run and long-run interrelationships among capital expenditure on agriculture, inflation rate, external reserve, interest rate, average annual rainfall and food importation using agricultural output as dependent variable. Macroeconomics data from 1970 – 2012 were sourced from Central Bank Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics publications of several years. Data we...
ABSTRACT This research work was analysed the cost and returns of poultry egg production in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. Primary data was collected from 90 poultry egg farmers drawn from the study area by a simple random sampling technique. The data collected were analysed using descriptive, budgetary, regression analysis and likert scale. The socio-economic characteristics of the farmers were determined using descriptive method to find out their various frequencies like in ...
ABSTRACT This study assesses the impact of agricultural policies and development on economic growth in Nigeria. The data used in this study was collected from secondary data which covers about 33 years. Unit root, ordinary least square and co-integration estimating technique of data analysis was used in evaluating the secondary data. GDP was used as a proxy to economic growth, while interest r...
An overwhelming majority of theworld population is considered to be poor. Various approaches havebeen employed in alleviating poverty, including provision ofmicro-credit to the poor populace. It is believed that withmicro-credit, the poor will set up income generating projects, inthis case SMEs. In the past, SMEs were seen to be constrained by thehigh interest rates charged on credit accessed which is the commonlyavailable source of income for their startup and sustainability,Olu,(2009)....
ABSTRACT The study assessed the role of middlemen in the marketing of paddy rice in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue state. Simple random technique was used to select respondents. 140 copies of questionnaire were administered with the aim of reaching out to 70 rice farmers and 70 middlemen in the four major markets of study area. Frequency distribution, percentage, ranking, mean, the matrices correlation and the student t-test wer...
ABSTRACT Broiler production is carried out under different production systems and different production systems imply variations in cost of inputs and returns. This study looked at the cost implications of raising broilers under different production systems as well as constraints faced by the farmers. The study was conducted in Edo State of Nigeria. The data used in the study were obtained from a cross-sectional survey of broiler farmers in the State from October–December, 2013. A multi-sta...
The study analyzed the marketing of pineapple in Edo State. The specific objectives of the study include; to examine the cost,returns, daily sales and profitability of pine apple marketing along the examination of price variation and socio- economic characteristics of pineapple marketers. Table of contents: introduction, literature review, research methodology, result and discussion, summary conclusion and recommendation
Abstract The study examines the impact of agriculture on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 to 2014. Agriculture played a dominant role in the economic growth of the country, providing employment opportunity, raw materials for industries and providing foreign exchange earnings for the country. Though little emphasis was placed on agricultural productivity in the advent of crude oil, the impact of agriculture on economic growth has been significant. The study therefore examines some policy p...
Abstract Food-security and sustainability is a serious global concern in the recent times. Many indigenous food crops of Africa which promises to ameliorate nutritional food insecurities are presently neglected and under-utilized. African yam bean (AYB) is one of such crop with tremendous nutritional potentials. The poor awareness about the taxonomy, agronomy, genetics, medicinal value and productive potential of the crop may be due to limited research on it. The subsistence production of the...
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out about the comparative analysis of agricultural and industrial development in Nigeria economy. It wants to evaluate the contributions of the sectors to the economic development of Nigeria. Nigeria is predominantly an agricultural society. It is the source of raw materials for her industries and the source of food for the rural and urban dweller’s. The purpose of this study is to asses the performance of the agricultural and industrial sect...
ABSTRACT In spite of increasing interest in income polarization among researchers in Nigeria, there is dearth literature on its existence among undergraduate students especially with the primary data. It is argued that a polarized income distribution among the students has the potential of breeding tension and social unrest, protest or demonstration if not checked. This study examined the existence of income polarization and inequality among undergraduate students of University of Ibadan. Un...