Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Technical Efficiency, Profitability And Market Diversity Among Smallholder Tomato Farmers In Kirinyaga County

ABSTRACT The horticultural sub-sector in Kenya contributes immensely to the country’s development agenda. Particularly, vegetables are crucial in poverty alleviation with tomato production ranking among the most vibrant enterprises. The crop creates employment and is a source of income for smallholders in rural areas. Despite its potential, tomato production faces major challenges including unreliable markets, low adoption of modern production systems and production inefficiencies. This has...

Relationship Between Selected Motivational Factors And The Performance Of Public Secondary School Agriculture Teacher’s In Imenti South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Teacher motivation is very important as it directly affects the students’ performance. The performance of agriculture teachers in Imenti South District has been low compared to other districts. This has been characterized by a decline in the agriculture subject results. This might have been contributed by inadequate teacher motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between selected motivational factors and the performance of secondary school agricultur...

An Evaluation Of Effects Of Exchange Rate Volatility On Kenya’s French Bean Exports

ABSTRACT During the period after the adoption of a floating exchange rate regime in Kenya, there has been substantial volatility produced by the regime. In spite of the considerable foreign exchange contribution of Kenya’s French beans subsector to the economy, the effects of exchange rate volatility on it remains unclear. This study evaluated the effects of exchange rate volatility on Kenya’s French bean exports to major markets in the European Union. Monthly secondary data for the perio...

Transaction Costs And Market Participation Among Avocado Smallholders In Murang’a County.

ABSTRACT Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their livelihoods. Avocado fruit has a high demand in both local and export markets due to its nutritional value and industrial use. However, smallholder avocado farmers have not benefited from this increased demand. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of trans...

Economic Analysis Of Recommended Technologies On Coffee Performance Among Smallholder Farmers In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The coffee subsector in Kenya has been characterized by low and declining productivity at farm levels. Over the years, coffee research in Kenya has developed technologies that are aimed at increasing the productivity and improving the quality of coffee produced. Despite many agronomic recommendations, coffee productivity has not increased with increase in acreage. This may be attributed to the interaction between the recommendations and prevailing socioeconomic factors experienced by...

Farm-Level Supply And Value Addition Of Mangoes Among Small-Scale Producers In Machakos County

ABSTRACT Mango (Mangifera indicia L.) is one of the most suitable fruit crops in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. Its production in Machakos County has generally been fluctuating over the past few years, such that there is no consensus whether the production is increasing or decreasing. In addition, there is a paucity of knowledge about the quantity of mangoes supplied by small-scale farmers. Upon harvest, the mango fruit is highly perishable, therefore farmers have taken up farm-level valu...

Transaction Costs And Market Participation Among Avocado Smallholders In Murang’a County

ABSTRACT Access to market plays a vital role in poverty alleviation among smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural markets provide income generating opportunities for farmers in rural areas hence improving their livelihoods. Avocado fruit has a high demand in both local and export markets due to its nutritional value and industrial use. However, smallholder avocado farmers have not benefited from this increased demand. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of trans...

Adoption Of Best Agronomic Practices, Technical Efficiency And Profitability Of Sugarcane Production Among Smallholders In Malava Sub- County Of Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sugarcane crop (Saccharum officinarum) is one of the important industrial crops that are major employers and contributor to the Kenyan economy. Despite the importance attached to this subsector, sugarcane production is dismally performing in Kenya. In a bid to attain self-sufficiency in sugar production, Kenya has made remarkable efforts to develop the subsector. Despite efforts put up by the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders, sugarcane production still faces low productivit...

An Analysis Of The Effects Of Membership Homogeneity On The Design And Performance Of Formal Agricultural Microcredit Groups In Southeast, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study was an empirical analysis of the effects of membership homogeneity on the design and performance of formal agricultural micro-credit groups in Southeast, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the nature of the design characteristics (Credit allocation method, Credit size and membership size) and also assessed the performance (Loan repayment, Savings mobilization and Meeting regularity) of the formal agricultural micro-credit groups with regard to their functions in fin...

Profit And Risk Management Strategies In Selected Agribusinesses In Imo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This study was designed to analyze profit and risk management strategies in selected agribusinesses in Imo, Nigeria. The methods of proportionate sampling, followed by random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the Local Government Areas and the sample size. Data were collected with the use of questionnaire administered on 168 agribusiness entrepreneurs (87 food crops and 81 livestock entrepreneurs). The data collected were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentag...

Feasibility Of “Black Soldier Fly Larvae” Composting And Its Utilization For Vegetable Farming In Greater Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT  The study determined the feasibility of “Black Soldier Fly Larvae” composting and its utilization for vegetable farming in Greater Accra, Ghana. Discounted measures of project worth such as NPV, BCR and IRR were used in viability analysis. The gains obtained from replacing farmer practice with the new compost practice were estimated using the partial budget approach. Through field experimentation, the cost of using BSFL-compost and conventional fertilizer to produce lettuce for...

A Financial Analysis Of Producing Pellets From The Encroacher Bush Senegalia Mellifera As A Potential Livestock Feed: A Cost Benefit Analysis Approach

ABSTRACT About 70 million hectares of land in Namibia is suitable for agriculture, of which approximately 71% is utilized by livestock farmers. Namibia’s Livestock Producers are faced with bush encroachment that reduces the carrying capacity of agricultural land due to the suppression of perennial grasses and herbs thus limiting rangeland productivity. Namibia can stand to make about N$734.7 million annually from bush-based feed production which could reduce the current feed cost. Thus, th...

Resource Productivity In Ornamental Plants Production In Jos Metropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to analyze resource productivity in ornamental plants production within Jos metropolis of Nigeria. The study covered Jos North and Jos South local government areas. The specific objectives include: identifying the effect of socio-economic factors on resource productivity, determining costs and returns, and resource productivity in ornamental plants production. An extensive literature review was carried out to provide an indepth knowledge of the study. The cl...

Empirical Analysis Of Federal Government Expenditure Policy On Agriculture In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Flours were produced from unripe plantain fruit, okara, and Detarium microcarpum and analysed for selected properties. Plantain flours were supplemented with 5% levels of Detarium microcarpum and okara flours as dietary fiber sources and the effect on blood glucose and serum cholesterol levels of albino rats evaluated using bioassay. Plantain flour showed the highest (p

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