Abstract: Agricultural cooperatives are one of the most important tools that lead to the enhancement of livelihoods through the provision of credit services, market access, and improve agricultural technologies. Despite the benefit, level of cooperative membership is still very low. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to identify factors influencing the decision to join primary coffee cooperatives and to evaluate the impact of primary coffee cooperatives on smallholder farmers coffee...
Abstract: The study was designed to generate empirical evidences on the value chain of major spices in Sheka and Kafa zones, Southwestern Ethiopia. The core objectives of the study were to map the value chain, quantify the value addition and marketing margins among actors and analyze factors affecting marketed surplus, market outlet choices, farm level value addition and export performances of the two major spices. Both cross-sectional and panel data were used. Cross-sectional data were obta...
Abstract: Despite high livestock population and existing favorable environmental conditions, the current livestock output of Ethiopia is little. The availability of feed resources and the nutritional quality of the available feeds are the most important factors that determine the productivity of livestock.. Adopting improved forages is necessary to alleviate the often said problem nutritionally rich feed shortage. The seed of these improved forages should be available to farmers at reasonabl...
Abstract: Odabultum district is one of red pepper producing woredas of west harerge zone. There was great productivity difference among the farmers because of their efficiencydifference in using the existing resource.This study wasconducted to estimate economic efficiency of smallholder red pepper producers in the district and identity factors determining it. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. Primary data were gathered from randomly selected 174 sample households duri...
Abstract: Small-scale irrigation is among the feasible way in which agricultural production and productivity can be boosted to meet the ever-growing food demand of least developed countries like Ethiopia. But, unlike the irrigation potential, the utilization level and its impact on food security were not empirically analyzed in specific areas of the country. This study was conducted to identify factors affecting household participation in small-scale irrigation, factors affecting household f...
Abstract: Sheep production is playing a vital role in the economic and nutritional contribution of the country in general and legambo district in particular. Nevertheless, the production is not market-oriented and the marketing systems are not well-functioning. In light of the problems, this study was initiated to evaluate the market chain of live sheep in Legambo district. The study used both primary and secondary data. The data were collected from randomly selected 267 sample households an...
Abstract: Recently, due attention was given to whether contract farming brings a holistic impact on the livelihood of smallholder farmers or not. Hence, the objectives of this study were to identify the determinants of dairy contract farming, its enforcement, and impact on milk production efficiency and annual income using data collected from 424 (192 participants and 232 non-participants) randomly selected milk-producing farmers from three districts of the North Shewa zone of Oromia Regiona...
Abstract: This study tried to assess agro-pastoral households’ poverty status in the Godey district to enhance the effectiveness of poverty alleviation programs for development actors. It specifically aimed at analysing agro-pastoral households’ poverty status and its determinants in Godey district. Two stages random sampling procedure was employed to select sample households. In the first stage, all Tuulos of the district are listed and then only agro-pastoral Tuulos are purposely selec...
Abstract: Cow milk is a daily produced high value product that plays a significant role for both home consumption and income generating. However, the level of marketable surplus supply and benefits of the different market actors were not attained potential returns. Thus, this study attempted to analyze cow milk market chain of smallholder producers with the objectives of estimating profit margin, identifying factors affecting farmers’ decision to participate in cow milk market and determin...
Abstract: Haricot bean is an important pulse crop that plays a vital role in the livelihood of smallholder farmers and the national economy in Ethiopia. This study was initiated to analyze haricot bean market chain in Guba Koricha District, West Hararghe Zone of Oromia National Regional State with the objectives of identifying haricot bean market chain actors, their functions and marketing channels, analyzing structure, conduct and performance of haricot bean market and examining determinant...
Abstract: HIV/AIDS reduces farm productivity, increases economic dependency and leads to increased household expenditures. Hence, this study was initiated with the aim of analyzing the impact of HIV/AIDS on the agricultural production efficiency of farm households and identifying factors affecting production efficiency of farm households in the study area. The study was carried out in Kacha-Birra district and data were collected from a total of 100 randomly selected farm households (50 affec...
Abstract: xii FARMERS’ WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR LOCAL WHEAT CONSERVATION: THE CASE IN SYADEBERNA WAYU WOREDA, AMHARA REGIENAL STATE, ETHIOPIA ABSTRACT Ethiopian agriculture is characterized by mainly subsistence and rain fed based agriculture dominated by smallholder farmers. Livelihood of these farmers is highly vulnerable to climate variability every year that contributes to biodiversity loss and food insecurity. Local wheat conservation is crucial to reduce the vulnerability to climate ch...
Abstract: Realizing the growing importance of maize in the country’s crop production and food security, significant research efforts have been made to develop high yielding varieties and disseminate to smallholder farmers to enhance food security in the country. The study examined the varietal turnover using farmer self identification and Deoxyribonucleic Acid fingerprinting and determinants of maize cultivars turnover in Ethiopia. Secondary data from the household survey data collected by...
Abstract: Diversification of livelihood strategies pursue by rural household is a common strategy to increase households’ income portfolio and reduces vulnerability. Due to sever land scarcity, high population pressure and recurrent drought, farm households in the study area widely engage in and pursue diverse activities as livelihood strategies. Therefore, in this study determinant of rural households' decision to diversify livelihood strategies in Mesela Woreda, Eastern Ethiopia was iden...
Abstract: This study was initiated with the general objective of analyzing maize and haricot beans value chains in the Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha and Dugda districts of Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. The main objectives of the study were to map and identify the actors of the value chains, the structure of costs and incentives among them and to identify determinants of farmers’ participation decision and marketed volume in the study areas. In this study, both primary and secondary data wer...