Summary Chicken breeding is a technical enterprise that involves specific and timely strategies to manipulate latent Factors. It is also intensive and involves high managerial competence for high profitability. Data on Hen day production, egg weight, Age in production (Prodage), Season, Strain (genotype) and Batch on weekly basis were obtained from Layer chicken from a popular chicken farm in Ibadan. These data covered the production cycle of 2 Strains – Bovan Nera and Isa Brown – of chic...
SUMMARY Stepwise discriminant analysis was conducted to classify pullet strains into Early maturing or Late maturing. Reproductive, Age and body traits examined were Age at first egg (AFE), Hen weight at first egg (HWFE), Hen weight at 20 weeks (H20wks), Egg weight at full maturity (EWT), Hen house production at full maturity (HHP), Fertility of egg set at full maturity (FES), Hatchability of egg set at full maturity (HES) and Pullet day-old chicks hatched at full maturity (PDC). Test of equa...
ABSTRACT O. M. A. JESUYON Animal Breeding and genetics Unit, Department of Animal Production and Health Federal University Oye-Ekiti, P. M. B. 373, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria E. mail: [email protected] The objective of the study was to elucidate some of the factors that affect growth and development of breeder cockerels on deep-litter system in the environment. Sexual maturity characteristics in cockerel are important breeding and management indices. T en records namely ...
Abstract. The study was aimed at elucidating the effect of seasons, namely the early wet (EW), late wet (LW), early dry (ED) and late dry (LD) seasons, on genotype sensitivity, its magnitude and application for selection and management of chickens of Bovan Nera (BN) and ISA Brown (IB) origins. Breeding and hatching records from 1999 to 2008 were collected from CHI (Ajanla) Farms and hatchery records, Ibadan, Nigeria. Cock weight (CW), hen weight (HW), hen-house egg production (HHP), egg weigh...
Abstract To evaluate heterosis, reciprocal effect, general and specific combining abilities for bodyweight, a diallel crossing experiment was conducted using three genotypes of Nigerian indigenous chickens: normal (N), frizzle (F) and naked-neck (Na). A total of 601 chicks was hatched from all possible matings between the three genotypes. The chicks used in this study were hatched from a foundation stock of 90 chickens comprising 25 hens and 5 cocks for each of the three genotypes. A mating r...
Population of wild cane rats decline in African countries due to high rate of hunting, destruction of their natural habitats and high demand for cane rat meat. Subsequently cane rat has been classified among the threatened and endangered wildlife (Aluko et al., 2015) in the West African sub-region. Global concerns over hunting of endangered species of animals has led conservationists and advocates to lead campaign for domestication, to increase production and supply of cane rats, thus reducin...
The study was conducted to compare early sexual maturity characteristics between Bovan Nera and Isa Brown Parent stock chickens reared in a commercial breeding system in Ibadan, humid Tropical Nigeria. Records on Pullet weight at 10 weeks (PW10, g), Feed-intake at 10-weeks (FI10, g), Total feed intake from11 weeks to first egg (FI11FE, kg), weight gain from 11 weeks to first egg (WG11FE, g), Feed intake at first egg (FIFE, g), pullet-weight at first egg (PWFE, g) and pullet-age at first egg (...
ABSTRACT This project investigated the effects of organic turmeric-supplemented-diet for rabbits on the recovery of the structural integrity of liver after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Thirty five weaned rabbits between 8-10 weeks of age, randomly allocated to a control (A) and five (5) treatments: B, C, D, E and F were used for this experiment. Group A: fed organic feed without turmeric inclusion and not radiated, Group B: fed diet supplemented with 2% turmeric as its constituents but ...