ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted on 126 unsexed commercial broilers (Ross 308). Birds were individually weighed and grouped according to their body weight at day old. They were assigned to three (3) groups according to their body weight (i.e. 39grams and below, between 40-42grams and above 43grams and above). Each chick was wing tagged and tag number recorded according to group. All chicks were fed the same diet and they were weighed at the end of every week. At eight weeks of age, the ...
ABSTRACT A total number of 60 Tilapia zillii specimens were collected from Egbe darn Gbonyin local government in Ekiti West for 25 days. Morphometric measurements taken in the laboratory include total length, standard length, body weight, body depth, dorsal fin length, caudal peduncle length, head length. fork length, and pre-dorsal fin length. Total number of 34 female Tilapia zillii were collected as 26 number of male Tilapia zillii were collected from the study area. The maximum total le...
ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of storage method and duration on external and internal qualities of Japanese quail eggs for three storage method(oiling, earthen pot and room temperature) and four storage durations (7,14,21 and 28 days) were used. A total of three hundred and ten eggs were used for this experiment. Eggs were collected daily then oiled and stored on a tray while some where unoiled and stored in an earthen pot and at room temperature (22-24°C) for ...
Abstract Limited infonnation exists on the magnitude of feotal wastage in slaughtered cows in Ekiti State. A six-months (February-July 2018) investigative study was conducted to gather information about the incidence of foetal wastage in slaughtered cows in lkole-Ekiti, Ekiti State. The total mnnber of cows slaughtered during the period was 908, reflecting an average monthly kill of 50 cows and daily slaughter of 3 cows from the three central abattoirs observed. The results reveal that at lea...
ABSTRACT There has been a gradual increase of the price of feed resources from conventional protein leading to the inadequate supply of animal protein. Leucaena leucocephala (lam) is a leguminous browse plants that can be used in diets to replace or used in combination with protein source conventional feed ingredients. It's use has been imperative/ limited to a very low level of inclusion because of inherent anti - nutritional factor (Mimosine) which interferes with feed utilization and aff...
ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of initial body weight of gro,ups(above 120g and below 120g) and quantity of feed given (25g and 30g) to Japanese quails on egg laying performance at different periods and also egg storage time (7days, 14days and 2ldays) on egg quality parameters of Japanese quail egg. A total of 120 Japanese quail birds were used at the start of the experiment and were allocated to four groups with respect to their initial body weight at poi...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of cocoyam leaf and rice stover supplement diets on the haematological parameters of the young female West African Dwarf (WAD) goats. The experiment was carried out at the Animal Production and Health Departmental Teaching and Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University Oye-Ekiti and the laboratory analysis was at Fasanmade medical laboratory ADO-EKITI between May-July. Nineteen young female (WAD) goats received l00g dai...
ABSTRACT The WAD Sheep represent one of the predominant small ruminant breeds raised by resources limited households in Southern Nigeria as well as in the humid west and central Africa. This breed of Sheep is renowned for its adaptation to hot and humid environments, high fertility and prolificacy under backyard systems where they are raised almost with zero investment. On account of its contributions to household income and food security in southern Nigeria, there is the need for a detail...
ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted to determine the effect 0f different dietary protein regimes on the production indices of Japanese quail. Four !so-caloric diets were used throughout the experimental periods and a total number of 129 birds were randomly distributed into four experimental treatments namely Tl thirty six (36) birds, T2 thirty eight (38) birds, T3 thirty three (33) birds and T4 twenty two (22) birds. Each group had 4 replicates while T4 has 3 replicates, they were all fed...
Abstract Studies were carried out in three local government area in Ekiti state (Ado,Oye and Ikole LGA) to determine the phenotypic characteristic of West African Dwarf(WAD) goats. One hundred and thirty-two (132) West African Dwarf (WAD) Goats comprising sixty six (66) females and sixty six (66) males were randomly selected for the study. The aim was to document the body characteristics of the WAD goats in three Local government in (Ekiti State) and also to determine the effect of sex on the...
ABSTRACT A 90-day experiment was conducted to determine the effects of Rice stover, Cocoyam leaf and their combination (50:50) as crop residue-based supplement diets on the growth performance and morphometric traits of WAD goats. The twenty young female West African Dwarf (WAD) female goats used for the experiment were assigned randomly into 4 groups of animals and each group was randomly assigned to one of the treatments in a Completely Randomized Design. Each animal received the diet for ...
ABSTRACT Field experiment was conducted on the effect of four different diets on growth performance of African giant land snail (Achachatina marginata). The experimental diets consist of vegetable leaves that are common within the warm humid tropical environment of Ekiti State, Nigeria. A total of eighty snails were purchased from local markets within Ikole-Ekiti metropolis ofEkiti state and stratified according to weight. The snails were subsequently allocated randomly into four experiment...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different body weight of groups (below 120g and above 120g) and feed quantity (25g and 30g) on performance and egg quality characteristics of Japanese quail birds at six weeks of age. A total of 120 Japanese quails were allocated to four groups with respect to live weight and feed quantity, using completely randomized. design in a factorial arrangement, each group consisting of three replicates. The study period lasted for 10 ...
ABSTRACT To have higher profits and sustained production of livestock it is important to understand the biomass accumulation and growth rate of the forages the animals feed on. This project work looked into the growth and biomass accumulation of forage maize (Zea mays), forage millet (Echinochloa uti/is), elephant grass (Pennisetum purpereum) and garnba grass (Andropogon gayanus). The experiment was conducted at a location within Federal University Oye-Ekit, Ekiti State, Nigeria with Latitu...
ABSTRACT Reduction of protein malnutrition in many areas requires evaluation of simple, affordable, cheap but effective processing and preservation methods that ensure protein requirements are met. There is increase in the consumption of meat in the modern world. There is need to process raw meat to other forms to serve as alternatives to the consumers. The study is aimed at checking the acceptability of the processed meat product alternatives to boiled meat within the community.This paper ...