ABSTRACT Political interviews have been used as genres for dissemination of political information. The way they are presented is a subject of concern as they are thought to be causing division among the Kenyan audience along political party and hence ethnic lines. The purpose of this study is to look at the discursive practices in political news interviews and the interpretation they are given by the audience that may lead to ethnic polarization. The main objective of this study was to analyz...
ABSTRACT Public relations (PR) in Kenya is a significant discipline and a growing industry. However, it still faces many challenges with one of the major challenges is the misconception of PR in the country. Seemingly, many people still confuse public relations for marketing or advertising. Further, firms are yet to fully understand the benefits of PR in their strategic management particularly when employed to their daily operations. Unilever (K) Ltd faced allegations of sexual harassment and...
ABSTRACT Communication is the key ingredient for establishing and maintaining relationships between two or more parties. In order to find ways that will lead to healthy relationships in different fields and professions, communication has been one of the many fields that have been researched on severally. Due to the diversity of communication and the different media through which information is passed, most researchers have not been able to exactly customize these topics to fit some situation...
ABSTRACT This study evaluated performance of moderators and perceptions of viewers on coverage of issues in 2013 presidential debate in Kenya. A consortium of major media houses in Kenya organized the 2013 televised presidential debate as an avenue for evaluation of presidential candidates by the voters to enable them have a deeper understanding of each political contestant‟s knowledge on various issues and characters hence making a meaningful decision in March 4, 2013 general election. How...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the performance of the Nation Newspaper in its coverage of the August 8th 2017 presidential elections. It could be that the framing of the presidential candidates could have influenced voting patterns. There may be a possibility that the electorate expressed dissatisfaction with the presidential election results due to lack of proper knowledge about the process. Several studies on media coverage of elections have been done in the past but they have not expressly...
ABSTRACT Rural women in Kenya account for 34.2% of the total population and play a significant role as family caretakers, and the driving force behind health information seeking in the family. However, obstacles such as poverty and illiteracy, have deprived the rural women access to information. This study sought to analyse the role of four community-based radio stations (West FM, Radio Mambo, Mulembe FM and Sulwe FM) in disseminating health care information to the rural women in Kakamega Cou...
ABSTRACT The prevalence rate of female circumcision among the Abagusii community is over 96% whereby the rural areas of Kisii County are largely affected. These statistics are recorded after the use of mainstream media in campaigns against female circumcision in the region spearheaded by both government and non-governmental organizations. Contrary, Oral media, which represent the culture and tradition of people in a community, is perceived as the most effective form of media in the rural area...
ABSTRACT The media play a central role in disseminating information with the aim of creating awareness of topical issues, including legal issues. Various studies have also established that news from the media is the popular source of information on current events. Similarly, public knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards legal systems are largely shaped by the media information they receive, thus, the need for examining the content and nature of information being disseminated by the media. C...
Abstract This dissertation seeks to explore, understand and critique the role played by the daily news and The Herald in their representation of factional and succession battles in ZANU PF. The period covered is prior and post the December 2014 ZANU PF elective congress. It is for the first time the factional battles in ZANU PF have been fought in the media. The study is qualitative in nature and it uses the Archival research method in the collection of data. Through content analysis and Crit...
Table of contents Acknowledgements v Declaration vi Dedication vii List of Acronyms viii List of Tables ix List of Figures x Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Understanding Political Participation and Digital Media: A Global North Perspective 3 1.3 The Global South: Young People, Politics, and Digital Media 4 1.4 Why Study Young People’s Mobile Political Participation? 5 1.5 African Perspectives on Political Participation and Digital Citizenship 7 1.6 Research Questions 9 1.7 ...
Abstract This study investigated the preservation and accessibility of audio-visual records in television broadcasting companies in Tanzania. Specifically, it set out to determine how audio-visual records are preserved in television broadcasting companies; to establish how audio-visual records in television broadcasting companies in Tanzania are accessed and to examine challenges to effective preservation and accessing of audiovisual records in television broadcasting companies in Tanzania. T...
Abstract Studies in mobile telephony have shown their relevance for Africandevelopment but little is known about the usage patterns andconsumption motivations of different groups in Nigeria. The study examinedthe phenomenon among University staff and students in Ota, with a view to describing the consumption motivations and patterns of mobile phone use. Survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs)were used to generate data that explained the study problem. While the q...
Abstract Media studies has recently witnessed an upsurge in theoretical and empirical work that investigates the moral-ethical implications of the mediation of suffering. The research focus has largely been limited to representations of distant suffering by global media to audiences in the Global North. Contrary to the above, this work focuses on the mediation of suffering by media in the Global South. This study is underpinned by the understanding that suffering is also a proximal (local) ph...
ABSTRACT This thesis is about Community Audio Towers (CATs). CATs are small media platforms that use horn speakers hoisted on a long dry pole, an amplifier and a microphone to communicate daily village events. This study shows that individuals depend more on CATs than other available mainstream channels. The thesis interrogates the level of individual (i.e. villager) dependency on CATs in Ugandan rural and semi-urban communities alongside the other three available platforms in Uganda: radio,...
ABSTRACT It is the general view that homosexuality is an issue that both society and the media find controversial. In Uganda, press reports mostly echo the negative attitudes towards homosexuality as demonstrated by the studies about the 2009 anti-homosexuality bill. This thesis addressed itself to the framing of homosexuality in the two Ugandan newspapers of New Vision and Daily Monitor during the period 2007-2011. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the frames that the two media h...