Disaster Studies Research Papers/Topics

Integration In Kenyan Smes On Their Business Operations Factors Influencing The Growing Of Gankata And Kafwamba As Alternative Maize Varieties To Climate Change Adaptation In Mazabuka Distr

Smallholder farmers in Mazabuka district of Southern province of Zambia have been experiencing worsened climate change related shocks especially dry spells or drought, increased incidences of crop pests and diseases in the recent years. Farmers have had to cope with such shocks through the adaptation of local crop varieties in order to remain food secure. The overall objective of the study was to understand farmer perceptions and provide evidence on the role of local maize, particularly Ganka...

Measuring The Effects Of Village Bank Programme On Household Income. A Case Study Of Vulamkoko Village In Katete District Zambia.

The study was conducted to analyze the effects of village bank programme on household income in Vulamkoko village in Katete district Zambia. A cross sectional study design was used and a purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the data. Data were obtained using the structured questionnaire, two focused group discussions in Kadula and Chimutende and some indepth interviews with key informants .The sample size was 100 households and 50  constituted the non-village banking members, whic...

Perceived Causes Of Suicide In Kabwe Urban A Case Study Of Kabwe Urban

This study focused on perceived casual factors of suicide in Kabwe urban. The need for the study emanated from an apparent increase of actual and attempted suicides. The phenomena of suicide and suicidal behaviour are global public health concerns, in developed and developing countries alike, and certainly not unique to Zambia. Despite the global and national significance of suicide there is a dearth of information relating to causes and strategies to significantly reduce suicide cases. ...

Drought Early Recovery Strategies Influencing Sustainable Livelihood Options Among Households In Turkana Central Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Drought has significant impacts in climate sensitive sectors in ASAL areas of Kenya. Despite the existence of drought early recovery strategies, Turkana central suffers from extreme drought conditions with negative implications on livelihood security. This study sought to examine the drought early recovery strategies influencing Sustainable livelihood options among households in Turkana Central Sub County. The study was guided by three specific objectives including to: determine the ...

Watershed Governance And Its Implications Onfood Security In The Lower Sio River Basinbusia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Efforts to implement Integrated Water Resource Management are often hampered by inefficient political and institutional environments. As a result, Lower Sio River basin has experienced land use and land cover changes which have exerted negative ecological impacts on local livelihoods. It is unclear how much watershed governance is integrated into policy across the county levels to promote food security. Therefore, the study aimed at determining the status of watershed governance and ...

Effects Of Fisheries Co-Operative Societies On Household Food Security In Suba District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Therole of co-operative societie~ in addressing the economic and social challenges faced in the whole world cannot be over-emphasized. The co-operative movement is one of the most effective vehicles for addressing the challenges of poverty, unemployment, marketing, transportation, servicing, distribution etc. These are issues of livelihoods and food security. The focus of this study was to examine the effect of fisheries co-operative societies (FCSs) on household food security in Sub...

Influence Of Cash Coordination On Efficacy Of Cash Transfer Programmesin Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Coordination of Cash Transfer Programmes (CTP) is very important in achieving better humanitarian assistance in times of disasters and emergencies because it saves resources, avoids conflicts, evades duplications and gaps, minimises the difference between programs as well as thwarts inflation to local markets. The use of CTP to provide humanitarian assistance so that people access goods and services they need before, during and after crisis has been gaining momentum particularly sinc...

Impact Of Agro-Forestry Practices On Resilience To Climate Variability Among Farmers In Vihiga Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate variability which is a reality in Kenya is manifested by fluctuations in climatic parameters, low agricultural production, land fragmentation, soil degradation, and loss of biodiversity. Addressing climate variability requires the use of ecologically based traditional climate smart agriculture systems such as agro forestry. In the past decade human lives, crops and livestock worth millions of shillings have been destroyed by increased intensity of extreme weather events in Ke...

The Impact Of Hiv And Aids On Service Delivery In The Kenya Police

ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are not simply a health issue but a substantial threat to security and socioeconomic development, imposing a heavy burden on families, communities, economies and governments. HIV and AIDS affect people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years. The majority of the Kenya Police are under 45 years and falls in the most sexually active years. In Kenya, 75% of all Police deaths in 1999 were attrib...

Contribution Of Public Participation To Environmental Conservation In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Environmental degradation and loss of resources that requires conservation is a pressing developmental issue. The scope of study Public participation is emphasized as a factor by Public participation bill 2018 and remains a critical determinant in environmental conservation in Kakamega County to safeguard the environment against further degradation The overall objective of the study was to evaluate the contribution of public participation in environmental conservation .The specific o...

An Evaluation Of Counselling Therapy Management For Enhancing Mental Health Among Undergraduate Students With Personality Disorders In Selected Kenyan Universities

Abstract With the ever increasing number of disasters, personality disorders are inevitable. Personality disorders manifest in at least ten different ways, and can usually be diagnosed and managed through psychotherapeutic interventions. The prevalence of these disorders among undergraduate students and the degree to which counselling therapies offered in universities are able to address them is an information gap this study set out to fill. The main objective of the study was therefore to ev...

Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Towards Malaria Control In Mosocho Division Of Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Its burden is greater felt in sub-Saharan Africa, with 15% of all disability adjusted life years (DALYs) lost to the disease. Malaria affects more than 70% of its population. The disease also remains a cause of much suffering due to social and economic problems. The understanding of malaria transmission, recognition of signs and symptoms, perception of cause, treatment seeking patterns and preventive measur...

Knowledge, Attitudes And Socio-Cultural Practices That Influence The Control Of Cervical Cancer Among Women In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Cancer is now recognized globally as one of the leading non-communicable diseases. Each year about half a million women develop invasive cancer of the uterine cervix, with more than 80% occurring in low-income countries. Whereas research and technology have realized great positive innovation in the control of cervical cancer in terms of prevention, easy to administer and less invasive detection and treatment procedures, the disease continues to be a commonly occurring cancer among wo...

The Contribution Of Self Help Groups To Household Food Security In Kakamega Central District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food security is the first of the eight Millennium Development Goals, which seeks to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by the year 2015. Despite Kakamega Central District having so many SHGs, studies have shown that food insecurity was on the rise. The study examined the contribution of SHGs to household food security by comparing the food security status between members and non members of SHGs. A survey was carried out to establish the factors that enhance the effectiveness of S...

The Impactt Off Hiv And Aids On Serviice Delliivery Iin Tthe Kenya Polliice

ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are not simply a health issue but a substantial threat to security and socioeconomic development, imposing a heavy burden on families, communities, economies and governments. HIV and AIDS affect people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years. The majority of the Kenya Police are under 45 years and falls in the most sexually active years. In Kenya, 75% of all Police deaths in 1999 were attrib...

16 - 30 Of 35 Results