ABSTRACT The study W!JS ig\
Abstract The Purpose Of This Study Was To Find Out The Effects Of Gender Differences And Attitudes Towards Learning Of Mathematics Among Secondary School Student In Keiyo District In Kenya. It Investigated The Influence Of Student's Perceptions Of Parents, Teachers, And Peers Expectation On Their Attitudes Towards Learning Of Mathematics. Descriptive Survey Design Was Used. Data Was Collected By The Use Of Questionnaires And Interviews. The Collected Data Was Analyzed Used Both Descriptiv...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to investigate social economic status and pupils academic performance in Namwendwa sub county, Kamuli District in Uganda Specific objectives were to determine the factors affecting academic performance of primary school learners in Namwendwa sub county, Kamuli District in Uganda in relation to: poverty, Cultural beliefs, parental attitudes and family structure The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the teachers and focus group di...
ABSTRACT This report is the result of an academic research made on the role of interpersonal skills in marketing communication. This study was conducted using MAKINI HERBAL as a case study. This study has three objectives: to analyze the steps and functions of personal selling; to identifY the personal traits and personal skills that can help the employee or sales person to be more effective in relation to customers; to assess the procedures asked to handle on the job that requires the use of...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Declaration .......................................................................................................................................... i Approval ............................................................................................................................................ ii Dedication ......................................................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One: Introduction 1 .1 Background of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 '1.5 1.6 Problem statement Purpose of th e study: Objectives of the study: Research questions Scope of the study 2 2 2 3 3 1.7 Significance of th e study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.8 Limitation of the study . . . ...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at a ascertaining the causes of poor performance of Mathematics in K.C.S.E. In the past, many researches have been done on the same area of study. The review of the information related to the study as found in Journals and books acted as a source of this study. To ensure validity of the report, sampling was both random and stratified sampling. Five specific secondary schools were investigated in Keumbu Division. A questionnaire was prepared for both students ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL. .................................................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to determine the challenges encountered by teachers in the implementation of free primary Education in Kikuyu Zone in Kiambu West District. The study farther assesses the teacher's attitude toward the F'P E and the learners. It also assists in finding out 'if the administration and the PTA help in facilitating the FPE. The target population was the teachers in the sampled schools in Kikuyu Zone. The instruments/tools used were questionnaires. There w...
ABSTRACT This research focuses on the impact of computer education on student's performance in secondary schools in Vihiga district in Western province, Kenya. Its major emphasis is on the positive and the negative impact which computer education has had on students and it also recommends on ways of improving the quality of computer studies since it's relatively a new subject in schools. The study was carried out in the months of Februaiy, March and April. It covered a total of five secondar...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLAR..-4.T!ON ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................................................
ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the consequences of having premarital sex among Kyamulibwa Technical Institute students The study was an exploratory survey that helped the researcher to examine the consequences of having premarital sex on institute students. Data was collected using closed ended questionnaires were distributed randomly to respondents and after the questionnaires were completed, the gathered data was coded and entered into the computer. They were then analyzed using sta...
ABSTRACT This dissertation is about the impact of culture activities on pupils' academic performance in Kapyego DistrictMarakwet District. Questionnaires were designed and were used to get primary data; where by respondents were required to answer the questions, the researcher conducted face-to-face interviews with some women, girls, men and boys both illiterates and literates on issues pertaining to the respondents' background, the impact of culture activities and focus group discussions we...
ABSTRACT The study set out to find out the factors influencing student's career choices at secondary school in level: A case ofOL'JORO-OROK division, Nyandarua West District, Kenya. The objectives were set such as; to determine the influence of socio-economic factors such as student's career expectations and career information on student's career choice, to analyze the influence of home-based factors such as parental and peer/siblings' effect on students' career choices, to find out the infl...