English Language Research Papers/Topics

The Manifestation Of Non Standard Usage Of English Among University Students: The Syntactic Perspective

Introduction Language is characterized by set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. These are produced by human organs of speech- lips, tongue, and larynx etc. The vocal sounds produced by the vocal organs are used in various systematic and rule governed combinations. Language is thus a human phenomenon that has form which can be described in terms of the units of sound (phonemes), words, morphemes, phrases, and paragraph or discourse. Human language is unique in the sense that it has its ow...

Reduplication In Nigerian English ( A Case Study Of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto)

ABSTRACT This research work is concerned with reduplication in Nigerian English from the speeches and utterances of some students in the Department of Modern European Languages and Linguistics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The study shows that reduplication occurs to signify contrastive meaning, pluralism, emphasis and creation of new words with different semantic forms. Reduplication wastherefore further discovered to be one of the features of Nigerian English.

The Epistle As A Medium Of Communication: An Analysis Of Abubakar Gimba’s Letters To My Children And Mariama Ba’s So Long A Letter.

ABSTRACT Communication is an act of exchanging information from one point to another; it is a very important activity of life. Humans and animals communicate in different ways and for different purposes. Communication could be either oral or written. However, the major concern of this work is the written form of communication .Written communication is the exchange of information through letters, e-mails, blog etc. There are different forms of written communication one of which is ‘the epis...

The Role Of Nigerian Pidgin English: A Case Study Of Army Day Secondary School, Sokoto.

ABSTRACT The Nigerian Pidgin English is a type of English used and understood by so many people in Nigeria regardless of ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic background. Even though some people now use it in social communication, pidgin English is not only used in places like market local community and so on, but also Nigerian secondary and tertiary institutions’ students now use pidgin English to communicate with each other. The continued use of Pidgin English in Nigeria made the number of...

Effects of Pornography on Viewers in FCT

ABSTRACT Pornography has over time been a subject of controversy. It has, therefore, become difficult to distinguish between artistic works and pornography, especially in an epoch where freedom of expression is a major requirement for good governance. The concern of this study is to determine the level of addiction to pornography among Nigerians and to investigate why some Nigerians patronize pornographic video films in spite of their undesirable effects such as sexual coercion. The study th...

A Contrastive Analysis Of The Sentence Structure Of English And Igarra Languages

ABSTRACT This research work is divided into five sections. Section 1- 5 and are referred to as Chapters wheel the last part deal with bibliography. The first chapter is background of the study, statement of the problem, statement of hypothesis, purpose of the study, significance of the study and lastly scope and limitation of the topic. The third chapter is concern with Data presentation and the methodology used in carrying out the research findings, population of the study, sampling techniq...

Incorrect Punctuation, As A Cause Of Ambiguity Andmisunderstanding In Written Communcation.

ABSTRACT Ambiguity is a linguistic phenomenon in which more than one meaning, or deep structure, may be represented by the same expression, or surface structure; the same word or similar sounding words forexample can have multiple meaning. It arises from different sources; phonology, syntax and punctuation. In this task, ambiguity is the preoccupation of this task. It is a point where two sentence overlap with respect to their syntactic category. 

Ayi Kwei Armah’s Narrative Grammar- A Study of His First Three Novels

ABSTRACT  The study has proposed a narrative grammar for reading Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, Fragments, and Why Are We So Blest? A narrative grammar is a distinct set of models and narrative categories to analyze a story. Tzvetan Todorov, Claud Levi- Strauss and Vladimir Propp are major proponents of this theory. Each uses a personal GRAMMAR, that is, a distinct set of models and narrative categories to analyze the “story”. This concept involves constants and...

This Thesis Is Submitted To The University Of Ghana, Legon In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Award Of Master Of Philosophy Degree In English

ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the occurrence of code switching between Agona and English among members of the St. James Anglican Church and the Holy Ghost International Church in the Agona District of the Central Region in Ghana to determine the patterns of occurrence in conversational turns. It also describes the social roles that the code mixed languages perform in context. The study concentrates on how meaning is derived from the structure of conversation among bilingual Agonas. The ...

Representing Islam in Ahmadou Kouroumas Allah is Not Obliged And Mohammed Naseehu Alis The Prophet OF Zongo Street

ABSTRACT Islam is one of the major religions of Africa. Islamic issues in society are prominent in some contemporary African fiction, and often these issues are in conflict with social, economic and political forces. This thesis studies the conflict between Islam and the socio-economic and political forces in Ahmadou Kourouma (2000) and Mohammed Naseehu Ali (2005). One observation coming from the study is that Islam succumbs to material realities. Muslim characters often adulterate or renege...

Agency And Processes In Religious Discourse: A Transitivity Analysis Of The Sermon On The Mount

ABSTRACT Employing the transitivity framework of the ideational metafunction, this study explored the language of the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew chapters 5-7, from the perspective of grammar. To ascertain the predominant process types that were used and the participants that roles were assigned to, the study used two out of the three grammatical components that the framework proposes which are the process types and the participants. This was done to show how the grammatical choices...

Using Environmental Prints To Teach Reading At The Basic School

ABSTRACT This study examined the use of environmental prints as appropriate teaching/learning materials for the teaching of reading in JHS One in rural areas with inadequate teaching/learning materials. The aim of the study was to find out whether an intervention/treatment using environmental prints would improve the reading abilities of learners. The sample of 66 JHS One pupils and two English teachers were from Wurishie AlBadal JHS in Tamale. Data for the study was collected through questio...

Progressive Aspect In Ghanaian And British English

ABSTRACT This study gave primary attention to the provision of additional support to Ghanaian English as a legitimate and viable variety of English through the use of progressive aspect, especially in comparison with British English. The study was guided by three objectives which were to explore the use of the progressive aspect in Ghanaian English, ascertain the validity and variability of Ghanaian English through the use of the progressive aspect as well as to determine the similarities and...

Sms And The Electronic Media: A Discourse Analysis Of Text Messages On Radio Panel Discussions In Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the last two decades, linguistic studies on texting have largely focused on person-to-person practices such that the use of text messages in other language domains, for instance the electronic media, is largely under-researched. To fill the gap, the present study examined the discourse of SMS messages posted during radio panel discussions in Ghana in order to determine whether the messages could be labelled as a special discourse type. The study was based on a corpus of approxim...

Female Masculinity In Selected Shakespearean And Nigerian Plays

ABSTRACT Female masculinity is an expression of male gender traits in females. These masculine traits in female characters have received little attention from scholars of Western and Nigerian literary writings when compared to their focus on the socio cultural constructs of females as weak, soft and inferior. This study, therefore, examined different ways by which some female protagonists in selected Shakespearean and Nigerian plays express related masculine attributes with a view to determi...

166 - 180 Of 376 Results