Human Right and Peace Studies Research Papers/Topics

Internal Displacement and Women Rights Among the Residents of Deeq Rabbi Camp, Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of internal displacement on women rights in Deeq Rabbi Camp, Mogadishu, Somalia. The study was guided by the following objectives ie; to examine the effect of internal displacement on women’s rights to food in Deeq Rabbi Camp, Mogadishu, Somalia, to determine the impact of internal displacement on women’s right of protection from torture in Deeq Rabbi Camp, Mogadishu, Somalia and to establish the effect of internal displacement on women’s rights...

Women Participation in politics and socio-economic Development IN NIGERIA

ABSTRACT The title of the study was the relationship between women participation in politics and their socio economic development. It was guided by these four objectives; (i)to determine the profile of the respondents in respect to age, gender, level of education ii) Determine the level of women participation in politics iii)determine the level of socio economic development of women, iv) the significant relationship between the level of women participation in politics and their level of socio...

The Uganda Human Rights Commission and the Protection of Abused Children in Kampala District, Central Division

ABSTRACT The research study examined “Uganda Human Rights Commission and the protection of abused children in Kampala district, Central Division. Descriptive research design was applied to a research population which included; Uganda Human Rights the UHRC officials, media officials, NGO workers, the police, community members, MP5, and the children both from the streets and Naguru Reception Centre. On the effectiveness of Uganda Human Rights Commission in protecting the rights of abused chil...

Community Awareness of the Right to Peace in Armed Conflicts in Eastern of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Drc)

ABSTRACT  The study aimed to examine the level of "community awareness of the right to peace which exists in areas experiencing armed conflicts in eastern of the Democratic Republic of Congo". Since 1996, war started in Minembwe and spread the whole country. It included Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia in the government's side and Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda to help rebels. The objectives include find out the existing knowledge of theory of peace in Africa and in eastern region of DRC, actors and...

Exploring The Livelihood Strategies of Somali Refugee Women in Nakivale Refugee Setilement Camp, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of study guided us three main objectives. Firstly, it examined the livelihood strategies of Somali women refugees in Uganda. Secondly, it examined the role(s) played by the UNHCR, international and local NGOs, state agencies and other Community Based Organizations in providing material assistance to Somali women refugees in Uganda. Finally, it examined problems encountered by these refugee women in the pursuit of earning a living. Both purposive and cluster sampling were ...

The Role of Society on Orphans’ Educational Rights in Zanzibar — Tanzania. A Case Study of Unguja North ‘A’ District

A BTRACT This study examined the role of society on orphans’ education right, by taking case of Unguja North “A” District special in three villages that are Gamba, Chaani and Bandamaji. As such, the study treated variables that included the role of society and orphans’ educational right. Despite the existence of some human rights organization in Zanzibar, still the rights of orphans on education are said to be violated. Due to the prevailing poor economic conditions many families cont...

Staff Qualities and Management of Internally Displaced Persons in Hargeisa Somaliland

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERS 1 ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 3 Objectives of the study 4 Specific Objectives 4 Research questions 4 Hypothesis 4 Scope of the study 4 Significance of the study 5 Operational definition of key terms 5 TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 7 Concepts, opinions and ideas from Authors and experts 7 Theoretical prospective 16 Related studies 18 THREE METHODOLOGY 19 Research design Research populati...

Domestic Violence and Its Impacts on Women’s Rights in Uganda: A Case Study of Northern and Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT This paper sought to investigate the impact of domestic violence on women’s rights, a case study of eastern and northern Uganda, to wit chapter one covers the general introduction and background, chapter two covers the literature reviewed ,chapter three covers the methodology used for the research, chapter four covers the data findings presentation ,analysis and interpretation and finally chapter five which embodies the discuss ion recommendations and conclusion. The extent, valid...

Forced Displacement and Coping Mechanisms Among the Displaced Groups in Malakal Protection of Civilian’s Site In South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyze the coping mechanisms among the displaced groups in Malakal Protection of Civilians Site in South Sudan, The study was guided by four objectives which included; to identify the living conditions bf displaced groups; to assess the challenges experienced by the displaced groups; to establish the coping mechanisms adopted by displaced groups; and to assess the physical, emotional and socio-economic effects of forced displacement among the displaced groups in...

The Persistence of Female Genital Mutilation (Fgm) And Its Impact on Women’s Rights of Kajiado South Constituency, Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to find out the factors that have contributed to the persistence of FGM in Kajiado South Constituency were female genital mutilation is still prevalent despite numerous efforts by various entities like the government, non governmental organizations as well as community based organizations, towards abolishment of this harmful cultural practice. The study was based on a qualitative methodology that employed the use of questionnaires and interviews in data gath...

Impediments To Full Realization of Women’s Right to Property I Kakamega District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study examined the impediments to full realization of women’s rights to property in Kenya using Shinyalu Constituency, Kakamega District as a Case Study. The study investigated the various forms of property ownership in Kakamega District, the impediments to full realization of women’s right to property ownership in Kakamega District, and the effectiveness of the measures the Government of Kenya has put in place to mitigate the impediments to full realization of women’s righ...

Cultural Practices and Children’s Rights in Bor, Jonglei State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the role of cultural practices in protection of the rights of children. The study objectives were; identify the cultural practices that interfere with the rights of the child; examine the children’s rights that would be respected, protected and fulfilled and assess the measures taken to address the protection of the rights of children. The study employed a descriptive survey design, using quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. This stud...

Women's Rights Among Internally Displaced People in Horseed Camp, Mogadishu, Somalia.

ABSTRACT This study was done to assess women's rights in internally displaced People's camps in Mogadishu, with particular focus on Horseed IDPs camp. The study was guided by three objectives and these were 1) To establish the rights of women rights in Horseed IDPs camp, Mogadishu, Somalia 2) To establish how existing policies promote women rights in Horseed IDPs camp, Mogadishu, Somalia and 3) To establish the challenges women face in rights advocacy in Horseed IDPs camp, Mogadishu, Somalia....

Women’s Rights Among Internally Displaced People in Horseed Camp, Mogadishu, Somalia.

ABSTRACT This study was done to assess women’s rights in internally displaced People’s camps in Mogadishu, with particular focus on Horseed IDPs camp. The study was guided by three objectives and these were 1) To establish the rights of women rights in Horseed IDPs camp, Mogadishu, Somalia 2) To establish how existing policies promote women rights in Horseed lDPs camp, Mogadishu, Somalia and 3) To establish the challenges women face in rights advocacy in Horseed IDPs camp, Mogadishu, Soma...

Non-Governmental Organizations and Implementation of Human Rights in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study titled" Nongovernmental organizations and implementation of human rights in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the contributions ofNGOs in_ implementation of human rights in selected NGOs in Uganda. The study was conducted in three Non government organizations namely action for development (ACFODE), foundation for human rights initiative and citizens coalition for electoral democracy in Uganda (CEDU). The study was conducted from these organizations with the ...

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