Human Right and Peace Studies Research Papers/Topics

An Empirical Analysis of Counter Terrorism Measures in Kenya in Response to Human Rights Violations

Abstract: The study examines the effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures through a content analysis of Kenya, with examples from The United States and Israel. The analysis of existing literature has demonstrated that counter- terrorism measures do not always have the same effect and that they are independent of time. Just like external military interventions in a conflict will have the largest effect at the early stages of a conflict or once the belligerents have become war-weary, the sa...

Impact of Migrants on Peace Processes: A Case Study of Somalia, 1992 - 2016.

Abstract: Migration is currently one of the top pressing concerns of the world with most of the European and other western countries overwhelmed with the increased influx of refugees from countries such as Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Eritrea and others. This study focused on Somalia as one of the major migrant sources in the world and examines the impact of migrants on peace processes. Specifically, the study examined what the role of Somali migrants has been on negotiations on cessation of hostil...

A Critical Analysis of Counterterrorism Responses: A Study of Kenya and Al-Shabaab (1998-2017)

Abstract: The study looked into counterterrorism responses in Kenya from 1998 to 2017 and their implications. The main purpose of the study was to find out whether efforts made by the Kenyan government are geared towards positively impacting Kenya’s national security in the long-term. The study analysed terror related attacks and government responses in the selected period. The study looked into the use of force and repression as government’s responses to terrorism. First, the study took...

Diplomacy or War? An Assessment of the Water Politics among the Riparian States of the River Nile from 1929 - 1999

Abstract: The main aim of this study was to carry out an assessment of the water politics among the riparian states of the River Nile. The study was guided by specific objectives that included an assessment of various historical agreements in the Nile Basin, examination of the nature of diplomatic engagements among the riparian states and the impact of the Nile Basin initiative on the riparian states. Realism theory has been used to show how the Nile riparian states compete for power and tak...

The Interface between the African Union Right of Intervention and Human Rights Protection: Case Study of Somalia

Abstract: This study looks at the establishment of the AU as a supranational legal entity with significant powers of intervention in domestic crisis situations and how, the constitution of the AU offers an alternative framework for organizing apolitical community. For over two decades Somalia has been in constant turmoil, and in turn caused the displacement of her people, loss of lives and also affected her stability as a nation. The instability in Somalia led to the breeding of terror cells...

The Interface between the War on Terror and Huma N Rights: A Case Study of Kenya

Abstract: The need to fight terror has become not only an American issue but it has been globalized and thus branded the Global War on Terror. While the threat of terrorism still remains in question among many states, the actual acts of terror have caused a disturbance to people and thus breached the rights of the victims as well as questioned the state's security. The War on Terror, accepted by many and many more yet to see the essence, has not only come with human rights violations within ...

Rape as a Weapon of War: A Gross Violation of Human Rights

The utilization of rape as a strategic resource for war is a grave violation of human rights and wrecks severe physical and psychological consequences for not only the victims but whole communities as well. This abstract explores existent sociocultural foundations and norms which facilitate the use of rape for the destruction of enemy territories. It also aims to amplify the gravity of this heinous crime by presenting the impacts of war rape from both an individualistic and collective standpo...

The Impact of Non-Governmental Organisation on there Construction Process in Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State

The research study evaluates the effect of human rights and democracy in the Nigeria political system. It examines the possible link between human right protection, promotion and adherence to democratic tenets in the Nigeria political system.Survey research design. The study used both primary and secondary data as a source of data collection. The study reveals that human rights are the inalienable rights of people that promotes the dignity of human existence and it has become a global conce...

Socioeconomic Status and Gender Based Violence in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of socioeconomic status and gender-based violence in Mogadishu, Somalia. the study was guided by the following research objectives: i) to establish the most prevailing forms of gender based violence in Mogadishu, Somalia; ii) to examine how income, education, and occupation perpetuates gender based violence in Mogadishu, Somalia; and iii) to establish specific and relevant strategies that would help combat gender violence in Mogadishu, Somalia. T...

The Role of Women in Conflict Resolution, Challenges and the Way Forward a Case Study of Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study is for the evaluation of the role of women in conflict Resolution the challenges they faced and the way forward and the objectives of the study included knowing the roles and assessing the challenges these women faced with in themselves and the ones caused by other people It goes ahead to explain the way fo1ward into overcoming the challenges they faced. The study employed primary sources which were through direct observation in interviews and surveys using Research Instrum...

Exploring the Livelihood Strategies of Somali Refugee Women in Nakivale Refugee Settlement Camp, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of study guided us three main objectives. Firstly, it examined the livelihood strategies of Somali women refugees in Uganda. Secondly, it examined the role(s) played by the UNHCR, international and local NGOs, state agencies and other Community Based Organizations in providing material assistance to Somali women refugees in Uganda. Finally, it examined problems encountered by these refugee women in the pursuit of earning a living. Both purposive and cluster sampling were ...

The Influence of Democracy On the Promotion of Human Rights in Unguja Island Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to make an investigation of the influence of democracy on promotion of human rights in Unguja Island Zanzibar. The study focused on democracy and rights to freedom of warship, expression and fair trial. The objectives of the study were to; establish the relationship between democracy and the right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech and expression and between democracy and the right to fair trial. The concern of the researcher was the violation of ...

The Impact of Land Rights On Women’s Productivity and Economic Advancement a Case Study of Ndorwa Kabale Uganda

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between land rights and women’s productivity and economic advancement. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish how land rights can be orientated to improve women’s productivity and economic advancement, labored to find out how women’s productivity and economic advancement can be improved and finally the study tried to find out the relationship between land rights and women’s productivity and economic adva...

Challenges in Promoting the Right of a Girl Child to Basic Education in Soroti District of Eastern Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study undertook to identify the challenges in promoting the right of a girl child to basic education in Soroti District of Eastern Uganda. A cross sectional survey focusing primarily on sampled children who had dropped out and those in school, community leaders and government officials directly involved in the implementation of programmes was used. The area of study was Soroti District in the Sub Counties of Tubur, Katine and Asuret. The major methods used were; in-depth intervi...

Police Activities and Human Rights Protection in Hargeisa Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between police activities and human rights protection in Hargeisa, Somaliland, using descriptive and correlational designs. The first major objective of this study was to establish the demographic characteristics of respondents in which the study indicates that male dominate (59.6%) female (40.4%), the study also revealed that 54.1% which is the very majority of the respondents in the sample were aged below 30 years; 30.3% were 31-40 y...

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