Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

The Relationship between Quality Time Spent As a Family And Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents in That Family

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish if there was a relationship between quality time spent as a family and emotional well-being of adolescents in that family. Objectives: The objectives were: to find out how much time families with adolescents spend together, to measure the emotional well-being of adolescents in that family, to find out if there is a relationship between quality time spent as a family and emotional wellbeing of adolescents in that family, and to dete...

Analysis of the United Nations Communication with Kenya on the Decision to Close Dadaab Refugee Camp since 2010

Abstract: The quandary of refugees is a growing predicament to many countries today. The global state of affairs manifests an increase in human movement, displacement and a multiplex set of laws and regulations governing asylum. Dadaab refugee camp is one of the largest refugee camps in the world. It is located in the North-eastern region in Kenya and hosts 233,805 registered refugees and asylum seekers as at the end of June 2022. After more than three decades of hosting refugees, the Kenyan...

The Effectiveness of Kenya’s Covid-19 Cash Transfer Program: A Case Study of Kibra, Nairobi County

Abstract: In the event of a global crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of Cash Transfers as buffers that assist in livelihood sustenance is necessitated. The most vulnerable populations are usually targeted and governments may choose to prioritize those living in informal settlements while guaranteeing them payments to support them to meet their household basic needs. Following the global outbreak of the pandemic, the Kenyan parliament passed several economic laws including tax law...

Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area: Prospects for Kenya

Abstract: The study focuses on the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area prospects for Kenya. Despite the East African Member states being part of AU member countries that have assented to the AfCFTA treaty, the full effects of the agreement have yet to be fully realized due to their exposure to trade barriers. In the same vein, Kenya lacks the requisite customs processes and infrastructure to implement tariff-free trade under AfCFTA effectively. The study therefore inves...

Women’s Experiences in Inter-Community Peace Building Initiatives in Marakwet East Sub-County, Elgeyo-Marakwet County (2017-2022)

Abstract: Women have been excluded from formal peace building initiatives in post-war transitions despite their involvement in informal, grassroots diplomacy in many conflict zones around the world. In Kenya, women-led groups have been formed to promote peace, employing traditional abilities such as poetry, singing, and dance to urge leaders and negotiators to establish a ceasefire. Women's participation in peace-building activities in Elgeyo Marakwet County is increasing, however, there is ...

Implications of Child Protection Interventions towards the Convention on the Rights of the Child: The Case of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Nairobi County

Abstract: Whenever there is a breakdown of social order owing to armed conflict or natural disaster, people are forced to flee in search of safety. During flight, Children get separated from their parents and adult care givers rendering them vulnerable to exploitation and unable to enjoy their rights. The 1989 Convention on the rights of the Child (UNCRC) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to protect the rights of children globally regardless of their status or nationa...

Women's Participation in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Juba, South Sudan

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine prevalent underrepresentation of women in the post conflict peacebuilding process. South Sudan which recently gained in 2011 has been experiencing a myriad of conflicts which has seen several post conflict peace building efforts. South Sudanese women have played significant roles in efforts to promote peace in the country, however, they continue to be underrepresented in formal levels their achievements have often gone unrecognized and undoc...

Social Media Diplomacy in Foreign Policy Decision-Making in Kenya

Abstract: The social media is an essential tool for bringing people together globally. The social media helps shape perspectives both domestically and abroad. Social media diplomacy is an important tool in winning over local and international masses in this era of globalization, with its increased international dependence and competitiveness. Therefore, this study sought to determine the role of social media diplomacy in foreign policy decision-making in Kenya. The specific objectives of the...

Kenya’s Economic Diplomacy towards Tanzania: A Comparative Analysis of Presidents Mwai Kibaki and Uhuru Kenyatta Administrations (2002-2021)

Abstract: Economic and political motivations usually encourage governments to employ economic diplomacy in the management of foreign affairs more specifically between developed and developing countries around the world. There has been a fierce debate on when governments should use economic diplomacy and whether it’s legitimate or appropriate. Decision-making to employ economic diplomacy is complex given that it involves different state and non-state actors which have different aims in term...

Revenue Automation and Its Impact on Revenue Collection and Development in Nairobi City County

Abstract: Lack of an effective revenue collection system has limited the county government’s ability to collect adequate revenue and achieve its development goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of revenue systems automation on revenue collection and development in Nairobi City County. The specific objectives are; to examine the effect of cash management automation, budget process automation and revenue administration automation on the revenue collection and develop...

Solar Technology, a Solution for Community Water Provision in Drylands of Kenya: A Case Study of Isiolo County

Abstract: Pastoralists’ access to water, for both human and animal use, is a major element of their livelihood. They experience water challenges such as quantity, high costs, long trekking distances and extended queues at water points. This is despite the continuous investment in ensuring water access is achieved for all. Other threats to water access include effects of climate change, weather extremes, pollution, and competition between resource users including mega-development projects. ...

Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies: Case Study of Darfur, Sudan

Abstract: Introduction Darfur has been embroiled in a deadly conflict for a full three years. At least 200,000 people have been killed and more than 2.5 million innocent civilians including women and children have been forced to flee their homes and are now hosted in internally displaced camps in neighbouring eastern Chad. In addition, more than 3.5 million men, women and children are entirely reliant on humanitarian assistance for survival. Since early 2003, Sudanese armed forces and Sudane...

An Investigation of the Existence of 21st Century Employability Skills among Higher Education Graduates: A Case Of Botho University

Abstract: Employability has become a vital issue in every profession in the 21st century knowledge economy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the existence of 21st century employability skills among higher education graduates in Botswana, taking Botho university (BU) as a case study. A survey of extant literature was conducted to grasp what different other authorities have written on the issue of graduate employability skills in the 21st century. The study adopted the positivist a...

Exploring the Factors Contributing To the Motivation of Hospitality Management Learners At A Selected Higher Education Institution In Botswana

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors contributing to low motivation of the hospitality management learners at a selected higher education institution in Botswana. The study adopted a positivist approach accompanied by a cross sectional survey research design and a quantitative research methodology where data was collected through a questionnaire. The study population comprised 189 hospitality management students at Botho University (BU) from year 1 to year 4. Data w...

Examining The Challenges of Providing Inclusive Education at Limkokwing University, Botswana

Abstract: This study investigated the challenges of providing inclusive education at Limkokwing University. It sought to make some recommendations that can be used to help inclusive education to be successful at Limkokwing University. The study adopted the critical theory to help explore the challenges of providing inclusive education. It was noticed in this study that special needs students and lecturers from Limkokwing University face challenges of inclusive education. Qualitative descript...

226 - 240 Of 407 Results