Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Socio-Economic, Cultural And Institutional Factors Influencing Modern Box Hives Adoption In Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Modern technologies in beekeeping at the global level have advanced in the recent past in countries that have embraced the new technologies such as China, Argentina and the USA, which are making honey exports worth millions of dollars. Modern beekeeping in Kenya is still a new idea as in most other African countries leading to low economic benefits. Efforts by the government, NGO’s and international donors to boost the adoption in various regions in Kenya such as Mwingi have gained...

Myths Of Origin And Their Cultural Implications In The Tigania Community Of Meru County

ABSTRACT This study seeks to examine mythology in six selected myths of origin from the Tigania community of Meru County. Myths of origin in this study refer to all kinds of prose narratives including ordinary animal tales and stories of people. These tales are sacred and religious in nature while mythical characters are believed to be characters or beings that once lived when gods used to live on earth. Mythical characters are regarded as half men and half gods who would also be heroic in n...

Identities And Spaces In Selected Writings Of Black, Indian And White East African Writers, 1950s To 1980s.

Abstract This study analyses identity and space in five works of East African Asian, black and white writers based on the reasoning that these are significant issues in East African literature that reflect the nature of contemporary social relations in the region. The study uses a post-structural and postcolonial conceptual framework. Using comparative textual analysis, the study examines Going Down River Road by Meja Mwangi Homing in by Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye, The In-between World of Vikram...

An Analysis Of Factors Influencing Adoption Of The Recommended Maize Technology’s Package In Makuyu Division, Murang’a South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Maize is the most important staple food and the major source of sustenance for the majority of the Kenyans. The increasing population trend in the face of declining yields in maize production has intensified the food insecurity problem (Republic of Kenya, 1994). This has created the need to improve maize production techniques so as to meet food security demands. Researches have been conducted on maize varieties suitable for Kenya‟s different agro-ecological zones (KARI, 2000). From...

Linguistic Strategies In The Teaching Of English Language Oral Skills In Kenyan Secondary Schools: A Case Of Kakamega District

ABSTRACT This study dealt with the linguistic strategies used in the teaching of English language oral skills in selected secondary schools in Kenya. The objectives upon which the study was based were: identify and describe the English language oral skills of secondary level of Form Two students as outlined in the English syllabus; find out the qualifications of the teachers of English who teach Form Two class; identify and describe strategies used in teaching oral skills in Form Two; determi...

Medicinal Plants Species Diversity And Access To Traditional Herbal Medicine Among The Samburu People

ABSTRACT Traditional herbal medicine (THM) has been used since the ancient times and continues to play a great role in healthcare of many communities in Kenya especially the Samburu community. The species diversity of medicinal plants and access to traditional herbal medicine has little been evaluated in Kenya and among the Samburu people in particular. This study investigated species diversity of medicinal plants and access to THM among the Samburu people. It sought to identify the species r...

Psychological Satisfaction Of Male Kenya Rugby Union-Registered University Rugby Players With Technical And Institutional Managerial Support

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological satisfaction amongst male rugby teams in Kenyan Universities with regard to Technical and Institutional support. A descriptive survey research design was used in order to establish levels of player satisfaction amongst university rugby teams. A total sample of 91 rugby players drawn from 3 public and 4 private universities registered by the Kenya Rugby Union took part in the study. A modified version of the Athlete Satisf...

The Construction Of Gender In Opinion Articles From Kenya: A Case Study Of Magazines From The Saturday Nation And The Standard Newspapers

ABSTRACT Gender is a socially constructed unit in society. This means that society assigns identities as either masculine or feminine through studying behavior. Language too has been categorized as either feminine or masculine. Studies on differences in language used by male and female appear to have focused on speech and rarely on writing. This motivated the researcher to carry out a study on the construction of gender in opinion articles in Kenya, specifically, the Saturday magazines from T...

The Structure And Role Of The Determiner Phrase In Ekegusii: A Minimalist Approach

ABSTRACT This study analyzes the different DP structures and roles in Ekegusii using the Minimalist approach. The study has three objectives, namely: to describe the structure of the DP, to analyze the semantic roles of the DP and to establish the extent to which the DP in Ekegusii can be accounted for using the MP. In terms of structure, we found out that the DP in Ekegusii projects various functional projections. These include DemP, PossD and QP. Overt noun raising was observed as the NP r...

Participation Motives And Competitive Orientation Of Football Players In The Kenyan Women Premier League

ABSTRACT This study set to investigate the participation motives and competitive orientations of women football players in the Kenyan premier league. The major objectives of the study were to examine what motivates them to participate in football, what goals they seek to achieve in playing football and how selected demographic factors of age, educational level and years of experience influence their participation motives and competitive orientation. The study also examined the relationship be...

Enhancing National Security By Strengthening The Immigration System: The Case of Terrorism In kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, various departments are established constitutionally or through legislation to carry out prescribed functions to pursue or enhance national security interests. One of the key legislations is the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011. The legislation on immigration policy has a broad mandate and the Immigration Department is intended to regulate and control the entry and exit of both aliens and nationals of Kenya. While this security-related function is outlined in the...

Influence Of Climatic Elements And Non-Climatic Factors On Fishing Activities In Lake Victoria, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fishing is known to be one of the oldest occupations of mankind all over the world. A significant proportion of people depend on fisheries activity; it generates income for the households, creates employment and provides a source of livelihood to the people around water bodies and beyond. However, fish catch and fishing activities in Lake Victoria, Kisumu County, is in great danger of fluctuation and decline.There is limited research to explain this phenomenon especially along the be...

Effects Of Soapstone Quarrying On Geomorphic And Socio- Economic Activities In Tabaka Region, Kisii County- Kenya

ABSTRACT Soapstonequarryingactivitieshave immense effects on the physical and human environments. However, it is not clear how individual soapstone quarrying activities influence the occurrence of a specific geomorphic event. The effects of resultant soapstone residues on farming and whether soapstone rocks can regenerate from such debrisrequire deeper investigations. It is on these constructs that this study seeks to probe the influence of soapstone quarrying activities on geomorphic process...

The Centrality Of Marriage In African Religio-Culture With Reference To The Maasai Of Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study explored Maasai religio-cultural beliefs, the place of marriage in Maasai cultural and religious beliefs, to what extent Maasai cultural and religious beliefs are related to and manifested in Maasai marriage and the changes affecting Maasai marriage with regard to the religio-cultural themes. This research was guided by a thematic approach to the study of African religio-cultural knowledge and specifically by analysing the topic through the matrix of fifteen religio-cultura...

A Genre Analysis Of Sampled Radio And Tv Argumentative Talk Shows In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study involved a genre analysis of sampled radio and TV argumentative talk shows in Kenya. The research objectives were: to describe the generic structure of the talk shows; to explore the particular aspects that characterize argument on the talk shows; to investigated the question typology that sets apart this talk show genre, and finally to establish the communicative purposes of the discrete phase of the talk shows in light of the the generic features established. The study u...

271 - 285 Of 407 Results