Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Water Quality On The Parasite Assemblages Infecting Nile Tilapia In Selected Fish Farms In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Aquaculture has been documented as the most developing food industry in Kenya with increased production since the Government initiated Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) in 2009. However, the production has not been to a maximum level anticipated in the country, particularly in Nakuru County. This is due to the uncontrolled addition of inputs (Inorganic fertilizers, manure and fish feeds) that deteriorate pond water quality. Poor water quality is one of the most common challenges face...

Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Efficiency Of A Constructed Wetland At Finlays Flower Farm, Kericho, Kenya

ABSTRACT An assessment of wastewater treatment efficiency of Chemirei constructed wetland (CW) at James Finlay's farm in Kericho was carried out from November 2014 to February 2015. Water samples were collected twice per month from seven sampling points (S1-S7) using acid cleaned bottles for analysis. In situ measurements of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, EC and temperature were done using calibrated meters and probes. Wastewater inflow and outflow rates for each purification cell were obtained u...

Suitability Of On-Farm Formulated Feeds And Pond Characteristics For Nile Tilapia Production In Semi-Intensive Culture In Selected Farms Of Rift Valley Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT High costs and inaccessibility to quality fish feeds in Kenya, have contributed considerably to the aquaculture sector stagnation. Consequently, farmers have opted for cheaper, locally available ingredients to formulate feeds for Nile tilapia in semi-intensive culture systems. In spite of these innovations, farmers continue to incur losses, an indication that the quality of on-farm formulated fish feeds could be compromised. This study therefore investigated proximate composition of...

Determination Of Heavy Metal Levels In Straightfin Barb (Enteromius Paludinosus, Peters 1852) And Its Endo-Parasites As Bioindicators In Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fish parasites such as cestodes are regarded as good bioindicators of environmental contamination with trace elements including heavy metals. Research on their biondicative potentials in Lake Naivasha, Kenya is lacking. This study aimed to determine the levels of selected heavy metals Arsenic (As), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg) in the straightfin barb (Enteromius paludinosus) and its endo-parasites as bioindicators in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Water, sediment and 1307 fish we...

Utilization Of Social Media As A Source Of Co-Operative Information Among The Youth In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the utilization of social media as a communication tool by co-operatives in Meru County in the dissemination of co-operative information among the youth. The researcher explored the potential of social media and examined its usage and barriers as a communication tool among the co-operatives. Largely, the study notes that the growth and usage of social media has been enabled by the internet and technological advancement. This thesis aimed at finding out th...

An Existentialist Enquiry into the Impact of the Levirate Custom on the Contemporary Kenyan Society

Abstract The traditional Kenya Luo community, in which the existing levirate custom was born, lVas communalistic in nature. Traditional Luo society thus put more emphasis on the community than the individual person, more on solidarity than on the needs and aspirations of the individual, and more on the communion of persons than on their autonomy. In fact, the society was more important than the individual. The main aim of this study is to give a critical appraisal of the levirate custo...

Socio-Economic And Environmental Determinants To Household Food Security In Kyangwithya West Location, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food security is a multifaceted global issue that impacts almost all aspects of life. Globally food insecurity affect 842 million people with Africa being the most affected. Socio-economic and environmental determinants have the potential to influence food security in Africa and other parts of the world. Empirical studies in Kenya and Kitui County indicate that these socio-economic and environmental factors play significant roles in household food security. However, research and disc...

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Inter-Clan Conflicts Within The Somali Community Of Wajir County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Conflict is a global phenomenon which is being experienced every time and again. The conflict between Degodia and Ajuran clans of Wajir County started long before the arrival of colonialists. They conflict mostly because of control of resources. In a nut shell, it has got a devastating effect on social, political and economic aspects of life. The study aimed at establishing the socio-economic factors influencing the existing inter-clan conflicts among the Somali communities in Wajir ...

The Impact Of Political Journalism In Shaping The Political Affiliations Among Kenyan Youth

ABSTRACT It is almost a guarantee that in every bulletin, political stories are always given priority over other stories. This is important because in simple terms politics have a direct impact on people and therefore political reporting should be a pathway towards a better understanding of politics which should lead to proper decision making. However, do these intense political reporting shape the political landscape in Kenya? Do political reporting have any tangible influence in helping Ken...

Socio-Cultural And Economic Factors Influencing Household Post-Harvest Cereal Loss In Wikililye Location, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food security in food-deficit countries in sub-Saharan Africa remains a big challenge. Yet, a large volume of food, valued in excess of USD 4 billion (grain alone), is harvested each year. The United Nations predicts that 1.3 billion tons of food produced is lost globally. This happens during post-harvest operations every year in a world where over 870 million people go hungry. In Kenya, 30-40% of the total cereals produced yearly are lost due to post-harvest handling inefficiencies,...

Barriers And Constraints To Epistemological Access To Online Learning In Mozambique Schools

Abstract While global corporations and western governments have subtly and systematically peddled the utopia and hype about the capacity of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to radically transform learning and pedagogy and African governments have unquestionably acquiesced with heft investments in ICTs the education sector, few academics and policy makers have ever questioned and taken stock of the contribution of technology to online learning. More importantly, the heavy inve...

Rethinking green revolution program: The impact of Mozambique’s fast-track green revolution program on the environment and animal rights

Abstract The green revolution program (GRP) in Mozambique has taken centre stage in academic circles, and academics and researchers have tussled with various aspects of this subject. While the GRP is meant to reduce the country’s food insecurity and was successfully implemented in some countries like India (Arundhati, 2004), the results have been different in many African countries. In Mozambique, GRP has dramatically impacted on the rights of non-human animals and the physical environment....

An Assessment Of Computer Aided Design Adoption In Apparel Production Among Small And Medium Scale Apparel Manufacturers In Kisumu City, Kenya

ABSTRACT The large scale apparel industry can acquire the latest equipment as well as computer software such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to maintain a competitive edge in production. The integration of CAD technology in the apparel production and marketing chain has been explored and emphasized in the large scale industries. The adoption of CAD in production processes in apparel firms was, therefore, crucial if the apparel industry within Kisumu City was to remain competitive in the global...

Determinant Of The Adoption Of Integrated Natural Resource Management Technology By Small Scale Farmers In Ndhiwa Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural development lies at the heart of poverty reduction and increased food security in most developing nations. Sub-Saharan Africa is, however, the only region in the world where per capita agricultural productivity has remained stagnant over the past 40 years. Soil fertility depletion and the corresponding declining agricultural productivity in Kenya‟s Ndhiwa Division have led to attempts to popularize Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) technology that could res...

Language In Conflict: Kiswahili Metaphors In The International Criminal Court Indictment Discourse In Kenya

ABSTRACT Metaphor is one of the most powerful linguistic devices that convey messages through expanding understanding by relating the unknown to the familiar. Through metaphors, complex issues and ideas can be simplified and therefore restructure concepts and opinions, create solidarity within a community and also be a vehicle to transmit/institutionalize ideology. Research has revealed that our conceptual system is largely metaphorical and what we do and experience every day are very much ma...

376 - 390 Of 407 Results