Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Understanding Physical Activity Behavior Of Type 2 Diabetics Using The Theory Of Planned Behavior And Structural Equation Modeling

Abstract—Understanding patient factors related to physical activity behavior is important in the management of Type 2 Diabetes. This study applied the Theory of Planned Behavior model to understand physical activity behavior among sampled Type 2 diabetics in Kenya. The study was conducted within the diabetic clinic at Kisii Level 5 Hospital and adopted sequential mixed methods design beginning with qualitative phase and ending with quantitative phase. Qualitative data was analyzed using gro...

A Genre Analysis Of Linguistic, Rhetoric And Move Features In The Kenyan Judicial Service Commission Job Interviews

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya has made tremendious efforts to initiate reforms in different sectors, including the judiciary, with the aim of meeting the requirements of the new constitution promulgated in 2010. One of the components of the reforms that has received a lot of emphasis is the vetting of public office holders, that is mostly done through public interviews. The present research caried out a genre analysis of common linguistic, rhetoric and move features in the Kenyan Judicial ...

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Women Participation In Elective Leadership Positions In Homabay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, studies have shown that women’s participation in elective leadership positions is low. In Kenya, the Constitution of Kenya of 2010 provides for equal opportunities for both men and women in elective positions. However, in the general elections of 2013, no single woman was elected as a member of the County Assembly or National Assembly in Homa Bay Town and Rangwe Constituencies, Homa Bay County. Although other studies attribute non-election of women in political positions ...

Political Imagery And Symbolism In Daniel Owino Misiani‟S Benga Songs

ABSTRACT Misiani was a great musician and pioneer of benga music. He sang about almost about anything and everything, but people remember him for his political songs. He sang when Kenya was still under firm grip of despotic politics of both Kenyatta the first president of Kenya and later Moi and Kibaki the second and third presidents respectively. Fearlessly, Misiani confronts the politics of the day using his music. Despite the fact that his songs were/are loaded with imagery and symbolism, ...

Correlation Between Self-Perception Towards Ageing And Subjective Well-Being Of Older Adults In Kajulu Ward, Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract The older adults of the 21st century are experiencing a longer lifespan. This trend may be viewed as an achievement as well as a challenge to the society. The ageing populations are faced with physical, psychosocial, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and environmental changes. In the process, the older adults form beliefs, attitudes and feelings and perform behaviours that influence their perception towards ageing and well-being. Research into self-perception towards ageing and subje...

Traditional Leadership Succession And Appointment Processes In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Masvingo Province

ABSTRACT The institution of Traditional Leadership is as old as history and it has been part and parcel of governance processes since time immemorial. The issues of succession and appointment were being handled by spiritual mediums following the different systems pertaining to each culture and tribe during the pre-colonial era. With the coming of post independence Zimbabwe the succession and appointment processes of traditional leaders raised a lot of questions and connotation because of poli...

Student’s Perception Of Character Education And Social Values For Greater Productivity In Social Studies Education

Abstract The essence of education is to help impart, preserve and understand values in teaching and learning under the guide of instructional best practices in schools. Hence, there is the need to implement and promote character education and social values as formal school-based programs. The paper examined students’ perception of character education and social values for greater productivity in social studies education. The study adopted descriptive survey design and the population for the...

An Exploration Of The Role Of Adult Literacy In Community Development: A Comparative Study Of Perceptions And Experiences In Juaso And Saaman In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study explored the relationship between adult literacy and community development in Ghana from a social practices perspective of literacy and peoplecentred development. The study adopted an interpretive qualitative case study methodology, using the perceptions and experiences of research participants in two neighbouring communities. Primary data were collected using four ethnographic methods of data collection namely: in-depth interviews, participant observation, informal conver...

Negotiating Disciplinary Boundaries In Engineering Problem-Solving Practice

Abstract The impetus for this research is the well-documented current inability of Higher Education to facilitate the level of problem solving required in 21st century engineering practice. The research contends that there is insufficient understanding of the nature of and relationship between the significantly different forms of disciplinary knowledge underpinning engineering practice. Situated in the Sociology of Education, and drawing on the social realist concepts of knowledge structures ...

Italian Undergraduate Students Comprehending Economics And Business Texts In English As A Foreign Language A Case Study Of Language-Conceptual Transfer Strategies Used In Reading Domain-Speci

ABSTRACT Italian Undergraduate Students Comprehending Economics and Business Texts in English as a Foreign Language. A Case Study of Language-Conceptual Transfer and Strategies used in Reading Domain-Specific Texts. Christina Muriel Samson (February 2009) This study, within the Vygotskyian constructivist socio-cultural developmental framework, investigates the interdependence of general and domain-specific conceptual knowledge, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, attitude, motivation and ...

The failure of radio to communicate knowledge of sickle cell disorder in Nigeria

Abstract The study aimed to find out how much residents in Akwa Ibom knew about the sickle cell disorder. In a survey of 300 people, we discovered that only few people (32.9%) had adequate or fairly adequate knowledge of sickle cell disorder (SCD); only about 45% were definite that they would not marry a carrier if they too were carriers. Radio, the most important source of health information for about 73% of our respondents and though praised for health education and information in Nigeria, ...

Evaluation of Receptive and Expressive Language Skills of Children with Language Impairment in Lagos State, Nigeria

Abstract This study examined the receptive and expressive language skills of children with speech/language impairment in three centres in Lagos State, Nigeria, sampling ninety two children between the ages of eighteen months and six years, with evidence of speech/ language defects; using simple random technique. Five research questions generated were tested at 0.05 level of significance, using mean, standard deviations, t- test and Analysis of Variance. The participants were tested with the u...

The Role Of Financial Control Institutions In Promoting Financial Accountability In The Public Sector: A Study Of Plateau State Under Democratic Regimes

ABSTRACT Financial matters are so important that they receive constitutional recognition. To avoid abuse, the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, provides a series of checks and balances over public finance by sharing financial responsibilities among the Executive, the legislature and the Office of the Auditor-General. The research sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the checks and balances on public finance in Plateau State. The research also set out to recommend measur...

Sub-Regional Security Co-Operation And Conflict Management In West Africa: The Ecomog Experience

ABSTRACT This thesis examined the experience of the ECOWAS Monitoring Group, ECOMOG, in conflict management in the intra-state conflicts in Liberia and Sierra Leone between 1990 and 2000, when ECOMOG’s operation lasted. The specific objective of the study was the evaluation of the experience of ECOMOG, as a mechanism of subregional security cooperation, and how it conducted peace operations in Liberia and Sierra Leone under Chapter VII of the UN charter. It appraised the conceptual and theo...

Enhancing Police Officers Communications Skills Through English For Occupational Purposes

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of English for Occupational purposes on Police officers’ use of English. Specifically the study was designed to identify the essential components to be included in the teaching of English for Occupational Purposes (EOP). It also examined the effect of EOP in enhancing the communicative skills of the trainees in Police colleges in Nigeria. The research designs used for the study were survey and experimental. The data collected were analyzed using diffe...

391 - 405 Of 407 Results