Abstract This study aims to investigate the influence of record management in the tendering process in the public sector in the context of the Embu County Government, specifically the study sought to investigate the influence of training in record keeping and the filing system on tendering process in Embu county government. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study used the census method for the 33 members of the tendering committee in the county government of Embu. The stud...
Abstract This paper is about microfinance viewed as a social change “tool kit” and its consequent effects on livelihoods of women of Bunyala, especially those involved in small-scale diary farming. The study investigated microfinance strategies, effects and challenges encountered by the farmers. Census techniques were applied in collecting primary data on all 93 dairy farmers in Bunyala District. The main instruments of data collection were questionnaires and document analysis. Data was ...
Abstract The purpose of the study was to assess influence of the income level on table banking adoption. The study was guided by social capital theory and employed descriptive survey and explanatory research design. The target population was 1084 members of table banking groups in Machakos County. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 188 members.The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from members of the group and interview schedule to collect data ...
Abstract Research on positionality and accessing field work for researchers studying their own communities in Lower Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) is scant. The majority of the literature on this topic emanates from High-Income Countries (HICs). Drawing on ethnographic field work conducted in Kenya and Pakistan, the authors have explored ways in which dialectic relationships between the researcher and participants in various social spaces (SSs) within the place of research (PoR) influences ...
Abstract Language is a vital component in doctor-patient communication. The linguistic differences between languages make medical interpretation difficult. Thus, in situations where a doctor and a patient have no common language, interpretation is essential for successful exchange of meaning. Lubukusu, the language spoken by monolingual Bukusu patients and English, the language spoken by the non-native doctors, have huge linguistic differences that make it difficult for interpreters to achie...
Abstract This paper establishes the extent of contextual meaning loss or gain in the translation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm from English to Kiswahili. In particular, it analyzes critical concepts in contextualizing the English-Kiswahili translation of the novel. Does meaning loss or gain in the translation of Animal Farm facilitate or impede the appropriate contextualizing of the target language version? What strategies have been used by the translator to deal with contextual meaning l...
Abstract The theory of human capital postulates an increase in earnings at different levels of educational qualifications. However, there are mixed findings and interpretations on return to investment in education around the world. This is attributed to differences in methodology and methods of data analysis. By employing the Mincer regression equation this paper presents findings on private rate of return to investment in higher education for teachers with bachelor’s degree using a sample...
Abstract The present study aimed to explore the drivers of early marriage and teenage pregnancy in Kenya and Uganda during COVID-19 lockdown period. A systematic review design was adopted. The major online databases utilized were PubMed, Google Scholar, Uganda and Kenya Ministry of Health repositories, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. Studies that were originating from Kenya and Uganda that were publicly available in electronic format published from March 2020 to March 2022 were used. The thematic...
Abstract This study examined the resources that promoted participation in Non-Formal Curricular Activities (NFCAs) in secondary schools in Kakamega County, Kenya. A descriptive survey design was used. The study utilized 2507 participants who included 1935 learners, 430 teachers, 43 Heads of Department of NFCAs, 43 Principals, 43 parents and 13 SQASOs. To generate quantitative data, questionnaires were used and for qualitative data, structured interviews, document analysis and observations we...
Abstract In recent years, informal peace committees have rapidly made their mark, either as precautionary or as response mechanisms to particular conflicts globally. Their main purpose is to prevent the eruption or escalation of nascent micro-level conflict into violent and more widespread crises. There is an upsurge of women’s socioeconomic conflicts despite the conflict prevention initiatives that have been put forward along Lake Victoria shores. The study objective was to examine the na...
Abstract The field of Social Studies (SS) plays a crucial role in nurturing students' knowledge, intellectual abilities, and democratic disposition, all of which are essential for active engagement in society. The SS curriculum is designed to address the demands, challenges, and aspirations of society, aiding students in developing appropriate and virtuous values. This study aimed to explore the structure of primary Social Studies content and assess its potential for cultivating the knowledg...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of educational experiences contained within the basic Social Studies curriculum that help foster the development of unity and harmony in Kenya. The study utilized a descriptive survey design for its format. The research focused on a sample population consisting of 467 primary schools in order to target the heads of those schools (467), as well as all social studies teachers (4,832) and students (98,600) from classes five, si...
Abstract This study sought to explore the factors that determine the teachers of English’s choice of multimodal approaches when teaching listening and speaking skills to Kenya’s Grade 1 learners. The study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive research design with quantitative and qualitative paradigms. Primary data was sourced from 75 public and private primary schools in Western Kenya. Stratified sampling was employed to identify teachers of English and 7 Curriculum Support Officers (C...
Abstract Globally, conflicts arising from resource use are increasingly becoming common. This generated inter-ethnic violence that has caused death, strained relations among communities, led to loss of property, displacements, slowed economic growth, and increased sex-related crimes. Despite the government, local communities, and NGOs, among other institutions, putting effort into minimizing conflicts, they have yet to find a lasting solution. The overarching objective of the study was to ev...
Abstract Like many other communities, the Abanyala clan struggles with the intricacies of resource distribution, which is greatly influenced by the political environment and sociocultural dynamics. Essentially, who has access to resources and how they are allocated are largely determined by the Abanyala clan's political structure. Political elites, or those in positions of power and influence, control resources and, occasionally, put their interests ahead of fair distribution, which leads to...