Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Parentification of the First Born Daughter (let your daughters breathe)

This  literature examines the phenomenon of parentification in first-born daughters, by exploring the psychological and emotional impact of assuming parental roles within the family structure. This work further delves into the factors influencing parentification, its implications on the daughter's development, and potential long-term consequences on interpersonal relationships and mental well-being. The study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of this familial dynamic and its syste...

Behavioural Orientation of Youth in Visakhapatnam: An Empirical Study

This article presents the socio-economic conditions, likes, dislikes, hobbies, activities and aspirations of the youth in Visakhapatnam. As we know, youth are the competent strength and asset for every nation. The ideology of youth is changing from generation to generation. The goals, hobbies, likes, dislikes and activities of the present generation of youth are different from the previous generations. This is a quantitative research study conducted at Andhra University in Visakhapatnam. The ...

Taking the Benefits of Science to Underrepresented regions of the world: Promoting Horizontal collaboration in social science research as a meaningful extension of cross-cultural research des

In a previous paper on cross-cultural research design, we had underlined the importance of crosscultural research design in scientific activity. We had also underlined the importance of obtaining various types of emic and etic perspectives on various kinds of issues, and had also attempted to bucket cultures into various categories. In this paper, we attempt to take those concepts a step forward, and call for a horizontal collaboration among nations. We also define the terms horizontal collab...

Formulating ‘Extended Identity Theory’ for Twenty-first Century Social Sciences Research: Modeling Extended Identity in Relation to Real-world Observations and Data

The basis of this paper is our paper on generic identity theory which we had published several years ago. This aforementioned paper which was tied to the concept of the psychic unity of mankind, explored among other things, the basic concepts pertaining to human identity and identity formation. Another pillar of this paper is the concept of symbiotic approach to socio-cultural change which discussed sociocultural change in globalized scenarios, and enunciated several concepts such as mind-ori...

Towards Scientific Apperception Tests for Twenty-first Century Social Sciences Research: Formulating ‘Structured Apperception Techniques for Socio-cultural Change’ in Twenty-first Century Soc

This paper takes forward the concepts and postulates of our two published papers on socio-cultural change to their logical conclusion, and seeks to put forward some new and novel techniques through which we believe the ideals of these two papers can be eminently realized. Another objective of this paper is to review the various types of already existing apperception tests such as the Thematic Apperception tests which try to assess the sub-conscious dynamics of a person’s personality, and pr...

Religion: A Widget of Culture in African Societies

Abstract Culture is a total way of life of everyone in a society. Every human in a society is under a set of rules, regulations, behaviour, mindset and even materials for a way of living. The concept of culture is a debatable discussion among many scholars but every society and scholar agree on the existence of culture. Thus culture is a universal phenomenon found everywhere but in different formats, thus culture changes over time and the causes of its changes usually account for the extern...

Elucidating the Certainty uncertainty principle for the Social Sciences: Guidelines for hypothesis formulation in the Social Sciences for enhanced objectivity and intellectual multi-polarity

This paper is the second in our series on scientific method for the social sciences, and is presented in relation to what we call the “Globalization of science”. It is like our earlier works, designed to provide multi-vocality and multi-polarity to the sciences, and discourage Eurocentrism or any other form of ideology or centrism. It uses existing theories on uncertainty and incompleteness as a starting point and further utilizes them to construct an approach that can be used chiefly in ...

Human Trafficking

This paper identifies human trafficking business and investigate whether there is human trafficking business model. It equally identifies various players in human trafficking business. The paper clearly details the organization of human trafficking business with a description of the various elements of human trafficking business model. 

How to Book an Overnight with A Delhi Escort?

If you want to book an overnight with a Delhi escort, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the escort you book is available for an overnight booking. Some escorts only work during the day or for a few hours at a time. Second, you need to make sure that you are comfortable with the escort. You should read reviews and look at pictures to make sure that the escort you book is someone you will be comfortable with. Third, you need to make sure that yo...

Social Media: A Relevant Synergy for Research in the Humanities

The electronic, networked and interactive nature of social media has significant impact on research, opening up new possibilities for gathering and analysing data. This paper argues that the techniques by which users interact with data in social media, particularly categorisation and semantic tagging, can be applied to a broad range of humanities research methodologies using similar interfaces to those of social media platforms. This study combines a general review of possibilities generated ...

Cultural Evolution and the Nkuho (Seclusion) Practice of the Efik

Culture is a group worldview, the way of organizing the world that a particular society has created over time. This framework or web of meaning allows the members of that society to make sense of themselves, their world and their experiences in that world. It is this sharing of a common reality that gives people within a particular culture a common fund of knowledge. The Nkuho practice of the Efiks is deeply rooted in the people‟s culture. It is an exercise that essentially represents an ar...

Theatre and the Metaphysics of Consciousness in Okpokam’s Ngun: Calibrating Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty and Heidegger’s Notion of Being

This paper seek to correlate the search for self and knowledge in Okpokam Ngun with Antonin Artaud‘s articulated idea of a philosophical theatre calibrating it with Martin Heidegger‘s critique of consciousness. Artaud‘s vision of the ‗Theatre of Cruelty‘ provides an inquiry into consciousness in that he saw theatre as a way of uncovering Being. He stressed a radical return to experience in artistic practice. For him, this was also the overcoming of metaphysical thinking. While for H...

Cultural Identity and Diversity among the Efịk and Qua of Calabar

Abstract Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind. As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations. Many of the specific cultural differe...

Application of Organisational Behaviour in Enterprise and Organisation Management

Abstract Positive organizational behavior has steadily occupied an important position in the management of businesses as society has progressed. There is a need to use a variety of management approaches and modes for businesses to thrive. Managers should examine their brand as part of the corporate performance analysis process. Then, by boosting the visibility of corporate activities, you may increase your understanding of the brand image. We should actively deploy organizational behavior to ...

The Saliency of Ethno-Regional Mobilisation and the Post Electoral Violence of 2011 Presidential Election

The nature, magnitude, and manifestations of electoral violence, the complex dynamics and incentives driving it in Nigeria are subject of extensive analysis in the academic literature. This study interrogates the underlying factor (s) responsible for the post election violence of the 2011 presidential elections. The 2011 presidential election in a comparative sense was generally accepted as free and fair by domestic and international observers than the 2003 and 2007 elections. The bases for ...

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