ABSTRACT The study titled “multi-national corporations and economic development attempted and investigated on the role of multinational corporations (MNC5) on economic development in Mogadishu-Somalia. The study objectives related to identifying profile of respondents, the contribution of MNCs, degree of economic development, and establishing relationship between MNCs and economic development in Mogadishu-Somalia. The study found out that MNCs comply by the rules and regulations of the coun...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate meaning loss in the use of figurative language as a result of translation of Kimeru proverbs and idiomatic expressions into English. This study had three objectives: the first one being to identify and explain any instances of meaning loss in translation of a literary text from Kiimenti to English. Secondly, to explain the possible factors that contribute to meaning loss. Thirdly, to suggest possible ways of improving translation. ...
ABSTRACT This study seeks to find out precisely why ex-convicts are likely to repeat crime after incarceration in spite of the on-going rehabilitation at prison. The existing data from Kenya Prison division states that recidivism in Kenya prison continues to grow. The objective of the researcher in this perspective is to assess determinants of recidivism rate in Kenya focusing on Kamiti Maximum Prison. The key questions of interest are of what relevance is the rehabilitation programs offered ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate haptics and proxemics used in standard one pupilteacher classroom interaction, in selected schools of Karia-Kigoro division Murang‟a County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: identify the haptics and proxemics that class one children use in class; describe how the class one children respond to the use of haptics and proxemics in class; compare haptics and proxemics used by teachers in class one; and finally investigate the roles of pr...
ABSTRACT Mergers are hereby undertaken as a form of government intervention to reduce costs and improve service delivery. Mergers are also meant to increase stakeholder value and be prepared to deal with competition decisively. It can be as a result of advancements in technology and the increasing socio-economic pressures. Organizations are exposed to changes in markets, technology, regulatory framework, social environment, competitors which require them to respond timorously. Poor perfo...
An Investigation Of Word Recognition Skills By Class Four Learners Of Ruiru Municipality
Abstract Women account for fifty percent of the national population but face substantial challenges in accessing and controlling land resources in Kenya. Despite land reform efforts by the Government of Kenya and empowering women in society, there are various factors that limit land ownership and management among women in the country. This is reflected by the enactment of new legal provisions that increase opportunities for women, which are compromised by the persistence of customary laws acr...
ABSTRACT Security service delivery in public sector is crucial as it entails protecting government personnel as well as property. Therefore, security is increasingly viewed as a key condition for economic growth and development. Lack or ineffective security service delivery weakens the performance of any organization. This study sought to determine if service delivery improves as a result of outsourcing of security services to commercial state owned enterprises in Kenya. Specifically, this re...
Abstract This study focused on the morpho-semantics of place names in the Kipsigis dialect. The study had three objectives, which were: to describe the morphological processes involved in the formation of names in Kipsigis, to establish the extent to which Kipsigis toponyms were formed through systematic processes and lastly to analyze different meanings evident in Kipsigis toponyms. The study used a descriptive research design. The data was in the form of place names. Fifty six toponyms wer...
ABSTRACT This study is an analysis of lexical borrowing of nominals in Sabaot from Kiswahili. The two languages under study differ from each other in significant ways. Kiswahili for example is a language of the Niger-Congo family classified by Ethnologue as ISO 639-3: SWA (Lewis 2009) while on the other hand Sabaot belongs to the Southern Nilotic group who occupy the Mount Elgon area (Appleby, 1961).This research was guided by the following specific objectives; to investigate the spoken lan...
ABSTRACT Policy implementation is actualization of governments’ plans and programs as an answer to societal problems. It is a reaction by the government to the socio-economic problems affecting the residents of Elgeyo Marakwet county which is a semi-arid region in North Rift at the floor of rift valley of Kenya. The research was a case study done at Kabiemit ward that exhibits general population character of Elgeyo Marakwet county. In emulation to other researches done by development agents...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was designed to explore the psychological challenges of retirement on police officers with the specific focus on the impact it has on their lives outside the service. Retirement is a complex issue that is closely associated with stress that has significant effects on the psychological wellbeing of individuals. This study was designed to explore the psychological challenges of retirement on police officers with the specific focus on the impact it has on their...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to analyze the determinants of Gender-responsive management of water projects and resources in Kajiado West Sub County, Kajiado County, Kenya. The objectives were: to establish the numbers of both men and women in the management of water projects in Kajiado West Sub County, to examine the influence of water needs for men and women on the management of water resources in Kajiado West Sub County, to determine the constraints faced by men and women in access...
ABSTRACT English language influences other languages thus enriching their vocabularies. Igikuria is no exception to this statement. The study identified some of the nominals that Igikuria has borrowed from English and analyzed them by age and gender of the respondents; it also examined how the nominals borrowed from English have been adapted into the morphological system of Igikuria and established some of the sociolinguistic reasons behind Igikuria borrowing nominals from English. The study ...
ABSTRACT Complex decision making processes require a more informed citizenry that arrives at a mutually agreed upon decision or at least one by which all parties can abide. This calls for public engagement in planning activities. The central problem of this study is the need to know the determinants of methodology used to engage the public in planning public participation in Bomet County. Studies indicated that participation in planning activities is affected by methodology used. This enthuse...