Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

African Sub-Regional Organizations in Conflict Resolution: Analyzing the Contribution of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) In the South Sudan Conflict Resolution 2013-2018

Abstract: The Sudanese conflict began in August 1955 before attaining its independence in January 1956. Numerous efforts made by sequential Sudanese regimes and other actors to resolve the conflict failed. The letdown led the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) to invite IGAD, a sub-regional organization in 1993 to assist. The IGAD intervention culminated in the signing of the CPA in 2005 between the protagonists. The main objective of this study was ...

The Effectiveness of Slum Upgrades to Reduce Housing Inequality: A Case Study of Kibera Slum

Abstract: Kenya has over the last few years experienced a rapid increase in population especially in the urban areas. A majority of the population is situated in the urban areas and mostly in the slum sector, with this in mind the government of Kenya under the leadership of His Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. On 12th December 2017, announced his new plan, the ‘Big Four’, which will guide the development agenda of the country in the period 2018-2022. It focuses on key basic needs that a...

Rising New Hopes for the Marginalized: Addressing Structural Inequality among the Batwa People of Rwanda.

Abstract: This thesis focuses on marginalization by analyzing the structural inequalities in Rwanda. The study seeks to highlight that marginalization and inequalities still exist despite the efforts by non-governmental organizations. The inequalities that the Batwa people are experiencing are systematically rooted into their social institutions leading to political and social exclusion and cultural attrition. This study therefore, sought to identify the various forms of inequalities experie...

The Influence of Terrorist Activities on International Tourism in Kenya between 2008-2018: A Case Study of Travellers Beach Hotel, Mombasa County.

Abstract: This study sought to examine the influence of terrorist activities on international tourism in Kenya between 2008-2018: A case study of Travellers Beach Hotel, Mombasa County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the effect of terrorist suicide attacks on international tourism in Kenya; to establish the effect of terrorist kidnappings on international tourism in Kenya; and to determine the predominant challenges in fighting terrorism in Kenya. The...

The Role of Sports Diplomacy in Promoting Kenya’s Foreign Policy Goals (2002-2018)

Abstract: Kenya’s foreign policy anchors towards its interlinking pillars, with the cultural diplomacy pillar seeking to promote sports diplomacy by recognizing the role of athletes. Kenya therefore seeks to pursue its national interests in its relations with other countries through sports diplomacy to meet its foreign policy objectives. These foreign policy goals include integration, projection of Kenya’s image and prestige, regional peace and security, multilateralism, economic prosper...

The Role of the United Nations in Dealing with Cyber Insecurity (2007-2017)

Abstract: The study sought to examine the role of the UN in dealing with Cyber Insecurity between 2007 and 2017. The study focused on the following specific objectives: to examine the role of the UN Charter in dealing with the threat of cyber insecurity; to analyse the role of the UN system in dealing with cyber insecurity in the international system; and to examine the challenges facing the UN in dealing with Cyber Insecurity. The target population of this study was the international system...

The Rule of Law and Food Security: An Assessment of the Right to Food in Kenya.

Abstract: Hunger and food insecurity are present and prominent threats to human development, and are especially dire in the developing world. At least a third of Kenya‟s population suffers from chronic and routine hunger and malnutrition, including farmers, pastoralists, and people living in both rural and urban areas of the country. While this situation of food insecurity has been caused by technical issues such as climate change, poor quality seeds, soil degradation and reliance on rain-...

Role of Non-Governmental Organizations on Conflict Mitigation in the Republic Of South Sudan: A Case of Oxfam

Abstract: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in South Sudan face many challenges related to humanitarian intervention. Large numbers of internally displaced (IDPs) and those fleeing conflict need humanitarian relief. NGOs are incapable of providing much needed help in time whenever conflict erupts. Attempts by International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) to carryout needs assessment in times of humanitarian crisis is reason enough to warrant conflict mitigation. This study will be...

A Comparative Analysis of Digital Diplomacy by the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration and Its Influence On Effective U.S. Foreign Policy

Abstract: The world is continually hearing about the unrelenting expansion of the use of digital technologies like social media around the globe. The relevance of social media channels to diplomacy goes far beyond usage numbers. The universal use of social media has important strategic implications for the diplomatic community because it has fundamentally changed the ways that governments engage with their citizens and position themselves on the global stage. Social media has fundamentally i...

Mediation and Negotiation as STM Rategies of Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of 2007/2008 Post-Election Violence in Kenya

Abstract: This paper explores the use of mediation and negotiation as a strategy of conflict resolution in the case of Kenya 2007/2008 post-election violence crisis. The rationale behind this study was that mediation and negotiation as a conflict resolution strategy has been used in different conflicts such as Colombia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia without success. On the other hand, mediation and negotiation was used successfully in South Sudan, but it did not bring everlasting peace in...

Iran’s Grand Strategy in the Middle East: A Case Study Of Yemen

Abstract: Considering the events that preceded the toppling of Mosaddeq and the eventual Islamic Revolution, Iran’s foreign policy has shifted from engagement to assertiveness. The perception of hostility and threat to the survival of regime became the defining framework for the pursuit of the grand strategy of Iran in the Middle East and in response to the rest of world. Thus, nuclear capability, spread of Islamic revolution and expansionist geopolitical influence became the strategy for ...

Extending Social Security to Old Aged People in Kenya: A Comparative Analysis between Kenya and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Member States.

Abstract: The study sought to examine the extent to which social security has been extended to old aged people in Kenya. The study focused on the following research questions: what is the extent of social security Programme to the old aged people in Kenya?; how has the social security fund enhanced the basic rights of the old aged people in Kenya?; and what is the effectiveness of the cash transfer Programme on the old aged people in Kenya?. The study used comparative research design to gath...

The Implication of Conflict over Fishing in Lake Victoria on Uganda-Kenya Relationship (2003-2018)

Abstract: Asymmetric Conflict Theory was used in support of the claims which argue that an actor’s relative resolve or interest explains success or failure in asymmetric conflict. Mixed methodology was used whereby both qualitative data and quantitative data was used. In terms of data presentation, data was presented in a way that communicates the information and enables conclusions to be drawn. The findings were divided into; the implication of fishing conflict, causes of fishing conflict...

Reconciling National Security and Protection of Refugees:The Case of Somali Refugees in Kenya

Abstract: The increase in the number of Somali refugees in Kenya has been associated with the increased national security concerns. This study makes the case that refugee protection and national security should be viewed as complementary and not as conflicting state goals. Whereas the perception of Somali refugees as a threat is not without merit, it is possible for this to be done without violating refugee rights. The study endeavored to explain refugee presence and national security questi...

Effectiveness of Kenya’s Climate Change Mitigation Strategies after the Ratification of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Protocols

Abstract: Climate change is the new threat to development and environmental sustainability in the 21st Century. States after seeing the alarming effects of climate change, decided to come up with a way to deal with climate change. This saw the birth of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992, whose ultimate objective is stabilization of the level of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere that will prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with t...

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