Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Cash Transfer Programs in Promoting Sustainable Development Goals for the Urban Poor Woman in Nairobi.

Abstract: The main objective of the study sought to determine the role of cash transfer programs in promoting sustainable development goals for the urban poor woman in Nairobi. It focused on the role of cash transfer programs in promoting poverty alleviation and gender equality. The study used capability approach, the theory of change and, sustainable livelihood approach for cash transfers in its theoretical framework. The capability approach advocates for the promotion of people's capabilit...

The Impact of Social Innovation on Development: A Case Study of AFRIPADS in Masaka, Uganda.

Abstract: Development is a multifaceted concept that cuts across most economies. All economies in the globe strive to create better environment for themselves working towards the goal of achieving development. The concept can be attributed to very many factors but this research will specifically focus on the role that Social innovations play in development. ‘Social innovation’ is a term that has become quite common in the recent years with some players viewing it as just a buzz word. How...

The Relationship between Childhood Trauma, Adult Trauma and the Severity of Adult Criminal Behavior Committed by Female Clients at Langata Women’s Maximum Prison

Abstract: Children face various forms of traumatic experiences such as psychological, sexual, emotional or physical abuse (Payne, Gainey & Carey, 2007) which may be compounded by neglect (Hume, 2011; United Nations Children’s Fund, 2014). Abuse experienced in childhood is thought to set in motion psychological distress in adolescence or adulthood which may adversely affect the concerned individual in many ways such as the forging of intimate relationships in adulthood or engaging in crimin...

What Hinders End Of Civil Wars In War Torn Countries Even After Civil War Settlements: A Comparative Study Of Sierra Leone And Liberia.

Abstract: Several devastating conflicts have devastated and are still devastating Africa for the past twenty years or more. Indeed, the persistence of these conflicts has decimated communities and seriously fractured their demography with baneful consequences on the development process occurring in the continent. According to the 1999 report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Africa is the most conflict ridden region in the world and the only region in which the...

Decision Making Process in Tanzania’s Foreign Policy towards the East African Region: The Role of Julius Kambarage Nyerere

Abstract: Post colonial African states were characterized by leaders with larger than life personalities that embodied foreign policy. Leadership style therefore influenced the decision making process of any foreign policy objective. The study examines the role of Julius Kambarage Nyerere in the decision making process of Tanzania foreign policy towards the East African region. Primarily, it is a descriptive analysis of individual influence in decision making process of foreign policy. The p...

An Impact Assessment of Poverty Reduction Strategies in Kenya: Case Study of Kenya Agricultural and Sustainable Land Management Program (KAPSLM) In Nyandarua County

Abstract: The Government of Kenya has been on the move to eradicate poverty in the country. This has been seen through various Poverty eradication strategies and other papers put in place by the government. This study assesses the impact of Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Sustainable Land Management (KAPSLM) as poverty eradication strategy. It focuses on whether it has created and strengthened the self-sufficiency of smallholders’ rural farmers. It also focuses on whether the innovativ...

Violent Extremism and Radicalization among Youth in Prisons: A Case of Langata Womens, Kamiti and Shimo La Tewa Prisons in Kenya

Abstract: There has been a global increase in the rates terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization throughout the world. Therefore, prisons are having to house and increasing number of radicalized inmates. This is especially pertinent, as it has been seen that terrorists and violent extremists often use their time within prison trying to radicalize their fellow inmates. The main objectives of this research were to determine the causes and challenges of violent extremism and radicalizati...

The Arab Spring And North Africa-European Union Migration Dynamics: Case Of Tunisia, Egypt And Libya

Abstract: Global migration trends are appalling and are indicative of a deeper problem. It is estimated that more than 1 in 7 individuals are migrants. This translates to more than 232 million people globally. Currently, immigrants from North Africa to Europe has increased with countries such as Egypt, Libya and Tunisia being the most significant sources of legal and illegal immigrants especially in the wake of the Arab Spring. However, while scholars have attempted to address the issue of m...

Containing Terrorism: US Involvement in the Horn of Africa

Description: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations at United States International University - Africa.

The Impact of Non-State and State Actors on South Africa’s Foreign Policy in Africa

Abstract: South African foreign policy is not made in a bubble; as a democracy since 1994, its outward orientation is theoretically subject to lobbying and pressure from outside groups as well as jockeying among bureaucratic entities. This study aims to unpack the processes through which governments’ foreign policies are made, specifically in South Africa, to determine whether foreign policy making is in reality open to outside inputs, or whether the foreign policy arena as in many countri...

An Assessment of African Union's Application of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine

Abstract: The theory and functioning behind the creation of R2P was to bring about peace and security within weak states that are unable or unwilling to protect their own citizens. Globally, R2P is accepted as a commitment by Governments to prevent and end genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity as well as to create the necessary conditions and avoid circumstances that will prevent such crimes. Following this and given the increased number of weak states, conflict...

Why Has The Resolution Of The Rwanda Civil War (Genocide) Been More Stable/ Enduring Than The Burundian Case?

Abstract: Burundi and Rwanda, located in East-Central Africa, are two countries that have a lot in common. The most devastating similarity is that the two countries have both experienced violent civil wars resulting from the escalation of tensions between their main ethnic groups, the Tutsi and the Hutu. In the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and the Arusha agreement that ended the conflict in Burundi, the two countries initiated a series of processes aimed at establishing persiste...

Slum Fire Fighting Strategies for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Kibera, Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract: Slum fires impose significant social and economic costs including loss of life, destruction of health, property, dwellings and jobs while the interlinked physical and social vulnerabilities expose the urban poor not to single but multiple risks. Disaster preparedness and mitigation are the main methods of protecting such communities against fire disasters. This study sought to examine fire safety mechanisms and their effect on prevalence of fire disasters in Kenya slums. Nairobi wi...

The Effect of Sino-Africa Relations on the Foreign Policy of the United States of America

Abstract: The Chinese model of “developmental state” has offered a substitute to the Western model of market democracy. China has also sponsored infrastructure and industrialization developments that the West has declined to fund since the days of colonization. It is to be anticipated that these developments will at the end help Africa revolutionize, a dream that appears possible for the first time since independence. With Chinese presence ever increasing, the United States must now deve...

Factors Affecting The Viability Of Women In Entrepreneurship: Implications for Nigeria’s Oil Dependency

Abstract: The main objective of the study was to investigate the factors affecting the viability of women in entrepreneurship as a result of Nigeria’s oil dependency. The study’s specific objectives were to investigate the rise of oil dependency in Nigeria and to determine the factors that led Nigerian women to self-employment, the extent to which women entrepreneurs can make an economic impact and used as a tool for liberate women financially and also how factors such as entrepreneurial...

121 - 135 Of 408 Results