International Affairs Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Under Development in Mandera County Kenya

Abstract: One of the basic development objectives is living free of fear. It is also an objective that has so far received comparatively limited attention in debates on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Notwithstanding the international community‟s preoccupation with key problems such as natural disasters, climate change, global epidemics and financial crises, the emergency of armed violence has unsuccessfully captured the attention and concern of world leaders and...

Sub-regional conflict management in Africa: a critical analysis of the IGAD Peace Process for Somalia, 2002-2004

Abstract: This study examined the nature and dynamics of the Somali Peace Process. It was guided by the following objectives: One, to find out the type of government that is suitable for Somalia at the end of the Peace Process; two, to analyze the achievements of the Somalia National Reconciliation conference and; third, to analyze the challenges facing post-conflict Somalia. The study was guided by a straight forward methodology, which had to do with the examination of available literature ...

A Study on the Impact of Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy towards Somalia From 1991- 2015

Abstract: From the Ancient period to the modern day, the relation between Ethiopia and Somalia has been marred by religious and ethnic rivalries as well as territorial dispute and competition for regional hegemony. With the collapse of Somalia state in 1991 shifted the balance of power in favor of Ethiopia; the latter repeatedly intervened Somalia politically and militarily in order to keep the new status quo. This thesis examines the nature and the impact of Ethiopian foreign policy towards...

Pipeline Politics: Importance of the Southern Gas Corridor for the European Energy Security

The European Union (EU) is the largest market for natural gas exports. The EU imports more than 50% of its total natural gas consumption. EU’s energy mix is diverse, but natural gas maintains an important role – 25% of the EU’s total energy mix. Natural gas is vitally important due to its frequent use in residential sector (36.9 %). The EU as the largest importer of natural gas- brings 40% of its total supplies from a single supplier, Russian state-owned company Gazprom. After the ...

A Critical Assessment of Politics and Diplomacy of Post-Gaddafi Libya

ABSTRACT The studyassessed critically the politics and diplomacy of post-Gaddafi Libya. It interrogated the domestic and external actors in the overthrow of Gaddafi as well as the political, diplomatic and other consequences of the downfall of Gaddafi. Overtime, researchers have contributed on the aforementioned topic with fundamental interest on the root causes of the crisis. Most of them anchored their explanation on Centre-Periphery and dependency analysis from the Marxian Political Econom...

Multiple Actors and Security Dilemma in Turiuna North Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Turkana North region has witnessed perennial insecurity more than any other region in East Africa. This study sought to establish the role of multiple actors in the security dilemma that engulfed the Turkana North region, with the aim of identifying the security actors, establish the causes of insecurity; examine the challenges faced in security provision and thereafter establish the strategies/measures that can minimize insecurity in the region. Through the use of an exploratory res...

Human Rights In The Reconfiguration Of Aid Relations: The Case Of China- Kenya Relations

The study explored human rights in the reconfiguration of aid relations with a particular focus to China- Kenya relations. The study used other African countries such as Zimbabwe, Sudan, and Angola as cases of illustration to ground the thesis’ argument. The study sought to realize the following objectives: find out the dominant features of China-Africa foreign aid relations, analyze the nature of China-Kenya relations since independence, survey the trend of Kenya’s foreign aid relation...

The Applicability Of The 2016 Global Ban On Ivory Trade With Respect To The Development Of Conservation And Protection Of The Zimbabwean Elephant Population In The Zambezi Trans Frontier Park

Abstract The Zambezi Trans frontier park is one of the world’s largest conservation areas and is one of the homes for the African elephant, scientifically known as the loxodonta Africana. The African elephant is one of earths largest land mammals and also one of the worlds objectified creatures. Over the years since 1970 the global demand for ivory has risen to levels that are threatening the extinction of elephants due to poaching. Poaching has resulted in massive decline, by almost half i...

Nigerian Educational System: Problems And Prospects

ABSTRACT Our enthusiasm for education seems to be paralelled by our ignorance of what education is . Education for what ? For whom? And how? Is there no relationship between a society and the type of educution it imbibes? the s e questions border on educational value and .goal. It is in an attempt to proffer answers to these questions, examine and evaluate the principles and the validity of thought that underline issues in Nigerian educational system that this paper is being written. Periodic...

The Role Of The Media In Ghana's Foreign Policy

ABSTRACT The media have often been identified as one of the major competing domestic interests that impact on foreign policies of states. This recognition of the media is seen through the contribution they make to foreign policy. This work takes a look at the media's role and their contribution to foreign policy in the CPP, NLC, PP and the NDC regimes. It also looks at how they helped in shaping foreign policies and their influence on these regimes. The work relied mainly on secondary sources...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Non- Farm Activities On Poverty Alleviation Among Women In Mbalizi Ward- Mbeya Rural District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the contribution of non- farm activities on alleviating poverty among women. In order to alleviate poverty, women in Mbalizi have resorted to the taking of non- farm activities that are marketed throughout the region. Mbalizi ward was a case study and the research was conducted among women. Data were collected through questionnaire and focus group discussions and processed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Judgmental procedure was...

The African Union And The Quest For Peace And Security In Africa: 2002 -2012

ABSTRACT A significant challenge that confronted the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) throughout its establishment was the successful management of intra-state conflicts in member states. The OAU was criticised for its lack of intervention in these conflicts due to its Charter provision of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states. The launch of the African Union in 2002 signalled a new era in the quest for peace and security in Africa. The AU initiated important steps towa...

Combating ‘Galamsey’ In Ghana And Its Implications For Ghana-China Relations: An Assessment

ABSTRACT This study was an assessment of Government of Ghana’s anti-galamsey activities on GhanaChina diplomatic relations. The focus of the study was to determine whether anti-galamsey activities of the government have had any strain on the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The study relied on both primary and secondary sources of data for analysis. Widespread damage to Ghana’s environment, water bodies, farmlands and wildlife due to “galamsey”, a local referent for il...

Constructing to destroy: a critical examination of the role of identity construction in the study of terrorism in west africa

ABSTRACT Terrorism  is  one  of  the  greatest  security  threats  to  many  West  African  states  currently.  For instance, in the Lake Chad Basin area, Nigeria and other states are aggressively fighting the Boko Haram and the Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) militants. Westward toward the Sahara is another group of five states, the G5 Sahel Group, also fiercely fighting incessant violence by jihadist groups affiliated to al Qaeda and the Islamic State. However, rat...

Cultural Exchanges And Their Implications For Regional Integration in West Africa; A Case Study of Ghana And Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Regional integration scholars have written extensively on the role culture plays in the overall success or otherwise of regional integration the world over. The role of culture in the integration of Africa has also received some attention. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in 1987, realizing the importance of culture to regional integration, and accepting that the ECOWAS region had such cultural diversity that could be harnessed for the good of the subregion, p...

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