Literature in English Research Papers/Topics

Infidelity as Escapism, An Assessment of Lola Shoneyin's Novel - The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives

This study explores the issue of infidelity as escapism in the society. Mostly, the society entirely blames people who engage in relationship with different partners and mark them as evil not even considering what may have caused the suppose offenders to engage in the infidelity act, naturally leading the researcher to ask the following questions: what are the issues of infidelity in the society? What are some of the possible causes of infidelity in the society? This study draws data fro...

Tradition and Modernity as a Theme in Wole Soyinka's The Lion and The Jewel

The term Tradition and Modernity have got different definitions and ideals by different people. Everyone tends to have their own perceptions and beliefs about it. By definition, Tradition is a custom or belief that is passed down through generations, which contributes a sense of comfort and belongingness. It is believed to reinforce values as well. Examples include; language, knowledge, norms, authority, etc. Tradition has been the African pride since time immemorial and Wole Soyinka uses it ...


ABSTRACT This study examines the use of narratives as a means to liberate the minds of colonised individuals and empower their cultures in Africa, specifically focusing on the literature of Ghana. This argument posits that stories serve not only as a source of amusement but also as a means of opposing and emancipating oneself from the narratives and ideologies of colonialism and neocolonialism. These narratives and ideologies have undermined and eradicated the languages, cultures, and identit...

Development and Industrialisation Miracles in Asia: Nigeria and Lessons in Abubakar Gimba's Letter to the Unborn Child and Oh! Uhud [Thyaunting Spirit]

Asia has been one of the most dynamic regions with renown rapid economic growth and development in recent times. In the past few decades, several developing economies such as in Asia have successfully transformed their economies and are acknowledged as newly industrialized economies through conscious technological researches and innovations. The new industrialisers such as China, South -Korea, Malaysia, Japan, India etal are now acknowledged as the key ‘Giants’ giants’ in the global eco...

Analysis of Societal Disposition to LGBTQ using She Called Me Woman by Azeenarh Mohammed

The issue of LGBTQ rights and acceptance is one of the most controversial and debated topics in the world today. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, which are terms that describe people who have different sexual orientations or gender identities than the majority of society. LGBTQ people face various forms of discrimination, violence, and oppression in many countries and cultures, especially in Africa, where homosexuality is illegal in most nations and punishable ...

The Distracted Globe of Hamlet: Insane or Feigned?

This paper attempts to assess the veracity of Shakespearean protagonist Hamlet's mental condition. Ultimately, the author posits, through comprehensive research and textual analysis, that the prince is feigning psychosis. 

Nigerian Diaspora Literature: A Conceptual and Thematic Study of Chimamanda Adichie's Americanah

ABSTRACT The recent torrent of migrations of Nigerians to other parts of the world such as Europe, Asia among others is alarming. Recently, several migrants and those who have close insight into migrant experiences have been writing of migrants lives in diverse forms of literature. These writings have provided insight into Nigerian migration issues - racial discrimination, hair politics et al. The paper uses postcolonial theory in studying conceptual cum thematic concerns of Chimamanda Adich...

Romantic to Modern Poetry on Poem The Listener

The success of a poem is dependent on multifarious elements that may be able to maneuver texts success and fame. This particular poem that is now possessing a status of a classic poem. Observing the rhyming patterns the use of diction the beautiful language in which La De Mare has clothed the whole poetry is phenomenal and impressive. As a matter of fact any text that wants acclamation and acknowledgement by majority of its reader has to build it in such a way that it has a charismatic appeal...

Dystopia Analysis of the 1984 Novel by George Orwell

Question: Which instruments of oppression the state of Oceana uses against its subjects? Do they qualify as traits of dystopian fiction? ANSWER 1: This novel is written by George Orwell. And actually he was a person who even rejected his English background conveying the message that he had some ideological differences with the European perception. This novel used realistic themes, there was poverty and dictatorship in the country.  When state uses such methods as dictators do in military and...

How Moral and/or ethical issues are explored in at least two works you have studied. (The Bloody Chamber and A dolls House)

This essay was written as practice for the IB diploma Language and Literature program Nov 2020. It discusses how literary works explore moral  and ethical issues in the following books as it evaluates the effect of these themes in books  1. The Bloody Chamber by (Angela Carter)  2. A Doll's house (Henrik Ibsen)  Please enjoy ! You can contact me at [email protected]

The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot - Is It A Dialectic Text

This essay questions the dialectic nature of The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot. The many voices and contexts are explored with the essay concluding that the poem not only points out the constant conflict between light and dark within the human being, but is also apocalyptic. Primary texts from Conrad, Dante and Ovid are considered with reference also to Shakespeare and Webster.

The Nature, Origin and Evolution of Modern African Poetry

Various phases have emerged in the development of Modern African poetry, each with its poets and ideology. These phases are the pioneer phase, the modernist phase and the contemporary phase. This paper swiftly traces the origin, development and features of what today is called modern African poetry. It treats Modern African Poetry as an offspring of the African oral traditions and the African colonial experience, and as a reactionary tool against the whips of neo-colonialism in African states. 


This essay attempts a moral criticism of Americanah and provides a rationale for its offensiveness. With the provocative ending given to the novel, this essay maintains the stance that Adichie engages in an intentional distortion of what is considered rational and moral in Africa not to leave the African reader offended, but to stir an anger in him and give him a deeper conviction of the morality he truly stands for. 

Signs and Signification in Chika Unigwe's Night Dancer and Kunle Afolayan's October 1

ABSTRACT Nigerian novelists and filmmakers deploy cultural codes to communicate certain messages and create a genuinely Nigerian narrative art recognisable to the reader and viewer. Even when the process of conveying a message seems overt, certain messages are still artistically encoded for the reader and viewer to crack. Consequently, this study critically elucidates how cultural signs convey meanings in Chika Unigwe’s Night Dancer (a novel) and Kunle Afolayan’s October 1 (a film), whic...

Descartes’ Evil Genius Argument

Literature essay  Descartes’ argument begins with a claim that dreams and waking life can naturally have the same content.  He was a 17th C philosopher and is referred to as father of modern day philosophy.His interest was on understanding the very important truths about his surrounding habitat. Descartes’ wanted to separate truth from fictional narratives in human lives.  To be able to formulate this notion, he tried to forget all that he knew and was stored in his mind and subject it...

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