Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Psycho-Social Effects Of Violent Ethnic Conflict On Vulnerable Groups In Njoro District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The various violent ethnic conflicts experienced in post-independence Kenya have resulted in social, economic and psychological effects on individuals and the society. However, the most affected persons are the vulnerable groups including women and children. During times of conflict, psycho-social consequences are the most severe with long term effects. This study sought to assess the psycho-social effects of violent ethnic conflicts on vulnerable groups and adopted coping mechanisms...

Taboo Systems As A Conflict Restraint In The Political Feud In Zimbabwe. An Exploration Of Mazowe And Shamva Districts, Post Independence

A taboo is a system or an act of setting apart a person, an object, or a place as sacred to achieve conservation, respect and continuity. Since time immemorial, in the African traditional set-ups, people have always respected and adhered to these taboos. Taboos were meant to regulate the behaviours of people, help conserve natural resources and environment and respect the existence of other creatures. The study therefore seeks to explore the role that the taboo systems play in political ...

Psycho-Social Effects Of Violent Ethnic Conflict On Vulnerable Groups In Njoro District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The various violent ethnic conflicts experienced in post-independence Kenya have resulted in social, economic and psychological effects on individuals and the society. However, the most affected persons are the vulnerable groups including women and children. During times of conflict, psycho-social consequences are the most severe with long term effects. This study sought to assess the psycho-social effects of violent ethnic conflicts on vulnerable groups and adopted coping mechanisms...

The Role Of Faith Based Organizations In Curbing Gender--Based Violence In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Faith-based organizations are defined as faith-influenced non-governmental organizations. They are often structured around development and/or relief service delivery programs and are sometimes run simultaneously at the national, regional and international levels. Faith-Based organizations have played an important part in effective global responses to gender--based violence over the past twenty years and have a central role to play in the development and implementation of gender--base...

Media Influence On The Conduct Of Electioneering Process In Kenya With Reference To Kisumu County

ABSTRACT The role of the media in conflicts has been a concern across the world. Its effect has intensified enormously and scholars are yet to concur on the extent of the media effect on conflicts and peace-building. The general objective of the study was to assess the media influence on the conduct of electioneering process in Kenya with reference to Kisumu County. The specific objectives of the study were to: investigate the type of influence of the media during electioneering process in Ke...

Counterterrorism Strategies And Performance Of The National Police Service In Managing Terrorism In Lamu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Terrorism remains a major danger to the world and safety at domestic, regional and international level. It undermines the basic principles of law, justice, human rights and freedom and proves to be an affront to the United Nations (UN) Global Covenant and the values and principles expressed in the African Union (AU) Constitutive Act of Africa. It also poses a serious and clear threat to states ' territorial sovereignty, security and stability. Effective counter-terrorism approaches i...

Influence Of Intelligence- Led Policing On The Management Of Domestic Crimes In Kakamega County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Since the mid-1990s, the concept of crime reduction through intelligence-led policing has continued to grow in popularity globally at a time when traditional policing activities failed to deliver tangible reductions in crime rates. In Kenya, domestic crimes increase has not been met with adequate prevention involving Intelligence-Led Policing unlike other kind of crime such as drug trafficking and terrorism where intelligence policing has been deployed immensely. Kakamega County has ...

Amisom`S Influence Towards Peacebuilding In Somalia William Oluoch

ABSTRACT Peace support operations have been conducted in the past under the auspice of the UN, regional security mechanisms and even unilaterally. These operations are designed to avert humanitarian complex emergencies in strife-torn nations. There have been military interventions in countries like Haiti, Bosnia, Yugoslavia and Somalia to prevent humanitarian disaster spiraling out of hand. Somalia remains embattled in one of the most vicious conflicts of the century. During collapse of Said ...

Nexus Between Political Culture And Women Participation In Politics In Nairobi And Kajiado Counties In Kenya, Since 2013

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to examine the nexus between political culture and women participation in politics since 2013 with a specific reference to Nairobi City and Kajiado Counties in Kenya. The study described two counties in Kenya: one from urban area hence cosmopolitan (Nairobi) and the other one from a rural setting and a bit of its region cosmopolitan (Kajiado). The objectives of the study were (a) to examine the nature of political culture and women participation in poli...

The Role Of Islam In National Cohesion And Integration In Kenya With Specific Focus On Nairobi And Mombasa Counties

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the role of Islam in national cohesion and integration in Kenya. Cohesion and integration agenda is one of the building blocks of Kenya’s Vision 2030 and has become an area of major interest at different levels of the Kenyan society. However, the country continues to experience divisions along social lines. Academic work relating to the role of religion in national cohesion and integration remains relatively low in the Kenyan context. So far...

Gender Dimensions In Conflict Management Influencing Peaceful Coexistence Between Pokomo And Orma Communities In Tana River County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Increasing conflicts in many parts of the world are responsible for many losses of lives and destruction to property. In Tana River County of Kenya, conflicts have persistently occurred among the Pokomo and Orma communities with no durable solutions. Since men and women are affected by conflict diversely, a gendered approach to conflict management and peaceful coexistence is necessary. The overall objective of the study was to assess gender dimensions in conflict management and how t...

Gender Dimensions In Conflict Management Influencing Peaceful Coexistence Between Pokomo And Orma Communities In Tana River County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Increasing conflicts in many parts of the world are responsible for many losses of lives and destruction to property. In Tana River County of Kenya, conflicts have persistently occurred among the Pokomo and Orma communities with no durable solutions. Since men and women are affected by conflict diversely, a gendered approach to conflict management and peaceful coexistence is necessary. The overall objective of the study was to assess gender dimensions in conflict management and how t...

Co-Management Strategy In Mitigating Fisheries Conflicts In Homa Bay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been conflict in the fishing industry world over. Fisheries conflicts are among the persistent problems affecting the security of food, livelihoods and fishing environments crucial to poor fishing communities in developing countries. In Kenya, the same has been a major problem and it has taken government’s efforts to curb. One of the strategies introduced more so in Homa Bay County is the Co-Management Strategy in which all stakeholders are involved. Although this co-mana...

Media Coverage Of Political Conflicts Influncing Peace Building In Selected Hotspots In Kenya Since 2007 Elections

vii ABSTRACT Since the 2007/008 Post-Election Violence (PEV),media coverage on political conflict has remained a complex yet intriguing issue to unbridle more especially on the Kenyan peace-building landscape .By and large, it has proved to be an elusive concept, globally, continentally, regionally, transnationally and locally. Many scholars have written on the effects media has on conflict situations in Africa particularly on how media fuels conflict. However, the literature on conflict and ...

State Intervention Strategies In The Management Of Domestic Violence In Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT State intervention strategies undertaken to manage domestic violence in Vihiga County of Kenya remain a challenge due to recurring domestic violence offences. The justice system has lapses in enforcing the law on domestic violence in Vihiga County despite the law enforcement by the state. The study revealed gross human rights violations, perpetration and manifestations of physical, sexual, psychological and emotional violence against household individuals in Vihiga County. The overal...

181 - 195 Of 206 Results