ABSTRACT The Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA) is a church that recorded remarkable proselytising success among the Maguzawa in Kano and Katsina States despite the people‟s resistance to Islam or Christianity. This achievement notwithstanding, little attention has been paid to the history and strategies adopted by the church to Christianise the Maguzawa. This study, therefore, investigated the evangelistic strategies the ECWA deployed in the Maguzawa communities in Kano and Katsina ...
ABSTRACT The study examined the ethical implications of the use of miracles for conversion in the Word Miracle Church International, now Perez Chapel International in Accra, Dzorwulu Branch. The motivation for the study was the heightened and seemingly competitive activities of different PentecoCharismatic Churches in their bid to win members to their fold. The research chose to focus on miracles because they form one of the most important attractions, which appeal to Ghanaian Christians. The...
ABSTRACT In this contemporary and complex world youth face all kinds of problems and challenges, especially with moral issues. The youth of Awutu Efutu Community are no exception. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to draw attention to the moral challenges that youth in the Awutu Efutu Community face. The researcher therefore identified the causes of indiscipline among the youth of the Awutu-Efutu traditional community. Evaluation of the role of traditional moral values was made and tr...
ABSTRACT In the Ghanaian society, there seems to be a public opinion that suggests that the clergy is forbidden by convention to have anything to do with active political participation. Though some clergy have being playing various roles in Ghana’s politics, they have done that mostly in spiritual support; thus through prayer and fasting, promoting peace before, during and after elections, serving in advisory capacity, advocacy, making inputs and commenting on government policies and decisi...
ABSTRACT This study examines the phenomenon of succession problems in ancient Israel during the transfer of power from David to Solomon. The study is an exegetical study and thus focuses on the text I Kings 1-2. The exegetical method used in the study is the reader-response criticism, specifically the text centred approach. This approach recommends that the reader oscillates within the world of the text and that of the reader. The world of the text is an insight into the historical an...
The research topic for study is “Evaluation of some Leaders of Agitation Groups in Nigeria using some of the Leaders that served as Messiahs in the Old Testament.” The study centered on the leadership qualities and the works done by these agitation group leaders in their various spheres, bringing out explicitly the motive behind their leadership and the agenda which these groups propagate. In essence, leadership entails influencing others to accomplish an objective and directs the organiz...
ABSTRACT Although modernism has brought development, (advancement in technology which brings about transformation in human psychological, socio-economical and religio-cultural vibrancy) of many Igbo society, a devastating and opulent living that accrue from the modern life continue militating against the images and objects of worship prevalent in the pre-modern era. Most Igbo religious objects and images have encountered severe...