The research “The Challenges of Ministerial Integrity in 1 Samuel 12:1-5 to Pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria” addressed the scaring acceleration of characters that depicts lack of integrity among some pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. Thus, the research is targeted towards investigating the possible causes, effects of and solutions to lack of pastoral integrity among some pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and highlighting what should be the accep...
Some people think they can be good preachers because they know what ought to be said, but they pay no attention to how it should be said, that is, the concrete way of constructing a sermon. They complain when people do not listen to or appreciate them, but perhaps they have never taken the trouble to find the proper way of presenting their message. It should be noted that 'the obvious importance of the content of evangelization must not overshadow the importance of its ways and means.' Concer...
Christians are branches in Christ, and so God expects fruit from us because we have been called to bear fruit. Jesus says that he is the true vine from whom we are to receive nourishment. Truly we need this nourishment to live a productive life that bears fruit. Just as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in our Old Testament text were nourished with excellent wisdom and understanding that was ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in the whole kingdom of Babylon (Daniel 1:...
One characteristic of God emphasized in the Scriptures and necessary for believers in their relationshipwith Him today is His holiness, and His requirement of them to be holy as well. Believers must approach God with reverence to be acceptable before Him. This has always been the case. He told Israel long ago, “'For I am the Lord, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, to be your God; thus you shall be holy for I am holy" (Leviticus 11:45). Israel always sufferedterriblywhenever theydis...
I feel highly honoured and humbled to stand here as the class valedictorian for the graduating class of 2021 of Hugh Goldie Theological Institution, Arochukwu - Citadel of Godly Learning and Relevance. O yes, we have conquered; this day is a great one. I will not fail to say "many, many congratulations" to us - the graduating class, the class of 2021. Well, we made it. We made it through periods of Greek and Hebrew classes, through periods of hermeneutics and exegesis classes, through weeks...
Catholics and Protestants differ in what they believe about the Holy Eucharist. Catholics believe that the Eucharist is truly a sacrifice. When Catholics celebrate Mass, God makes Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross present to us once again, allowing us to participate in it and offer it up to him in union with Jesus. In contrast, Protestants believe that the bread and wine are just a memorial service whereby we remember Jesus’s sacrifice, but Catholics do not actually participate in it. To hel...
How beautiful is the account of Jesus’ Passion. Because the Passion of Jesus was so revered it is believed the Passion accounts in the Gospels were the first parts of the Gospels to be written. The early Christians were so eager to preserve the account of our salvation that they put the Passion of Jesus in writing quickly. We can understand their sentiments because we too venerate Jesus’ Passion.
The teachings of most religions of the world condemn corruption. It considers it as an offense against humanity and divinity. As Faleye (2013:175) asserted that, “Religion has brought peace and harmony to the world and that its leaders are motivated by the service of their God. However, religion had used fear, hate and sometimes lies to control and manipulate people for the advantage of a selected group of individuals. In Nigeria, greater number of the citizens are religious enthusiasts and...
How beautiful is the account of Jesus’ Passion. Because the Passion of Jesus was so revered it is believed the Passion accounts in the Gospels were the first parts of the Gospels to be written. The early Christians were so eager to preserve the account of our salvation that they put the Passion of Jesus in writing quickly. We can understand their sentiments because we too venerate Jesus’ Passion.
The word “Theology” is derived from two Greek words, theos and logos which in English mean “the study or discourse of God” and implies that those who undertake to study God will learn a great deal about God’s nature, actions and attitudes. House argues that from learning about God, the student would in turn discover how God relates to the created world, including the human race and that all analyses begin with God and flow to other vital subjects. So, the Old Testament Theology can ...
The relationship between science and religion has typically been characterized as one of conflict, especially on the issue of origins (creationism vs. evolution). The historical reality is that science and religion have more often been complementary to each other, and the relationship has been dynamic. Science and religion are both important facets of modern life, and many of the questions in this series deal with issues that are at the intersection of science and religion. The purpose of thi...
In this book, De Montfort relates the significance of the rosary through fifty roses, divided into five decades focusing on the origin and meaning of the rosary, its prayers, mysteries, and marvelous effects. The last decade provides insight into how to better pray the rosary.
Theodicy has to do with the justification of God in the midst of human suffering. At the heart of theodicy is the problem of evil. It is a problem because of the issues that the prevalence of evil raises for anyone that wants to account for divine attributes of sovereignty, control, love and goodness of God. In Christian theological circles, as Louw (2000) puts it, “the problem is whether or not one can hold simultaneously that God is omnipotent, omni-benevolent and evil is real, without co...
Kant's main idea, whatever sense can finally be made of it, depends on his fundamental two-worlds doctrine. He locates determinism in the empirical world or world of appearances, and freedom in the world of things-in-themselves, the world of reason. It is important that the latter world is not in time.
Parity is the condition of being equal especially as regards status or pay. The quest for parity has generated much passion in our contemporary society and the church, which has caused misinterpretation of Galatia 3:28 without proper care and attention to the context. This has led to feminism, quest for women ordination, confusion in the youth as regards gender role and caused marital problems. In the light of the above, this paper investigated the text using historical grammatical method of ...
Institute of Presbyterian Tradition
July 2022 to Present
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