Religious Studies Research Papers/Topics

Seeing God Through African Minds A Discussion Of Kwame Bediako’s Christology And Christianity And African Culture

THE ABSTRACT Africa had been referred to as the Dark Continent for several reasons prior to the era of expeditions which opened the continent up. European Anthropologists formulated several ideas about the continent and its peoples; most of which were derogatory, describing the African in the primitive stage as uncivilized backward and lacking any sense of decency. Before the advent of Missionary activities Africa was awash with Traditional Religious activities which the Missionaries found un...

A Comparative Study Of The Mission Histories Of The Assemblies Of God Church And The Church Of Pentecost In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the mission histories of the Assemblies of God Church and the Church of Pentecost in Ghana. It focuses on the similarities and differences in their approaches to mission and their different theological orientations that have contributed to their different growth. The issue of mission is problematised because these Pentecostal Churches‟ different conceptions have led them to emphasize different aspects of mission. Methodologically, the study employed the histori...

Islamic Healing In Ghana: A Study Of The Salwat Health Restoration Hospital

ABSTRACT The presence of sickness/illness in society has inadvertently taken out the joy and happiness in most people across the world. This has led to the emergence of many healing strategies spanning from the conventional/orthodox to the non-conventional. The spread of conventional healing methods in many societies have contributed significantly in addressing many health concerns. However, its limitation in dealing with certain illnesses which are spiritual, emotional, and other chronic rel...

Rethinking Prayer Mountains As Sacred Spaces In Contemporary Ghanaian Christianity

ABSTRACT Notwithstanding the bourgeoning compendium of literature on Prayer Mountains (PMs), scholarly discourse on them in contemporary African and Ghanaian Christianity seems limited only to their role in enhancing pilgrims’ spirituality. Using Atwea Boↄ, Ͻboↄ Tabiri, Abasua Prayer Mountain (APM) and Nkawkaw Mountain Olive Prayer Camp (NMOPC) in Ghana as contextual examples, this study argues that scholarly focus on PMs as sacred spaces should not be limited only to the conventiona...

Sacred Site Visitation And The Renewal Programme Of The Methodist Church Ghana

ABSTRACT This research examines the rationale behind the institutionalized pilgrimage process of the Methodist Church Ghana (a phenomenon, dubbed Sacred Site Visitation in this research), and its relationship with the renewal program of the Church. The study was approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, namely, theological, church historical and anthropological perspectives to demonstrate how sacred site visitation affects renewal. Victor Turner’s theory of Communitas constituted th...

The Contribution Of The Church Of Pentecost (Cop) To The Growth Of Christianity In The Upper-East Region

ABSTRACT The Upper-East which was predominantly indigenous and Islamic prone region is now a mission field for many Churches. Different Churches have registered their contributions towards the expansion of Christianity in the Upper-East Region of Ghana. The Church of Pentecost (CoP), being the largest Pentecostal Church in Ghana, is the second largest Christian denomination in the region after the Roman Catholic Church. The study in this light, tends to investigate the diverse impact of the ...

“Make Disciples Of All Nations” (Matt. 28:19). An Exegetical Study Of The Identity Of The Disciple In The Gospel Of Matthew

ABSTRACT The clause “make disciples of all nations” (28:19), generally referred to as the Great Commission, has over the years attracted the attention of New Testament scholars. Both historical and narrative approaches have been employed to discuss it. Notably, Matthew builds his narrative around the disciples and ends on the Great Commission. Against this background, the research examines the illocutory force of μαθητεύσατε (Matt. 28:19) through an exegetical analysis of thr...

The Destiny of the Earth: An Ecological Reading of 2 Peter 3:1-13

ABSTRACT The second letter of Peter contains a statement which not only has greatly influenced the Christian eschatological and apocalyptic visions, but also is central of the current ecological debate: “…but the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men” (3:7). Contemporary scholarship has offered two main interpretations of the verse: ‘destructionist interpretation’...

Solitude in a Multitude: An Intercultural Reading of John 5:1-47

ABSTRACT The idea of the church as a family of God is present in the practices of Ghanaian Mega Churches. Consequently, various structures have been established to promote that agenda. However, like the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:5-9), members of these churches feel isolated in the crowd. Even though the congregants belong to multitudinous Christian communities ― often captured in national mass media, donating to people outside the walls of their churches ― they do not exp...

The Mind Of Christ: A Paradigm Toward A Biblical Theology Of Transformational And Proactive Responses To Violence

ABSTRACT Christianity seems to be losing focus on violence and the Christian response. Therefore, this work sought for responses to violence found in the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ and His apostles, that honor the Godhead, are faithful to the Bible, relevant to, and redemptive in the context of violence; sensitive both to victims and victimizers of violence; are theologically healthy and give voice to the sufferers of violence. It employed the historical-grammatical method of exeg...

The Phenomenon Of Bases In Ghanaian Muslim Communities In Accra

ABSTRACT Many people including some scholars are of the view that Bases are places of negative ideas and attitudes. They argue further that Bases increase the level of crime in the community and that; they also encourage laziness and discourage education. These points of view criminalise the phenomenon of Bases and seek their abolition. On the other hand, some people think that Bases contribute in one way or the other to the security of the community. They serve as mouth pieces for the youth ...

The Mission Of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church And Politics In Ghana

ABSTRACTS This thesis deals with the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church and politics in Ghana. Basically three schools of thought have been considered in this research namely sectarianism, “Christendom”, and the “Position of Balance”. The underlying issues that have been considered are: Adventist stances on voting, standing for elections, joining political parties, holding political office, political activism, social causes and political alignment of the Seventh-day Adventist...

The Destiny Of The Earth: An Ecological Reading Of 2 Peter 3:1-13

ABSTRACT The second letter of Peter contains a statement which not only has greatly influenced the Christian eschatological and apocalyptic visions, but also is central of the current ecological debate: “…but the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men” (3:7). Contemporary scholarship has offered two main interpretations of the verse: ‘destructionist interpretation’ ...

Technological Change And Its Effect On Traditional Religious Beliefs: The Tiv Experience

ABSTRACT The research was motivated by the need to review traditional beliefs of the Tiv currently undermined by the significant impact of technological change. The Tiv now put more emphasis on technology and its benefits, resulting in an erosion of traditional values within family and clan structures. The work is based on primary sources, including oral interviews with Tiv in positions of leadership, retired elders and chiefs, as well as average citizens. Secondary sources include materials ...

The Contributions Of Two Indigenous Evangelical Leaders Towards The Development Of The Charismatic Movement In Ghana

ABSTRACT The charismatic movement that has become part of the religious scene in Ghana has attracted scholarly attention including the works of Rev. Prof. Elom Dovlo, Dr. Samuel Adubofuor and Rev. Dr. Abamfo Atiemo. This notwithstanding, their works have not given the necessary attention to the indigenous evangelical leaders, some of whom laid the foundation for the current Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in Ghana. In every renewal movement in the history of the church, there have been ...

166 - 180 Of 200 Results