Abstract This study determined the problems militating against effective teaching and learning of computer science in junior secondary school Enugu education zone. In order to carry out this study effectively four (4) research questions were raised and answered using mean statistics lower and higher scores, adequate and inadequate. The study review literature on the problems militating against effective teaching and learning of computer science in junior secondary school Enugu education zone...
Abstract The study employed a survey designed. A sample of 800 students which were randomly selected served us the study sample. Data were collected using the questionnaire. Mean and standard derivation were used to analyze the data. It was found out that lack of interest and inadequate personnel and facilities were serious impediments to acquisition of computer education. Finally, recommendations were made that enough trained personnel should be recruited and posted to schools to teach comp...
ABSTRACT This study identifies the difficult teaching-learning topic in Junior Secondary School with particular reference to computer science curriculum in Nigeria, in a case study of Enugu Educational Zone, Enugu State. It aims at identifying the difficult teaching-learning topics in Junior secondary school computer science curriculum and the causes of such problem. The instrument used for this research work include, questionnaire and review of materials already written by other researche...
Abstract This research work is based on the identification of difficult teaching topics in junior secondary school curriculum. In Enugu North. The purpose of the study was to identify the difficult teaching topics in integrated and computer science. The design was a simply survey design while the instrument was purely on the questionnaire which had 30 items and 200 respondent. Data were analysed with the use of Mean, the researcher found out that the difficult teaching topics was as ...
Abstract This project work is designed to investigate the Factors Militating against Teaching - Learning of Computer Science in Junior Secondary School in Enugu North Local Government. This work aims at finding the problems facing the teaching-learning of computer science in junior secondary schools in Enugu North L.G.A, to identify the teaching method used by teachers in teaching-learning of computer in junior classes in Enugu North L.G.A, to identify the problems facing teachers and studen...
Abstract The study investigated the factor affecting the performances of computer science students in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu state. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The questionnaires were constructed by the researchers in line with the research questions. Ten schools out of the fifteen schools in Enugu North Local Government Area were used for the study. The population for the study were all computer teachers 1 eac...
ABSTRACT The topic of this study is constraints to effective teaching and learning of computer and integrated science in Enugu East Local Government Area (Problems and Remedies). The purposes of the study was to find out the problems affecting teaching and learning of compute and integrated science in Enugu East Local Government. In junior secondary schools and proffer solutions to the problems. The study is a descriptive survey research. The instrument used for data collection is questionna...
Abstract This project work was carried out to examine the computer awareness level among junior secondary school students in Enugu urban Enugu State. The result of the findings further established the notion of other scholars equally discovered that there is generally low level of computer awareness among students as a result of some militating factors such as inadequacy of teachers, handling the subjects, inadequacy of qualified teachers, inadequate teaching methods and materials name th...
ABSTRACT The research investigated the comparison of academic performances of junior Science in External Examinations from 2003- 2007. This study is a survey research design. It is a research conducted on a large number o f people to identify general opinion. The study was carried out in Enugu North Local Government Area. The area belongs to Enugu Educational Zone. The population of the study consist of all the students and teachers in junior secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government...
ABSTRACT This research work was conducted to ascertain the comparative analysis of academic performance in English language and computer science in junior secondary school, Enugu North Educational Zone. A survey design was adopted for the study. A sample of 42 teachers both English language and computer science 110 students were drawn from 7 (seven) junior secondary schools in Enugu North. A structured Questionnaire was used to collect data and data collected were analyzed using frequency an...
ABSTRACT This research was carried out to assess the availability of teacher and laboratory facilities in computer science in junior secondary school in Enugu North. Teachers from each of the selected schools in Enugu north local government area were randomly exampled. Three research questions were formulated to find out the availability of teaching and learning of computer science. After through review of relevant literature, structured questionnaire was used to collect valid and relevant d...
ABSTRACT The research work sought to find the extent of integration of practical into teaching chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools in Enugu South L.G.A Enugu State. Research questions were raised and questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the students. The information so obtained were subject to analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results of the statistical analysis showed that these students are sufficiently aware of the impact of the integration of practical in teaching...
ABSTRACT Some scholars have found out from some states of the federation that the results of chemistry students in senior secondary School certificate examination have been always poor. “Among students who enroll in chemistry, the results in chemistry are very poor. We found out that the chemistry teachers who teach them are competent enough. Achievement in science, like chemistry is affected by the teaching personality of the science teachers (Ali 1981). Another scholar Offiah (19...
ABSTRACT Comparative study of student performance in WAEC biology, chemistry and English from 2004 – 2008 in Enugu North Local Government Area. In this study the researchers want to know to what extent the student performance in English varies from the student’s performance in biology and to what extent the student performance in English vary from chemistry. This has motivated the researcher towards reviewing all the related literature necessary on the performance of the studen...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess the students performance in senior secondary school certificate examination in chemistry in Enugu urban, Enugu state science, technology, and Chemistry were defined with their benefits to human life by different Authors, identify students’ performance in science subjects, identify the factors influencing the students performance in chemistry. Data for the study was obtained through documentation in which five (5) secondary schools in Enugu u...