Abstract Nowadays online attacks have increased to a great extent and the most popular attack among them is phishing. Phishing can be basically defined as one kind of attack in which the type of email scam often associated with spam. It steals the confidential information. Which is carried out by hacker, So it is very much important for the users to identify the fake website and avoid falling prey to it. It proposed a new approach named as Anti-phishing structure based on vi...
The paper presents a broad overview of various approaches adopted in the field of historiography across the ages starting from ancient times. It also discusses the merits and demerits of the major schools of thought and proposes a new methodology for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century school of Historiography. This paper proposes a stakeholderfocussed approach towards historiography and encompasses a wide range of topics from research and definition...
The ultimate concern of a historian is the possibility of gaining the knowledge of events and actions (in the course of time) which are no longer available for direct inspection. These happening have been preserved in material (as archival, written, archaeological etch.) and immaterial (oral tradition) forms. A historian is therefore charged with the task of piecing this event and actions together for an understanding of the theme to which he/she is engaged. Through the descriptive and exposi...
The chapter examines the problem of equity in higher education in Ghana with the view to determining progress since independence. Various studies on the provision of higher education in the country dating back to the colonial era have and continue to raise concerns about equity (Manu et al, 2007; Bening, 2005; Antwi, 1992). Indeed, if there has been one common trend in the many review or reform reports that have defined and shaped educational reforms at all levels in the country, prior to and...
The paper examines the history of Islamic education in Nigeria. It looks at its contribution to society. Effort is made to look at it success and failure with the aim of giving corrections.
This paper will help teachers,educators and parents to understand the importance of play in the academic performance of their children.
Today, computers and the Internet, has become an important element in the life of the individual of all ages.
A BRIEF HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN NIGERIA Before the British arrived in the early nineteenth century, there were two major types of education in Nigeria. In the Islamic north, education was strictly religious in nature. In each Muslim community, a mallam drilled children as young as five years old in the teachings of the Qur'an and the Arabic alphabet. During the colonial era, larger cities set up more expansive Islamic schools that included subjects such as math and science. In 1913, these Isl...
INTRODUCTION Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considere...
Abstract This study was carried out to design, implement and evaluate the impact of civic information, education and communication (IEC) programme on College of Education Students in Lagos State. The study utilized a participatory research model within the action research paradigm and employed a 2x2, non-randomized factorial design. Hypothesis were generated and tested in the study at 0.05 alpha level. Focus group discussion guide and civic knowledge attitude (CKA) questionnaires were used fo...