Recent research statistics has shown that the free primary education introduced in the year 2003 had lead to a large influx of pupils into primary schools. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus their arises an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of academic performance on the influx of pupils. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the impact of free primary education on academic p...
This research study was intended to analyze the impact of HIV/Aids on the education sector in Kenya . All relevant information related to this particular research was revisited andre used. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the implications of HIV/ AIDS on the education sector in Kenya. Questionnaires and interview guides were used in the collection of data. One of the main findings of this s...
The study on "Leadership Styles and Students' Unrest in Selected Schools in was canied out in Makindye Division, with specific aims of finding out the causes of students' unrest and its impact in order to address the problem. The study was comprehended through review ofliterature from previous scholars who added quality to the findings of this study. through an explorative research design administered on a sample of 70 respondents through an observation of qualitative and quantitative as...
For a number of years pnmary schools in Siongiroi zone have not been performing very well. The researcher wanted to investigate if school feeding programmes will improve pupil's academic performance. In the study, the researcher employed descriptive design. Therefore simple survey or poll for the purpose of describing attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of the study population were used. Questionnaires were used in the collection of data. The raw data was then analyzed, presented in perce...
The purpose of this study was to establish the problems of early childhood care and education in Namanga Primary School Kajiado Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some factors responsible for poor early childhood care and education in Namanga Primary school. The methods used for data collection was questioners to the teachers in the school who were involved in the study. In Chapter four the findings were presented and interpreted in relation to the study objec...
The study dwelt into the effectiveness oflearning materials, on the academic performance of young learners in pre-school. The study aimed at examining the effect of introducing the learning material as opposed to cases where teachers go to class with their notes without physical examples. A test was used as a research instrument to measure the knowledge thus the study employed the experimental research design. The prepared test was used to determine whether there is a significant differe...
The study about causes of street children was carried out. The objectives of the study were to find out the major causes of street children in Kibera Suburb, problems faced by street children, out street children survive on the street and what has been done to reduce these problems. The methods used to collect data were:- observation, interviews and questionnaires. Respondents were included in the study. It was found out that there were very many causes of street children like death of ...
Child abuse is the physical, psychological or sexual maltreatment of a child It's categorized into four: neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse and sexual abuse. According to various researches on the causes, impact and prevention of child abuse, It was discovered that there exists a difference between pupils academic performance in primary schools and this problem was attributed to the pupils background where some pupils were believed to have faced maltreatments from ...
The study sought to assess the effect of mother tongue and students' academic performance in English language in selected secondary schools in Wajir District, Kenya. The study was conducted in five schools. The specific interest areas on the philosophy and understanding of education by different scholars were reviewed addressing similar issues. The researcher used both random :and purposive sampling procedures. Purpose was used to select different ac iYitie s in the area of investigation i...
The performance of English in lyego location, Kangema division, Kenya is way below expectation of the education officials, board of governers, teachers and parents. English is a core subject and compulsory in the Kenyan system of education. It is, therefore, necessary to pass in English for one to be absorbed in the colleges/university or get a job (employment). Most students, teachers and the family members speak in Kikuyu and have negative attitude towards those who speak in English. T...
Gender parity in education is much treasured by many countries around the world, thus its realization is high on the agenda of many governments, Kenya included. Despite the Kenya government’s immense effort to eliminate gender disparity in education, girls in Murang’a South sub-county continue to perform poorer than boys. This study investigated the factors contributing to gender disparity in performance of KCSE examination in public mixed day secondary schools in Murang’a South sub-cou...
The study sought to investigate the extent and effect of implementation of gender mainstreaming policy in public secondary schools in Msambweni Sub – County in Kwale County, Kenya. Anecdotal reports alleged that in most public institutions in the country, gender stereotyping was still rife and persons of one gender still predominantly held the lion‘s share of available opportunities. This implied either non-implementation of gender mainstreaming policy by the institutions‘ manageme...
The Kenya Government established the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in 2003, within auspices of Social Dimension of Development Programme (SDDP) aimed at channeling resources to local levels for poverty reduction and regional development. The CDF provides funding to various community-based projects such as construction of schools, dispensaries, public toilets and improvement in service delivery like water. Despite the rationale for introduction of CDF, there are concerns on its effic...
The Kenyan government, in collaboration with other education stakeholders, has done a lot to improve retention and access in the Kenyan schools. However, the situation has not improved much in the schools within Lake Victoria islands of Suba district. The present study investigated the strategies head teachers employ to improve retention in primary schools in Lake Victoria islands of Suba district, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design with an ex-post-facto approach...
The principal’s role is to promote academic performance. The success or failure of a school is usually attributed to the principal. He or she is the pivot around which many aspects of the school revolve, being the person in charge of every detail of running the school, be it academic or administrative. Schools can make a difference to students’ achievement and the principal’s leadership is one factor determining that success. It is therefore important that the performance of a scho...