ABSTRACT Decentralization of teacher recruitment by TSC to the Board of Governors (BOG) has never been without complaints and alleged malpractices. This is a pointer that the ability of the BOG in the delegated process is wanting. The study investigated the constraints facing BOG in the decentralization of teacher recruitment process. The study was based on MaxWeber‟s Bureaucratic theory. It attempted to find out the qualifications of BOG members and how it matches up their duties and respo...
In all developing countries sciences education is being called upon to play an even more important role in the future. More students are needed to become competent in the key science subjects of physics, chemistry, and biology. For an all round contribution, there is need to involve both men and women. This study focused on gender differences in students’ achievement in Secondary School chemistry. In addition to the main purpose, the study sought to identify the factors that contribute...
Being the official medium of instruction in institutions of learning, English language proficiency is pivotal to successful undertaking of professional courses pursued in tertiary colleges and universities. When dismally performed in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE), it heralds to major concerns. This has been the predicament in Kirinyaga East secondary schools year in year out. The title of this study is “Integration of Information Communication and Technology in teac...
Food is essential in the holistic development of young children, without which retardation and stagnation may occur. Success in academic performance depends on the way the young children are nurtured in preschools. Food is a crucial basic need which must be met before other high needs. Despite, the underscored importance of food to preschool children, most school feeding programmes in public ECDE centres in Marani Sub County are dysfunctional.The study was guided by the following objectiv...
Every child is born with creative potential and it is the role of early education and later school years to nurture that creativity and support resourceful problem-solving, imaginative thinking, and transference of skills and knowledge to new experiences. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school based factors on preschool children participation in creative activities in Marani Sub-County, Kenya. The study aimed at establishing the influence of teachers’ atti...
Integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in educational management has become one of the most effective factors that lead to provision of quality education worldwide. Thus, as schools are increasingly becoming ICT-mediated environments, the head teachers’ role as far as promoting their use and integration for teaching, learning and management cannot be gainsaid. Incidentally, most of the public primary schools in Tinderet Sub County are still stuck in the inefficient n...
Learner-centred pedagogy is the hallmark of the ASEI-PDSI approach. The SMASSE/SMASE ASEI-PDSI pedagogy is an innovative approach that aims at shifting classroom practices from content based to activity-focused teaching and from teacher centered to learner-centered. Despite the use of the innovative approach, the KCPE grades in mathematics have remained persistently below average among public primary schools in Kajiado North Sub County. The purpose of the study was to examine the influen...
The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of parents’ involvement on learning outcomes of ECDE learners in Makueni Sub-county, Makueni County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to assess influence of parents’ involvement in homework activities, school decision-making, volunteering activities and parent-school communication on learning outcomes of early childhood learners. The study was guided by parental involvement theory and learning outcomes theory. The study ad...
The current problems facing the Kenyan pupil require Guidance and Counseling (G&C) teachers to be knowledgeable about psychological and behavioral interventions, both at the preventive and responsive levels. Despite the fact that Kikuyu Sub County public primary schools record high incidences of pupils’ absenteeism, alcohol and drugs abuse, psychosocial and teenage sexuality issues, G&C activities are very minimal. The main purpose of this study was to assess the G&C programmes’ capa...
The demand for higher education has led the Kenyan government to encourage and grant charters to several private universities. These universities absorb qualified students who even after being admitted by the Joint Admission Board of public universities opt to study at the private universities. Therefore in recent years, there has been an increase of students’ enrollment in private universities. In effect, there has been a great need to recruit and retain quality academic staff. Studie...
The Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Education, established Student Councils in Secondary Schools in 2009 to assist schools to manage student affairs. Yet, student unrests which are manifested in strikes, go-slows, rioting, burning of school property and violent behaviors still continue unabated. During the period 2014-2017, schools in Bungoma County, Kenya, witnessed an unprecedented rise in incidences of student unrests leading to destruction of property and loss of life. T...
Although more women today are joining the teaching profession, a gender gap in leadership in favour of men persists in primary schools in Kenya. Notably, women hold less than 20% of all leadership positions in primary schools in Kericho County. This study investigated the relationship between the perceptions of selected factors and aspirations of female teachers for primary school leadership positions in Kericho County. This research is founded on the Theory of planned behaviour and the ...
Research has shown that the quality of leadership makes the difference between the success and failure of a school in highly effective schools, as well as schools which have reversed a trend of poor performance and declining achievement. The purpose of the study was to investigate effect of headteachers' leadership practices on pupils' academic achievement in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in Kisii Central Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya. The study objectives were: to investigate...
Despite the national and county governments’ effort to control sand harvesting through issuance of guidelines and occasional banning of harvesting, the practice has persisted.Pupils at primary school are among the harvesters who motivated by the ready cash, are depleting the resource with far reaching ramifications. The purpose of the study was to investigate how sand harvesting has affected pupils’ learning in public primary schools in Kenyawa division, Kajiado East sub-county, Kaj...
The proposed study aimed at establishing the challenges facing head teachers in managing public primary schools in Masaba South Sub- County, Kisii County, Kenya. The research objectives sought to establish the financial challenges, examine the teaching and learning resources challenges and assess pupils discipline management challenges facing the head teachers in public primary school in Masaba Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. The study was premised on classical Administrative Management...