ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish whether there is a significant relationship between Performance appraisal and Work Productivity. It was guided by five specific objectives, which included: i) to determine the demographic characteristics of respondents in terms of gender, age, highest education qualification, field of specialization, terms of employment, experience in service, marital status and appointment authority, ii) to determine the level of Performance appraisal; ii...
ABSTRACT The study correlates team building and service delivery in selected public primary schools in Getembe Division, Kenya. It was guided by four objectives namely; to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, educational qualification and years of teaching experiences, present position, and marital status, to determine the level of team building, to determine the level of service delivery. To determine if there is significant relationship between the levels of team ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between Technical and Vocational Education and Training Schools (TVETs) and economic empowerment of the graduates from TVETs in Muhanga District, Rwanda. This was based on three objectives namely to: investigate the relevance of TVETs in Muhanga District; to determine the level of economic empowerment of graduates from TVETs in Muhanqa District; and finally to establish the relationship between TVETs and economic empowerme...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between the implementation of human resource policy and teachers’ productivity in secondary schools in Tana River County Kenya. The study was guided by three specific objectives; (1) to investigate the level of implementation of human resource policy in secondary schools (2) to investigate the level of teachers’ productivity in secondary schools and (3) to establish the relationship between human resource policy and t...
ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher looked at the non monetary compensation and lecturers’ effectiveness in Kampala International University. Quantitative data was collected using the non probability administered questionnaire that consisted of 23 items in independent variables and 48 items on the dependent variables; and was distributed to samples of 150 lecturers and 360 students from different colleges. A Pearson Coefficient Correlation was used to test the hypothesis on correlation...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to find out the constraints in the implementation of child labour policy by education stake holders in Pakwach town council, it was guided by four objectives; to determine the profile of the respondents, to establish the extent of implementation of child labour Policy, to determine the extent of constraints in the implementation of the child labour policy in Pakwach Town Council Primary schools, and to find the relationship between the child labour policy and t...
ABSTRACT The study was about career development and Teachers’ productivity in secondary school in Rongo Division, Kenya. It was guided by four objectives, namely; establishing the profile of the respondents, the level of career Development, the level of teacher Productivity and the relationship between level of career development and the level of teacher Productivity. The study used descriptive co relational survey as its research design. 6 secondary schools from Rongo Division were Randoml...
ABSTRACT The research determined the correlation between quality assurance mechanisms and teacher professional development activities in Mbita Urban Zone of Mbita district. It was a cross-sectional and descriptive correlation survey design. Purposive sampling procedure was used to sample out the schools.The statistical tool used was an adopted questionnaire based on the liker’s scale and analyzed using percentage distribution techniques, mean & standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the Determinants of Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics in Selected Secondary Schools in Nyamira South District of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if discipline affects the students’ academic performance in Mathematics in selected secondary schools of Nyamira South District, to determine if teachers’ qualification and experience affect students’ academic performance in mathematics in selected s...
ABSTRACT This study entitled principals‟ instructional supervision and teachers‟ performance is presented as a result of a study conducted in secondary school in Danko Wasagu local area of Kebbi state Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to determine principal instructional supervision, to assess teachers‟ performance, and to establish the relationship between principals‟ instructional supervision and teachers‟ performance. The researcher employed descriptive correlational desi...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating environment and the social integration of students with special needs conditions in Gatagara secondary school which is located in Huye district, Southern Province in Rwanda. Data was collected ifrom a population of students and teachers. A total sample comprising of 135 from which 119 students and 16 teachers was drawn. The speed of these students remains a limiting factor in note taking. In addition to that these students are also disadvantaged in p...
ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between instructional inspection and teacher performance in Butaleja Sub County in Butaleja district. Three major objectives were pursued and they included; establishing the level of instructional supervision in• selected primary schools in Butaleja district, establish the level of teacher perfonm~nce in selected primary schools in Butaleja district and establishing the relationship between instructional supervision and teacher performance in sel...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION A ii DECLARATION B iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES ix ABSTRACT x CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.1.1 Historical Perspective 1 1.1.2 Theoretical Perspective 2 1.1.3 Conceptual Perspective 3 1.1.4 Conceptual Perspective 4 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Purpose of the Study 5 1.5 Research Questions 5 1.6 Hypotheses 6 1.7 Scope 6 1.8 Significance of the Study 6 CHAPTER TWO 8 REVIEW OF RELATED LITE...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of in-service teacher training on learners’ attainment of education in primary schools in Western Uganda. Specifically, the study was guided by the following objectives: to assess the effect of in-service teacher training on teachers, to assess the effect of in-service teacher training on learners’ attainment of education and to examine the process by which in-service teacher training is designed and delivered. The assessment w...
ABSTRACT This study is entitled Physical resources and pupils’ enrolment in primary schools in Olilim sub-county, Otuke district, Uganda. It was based on four objectives namely; to determine the profile of respondents; to determine the level of physical resources in Olilim Sub-County primary schools; to determine the rate of pupils’ enrolment in Olilim sub-county primary schools; and to examine the relationship between the level of physical resources in Olilim sub county primary schools a...