Education Management Research Papers/Topics

Teacher Quality and Student Performance of Selected Private Secondary Schools in Wadajir District Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study is about teacher Quality and students’ performance of selected private secondary schools in Wadajir district in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study examined the effectiveness of the teacher quality and student performance. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of~ gender, age, academic qualifications, and work experience, to evaluate the teacher quality on student performance in terms of his/her qualifications, to exami...

Gender Roles and Women Participation in Leadership of Public Primary Schools in Kirinyaga Central District in Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to determine the Gender roles and women participation in leadership. The study investigated the factors that seem to hinder women teachers from progressing to positions of leadership in public primary schools, in Kirinyaga Central District in Kenya. To achieve this, four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The first question sought to determine the profile of the respondents. The second question sought to establish gender roles of wom...

School Environment and Dropout Rate of Students in Secondary Schools in Kiambu East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study set out to investigate the effect of school environment on dropout rate of students in selected secondary schools of Kiambu East District, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the level of class size and levels of student drop out and finally the relationship between school environment and academic dropout of students in Kiambu East District. The study used a descriptive correlative survey research design. The methods of data collection was ques...

School Management Practices and Students Academic Performance in Selected Private Secondary Schools in Bosaso, Puntland Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the relationship between school management practices and student’s academic performance in selected private secondary schools in Bosaso District, Puntland Somalia. The study objectives included; determining the profile of the respondents, the relationship between teacher motivation and student’s academic performance, the relationship between student’s motivation and student’s academic performance, the extent to which school education quality control h...

In-Service Training and Effectiveness of Head Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Shinyalu Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The topic of this study is “In — service Training and Effectiveness of Head Teachers in public primary schools in Shinyalu Division, Kakamega county, Kenya”and it has the following Objectives: To investigate the level of in — service training of head teachers of public primary schools in Shinyalu Division, Kenya, to determine the level of effectiveness of head teachers of public primary schools in Shinyalu Division, Kenya, to establish the relationship between In — Servic...

School-Based Instructional Supervision and Teacher Performance in Selected Public Secondary Schools of Nyamagabe District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The study entitled “School-Based Instructional Supervision and Teacher Performance in Selected Public SecondarY Schools in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda” sought to answer the research questions which were: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age; gender; levei of education and experience? What is the level of school-based instructional supervision in selected public secondary schools in Nyamagabe District? What is the level of teacher performance in selected public ...

Some Factors Affecting School Administration under the Universal Primary Education Program in Kabwangasj Subcounty, Pallisa District of Uganda

ABSTRACT  The research was concerned with the factors affecting School Administration under Universal Primary Education in Kabwangasi Sub-County in Pallisa District. The study identified the factors, their impacts and the measures of solving them. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, the samples gathered in the study were got from the U.P.E Schools. The researcher made use of the questionnaire technique with the aid of focus group discussions to collect data. The data was categori...

Implementation Status of Free Secondary Education in Kirinyaga East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study aimed at establishing the Implementation status of free secondary education with a special focus on Kirinyaga East District. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study sought to establish whether availability of physical facilities, adequacy of funds and delayed disbursement of funds has any influence on the implementation of free secondary education. Findings have been analyzed using tables and other descriptive statistics, The study has established that ...

Social Factors and Students Educational Aspirations in Selected Secondary Schools East-Karachuonyo Division Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study was about social factors and students educational aspirations in selected secondary schools in East Karachuonyo Division, Kenya. The purpose of the study intended to validate social pathology theory/ goal setting theory/needs theory and expectancy theory upon which it was based, filled the gaps identified during literature review, tested the hypothesis of no significant relationships between social factors and educational aspirations. The study was guided by the following...

Gender Disparities of Administrators in Selected Public Primary Schools in Nyamira Division, Nyanza Province Kenya

ABSTRACT  That women’s position in society has not improved greatly in recent years has been established in the literature. Women as managers and their roles in administration has become a topic of special interest and importance in the present decade. This study was conducted to find out the why gender disparities exist in school administration in primary schools of Nyamira division, Nyanza Province Kenya. The central research questions were “1) what is the profile of administrators in ...

Principals Instructional Supervision and Teachers Performance of Secondary Schools in Danko Wasagu Local Government Area Kebbi State, North-West Nigeria.

ABSTRACT  This study entitled principals~ instructional supervision and teachers’ performance is presented as a result of a study conducted in secondary school in Danko Wasagu local area of Kebbi state Nigeria. The objectives of’ the study were to determine principal instructional supervision, to assess teachers’ performance. and to establish the relationship between principals’ instructional supervision and teachers’ performance. The researcher employed descriptive correlational d...

Organizational Stability and Employee Turnover in Selected Secondary Schools in Nandi North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  In has been observed that in organizational management, every one aims for the growth and the stability of the organization which can be guaranteed if stability of people is ensured. Employee turnover occurs when employees leave the organization and need to be replaced by new recruits. It can occur through resignation, dismissals and retirement. High employee turn over can be expensive to the organization leading to organizational instability. This study is therefore undertaken to ...

Teachers Perception on Determinants of Girls Access to Primary Education in Selected Schools Tana River District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The work embodied in this thesis was carried out in Tana River District, Kenya with objectives to determine teachers’ perception on determinants of girls’ access to primary education in selected schools, and such include the profile of respondents and the difference in teachers’ perceptions in respect to gender, qualification, experience and age, and the level of teachers’ perceptions in terms of socio economic, cultural and school based factors. A review of related literat...

Organizational Culture and Drop Out Rate of Learners in Selected Primary Schools in Nandi Central District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The title of the study was Organizational Culture and Dropout Rate of Learners in Nandi Central District Primary Schools. The study sought to determine the relationship between organizational culture and pupils drop out rate in Nandi central district. It was guided by these four objectives; (i)to determine the profile of the respondents in respect to age, gender, level of education and type of school ii) Determine the level of organizational culture iii)determine the level of pupil...

In-School Instructional Supervision Skills in Selected Public Primary Schools in Ndithini Division Masinga, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study determined the effect of head teachers! instructional supervision skills on the performance of teachers in public primary schools in Ndithini division, Kenya. The research answered the following questions: What is the level of in-school instructional supervision skills on the performance of teachers in selected primary schools in Ndithini Division? What is the level of teachers’ performance in fulfillment of their pedagogical responsibilities as influenced by in-school...

91 - 105 Of 155 Results