ABSTRACT The relatively low achievement of students in mathematics has been of concern to many parents and educators for some time now. Most research concentrated more on the cognitive factors, while the affective factors are ignored. Regrettably in Ghana, little attention is paid to the effect that students’ self-concept and intrinsic motivation have on mathematics achievement. Questionnaires were administered to a convenience sample of 89 students together with the end of first semester r...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of GeoGebra software on senior high school students’ academic performance in Circle Theorems. The study also assessed the students’ attitudes towards the use of GeoGebra in teaching and learning of Circle Theorems. The study made use of simple random sampling (lottery method) and purposive sampling techniques select two Form 2 classes from two different schools within the Bono Region. The sample size for the study was 78 stud...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate significant sex differences in students’ achievement scores in core mathematics as measured by the School-Based Assessment System. It also investigated the extent to which mathematics teachers were aware and conversant with the provision for the SBA. A survey method was used and simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used to select three Senior High Schools in the Ho Municipality. A total of 194 students had their assessment i...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of the van Hiele Phase-based Instruction (VHPI) on Pre-service Teachers’ (PTs) geometric thinking in terms of the van Hiele Levels and how the VHPI can motivate PTs to learn geometry. It further investigated how College of Education (CE) Mathematics tutors facilitate geometry teaching and learning consistent with the van Hiele Levels of geometric thinking. The study utilized mixed method approach involving quasi-experimental design in which two Co...
ABSTRACT The study explored mentoring activities experienced by mathematics interns during the internship programme. It further explored interns’ evaluation of mentors' professional competences and how it shapes their conception and vision of teaching and learning of mathematics and how the student internship programme can be improved. The study surveyed 134 mathematics interns from UEW. Data was collected using questionnaire and interviews. Among the interns surveyed, five were selected fo...
Abstract The study investigated the impact of inquiry-oriented instructional approach (IO-IA) on the teaching and learning of partial differential equations (PDEs) at the undergraduate level with the purpose of addressing challenges that students face in the learning of PDEs. A purposive sampling technique was used to select four hundred (400) students from the two cohort groups (2016/2017 and 2017/2018 academic year students) of mathematics students. The selected students in each year group ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in mathematics achievement of senior high school students in selected districts in the Central Region of Ghana. The study was conducted in four districts in the Central Region of Ghana. The research questions/hypothesis addressed in the study were: The study sought to determine the overall mathematics achievement of senior high school boys and girls in the selected schools and to examine differences in the mathematics ac...
ABSTRACT This study was an attempt to Compare the Categories of mathematical tasks in two SHS mathematics textbooks namely AKIOLA core mathematics series (ACM) and the Enriched mathematics (ECM) textbooks for SHS. It specifically sought to find out the categories of exercises in mathematical tasks as well as the categories of steps in mathematical tasks and whether or not there were differences between the categories of exercises and steps in the ACM textbooks and ECM textbooks. In all, eight...
ABSTRACT Research in cognitive psychology suggests that cognitive factors such as spatial abilities and verbal reasoning are important in developing geometric knowledge of students in elementary school. However, these cognitive abilities are less explored in teacher education. The study adopted cross-sectional survey design to investigate relationships among knowledge types in geometry, and how spatial ability and verbal reasoning relate to and account for knowledge in basic shape and space a...
ABSTRACT Performance in mathematics by students has persistently been poor. This study sought to investigate the impact of quality of teaching mathematics and opportunity to learn standards provided for Junior High School pupils on their performance in Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE). The study also sought to establish the strategies that could be adopted to improve performance in the subject by students in Kadjebi District of the Volta Region. The population for the study was ...
ABSTRACT The present study investigated effects of the use of Active Pedagogy on Senior High School students’ achievement in logical reasoning in the West Mamprusi District (WMD) of the North East Region of Ghana. The study employed a Quasi-experimental design with pre-test post-test control groups design which involved a sample of three hundred and forty (340) students from the four Public Senior High Schools of the district, using convenience and purposive sampling techniques. Observatio...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the use of Smartphone Mathematics Applications (SMAs) among Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) in learning Mathematics at teacher universities in Ghana. It further investigated the factors that influence PMTs’ use of SMAs in learning mathematics and their perceptions about the use of SMAs in learning mathematics. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey design. The targeted population for the study was made up of 1,840 PMTs at the ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated Self-efficacy Beliefs in Computer use of Undergraduate maths Students’ and its Relationship to their Computer Experiences in SHS. The study used quantitative methodology which employed survey design as an approach of inquiry. Bandura self-efficacy beliefs theory was used as a conceptual model to assess the extent of students’ computer competence and constructivist teaching and learning principle as a theoretical framework to assess SHS students’ comput...
ABSTRACT This study investigated how the use of problem solving techniques could improve pre-service teachers’ performance in word problems of simultaneous equations as well as interest in the subject. The second-year pre-service teachers at the Wesley College of Education, Kumasi, were involved in the study. The study employed the survey design and data were collected using pre-test, post-test and questionnaire/interview. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. The...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to describe twelfth grade students’ perception of the mathematics teachers’ teaching style, to describe the mathematics teachers’ perception of in-service education and training (INSET) programmes, and to investigate twelfth grade students’ achievement in Liberia Senior High School Certificate Examination (LSHSCE) mathematics and how it is influenced by teacher characteristics. The study took place in fourteen purposively selected senior high scho...