ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the mathematics achievement of private and public schools in the Chorkor Circuit of Accra Metropolis. The population for the study was 617 J.H.S.3 pupils from private and public basic schools. Four hundred and fifty three (453) pupils were selected for the study, two hundred and eighty four (284) from public schools and one hundred and sixty nine (169) from private schools. The research design used for the study was survey with test as the instrumen...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the effect of Problem-Based Learning Approach on College of Education students’ achievement in, and attitude toward Probability. The research design for the study was Quasi-experimental. Convenience and simple random sampling techniques were employed to obtain a sample of 100 students for the study. Tests, questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were the instruments employed for data gathering. Probability achievement pre-test was ad...
ABSTRACT This research investigates Mathematics discourse as practiced by Senior High School Mathematics teachers and students in Ghana. Mixed-method design was used to collect data for the study. The study involves 110 teachers and 120 students. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyse the quantitative data while thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. Convenience sampling was used to select the area of study whiles purposive sampling was used to select ...
ABSTRACT The study investigated teaching and learning resources available for teaching mathematics at the Senior High School (SHS) level in the Western region of Ghana. Specifically, it tried to find out the available resources and if they differ among the school categories, the state of the available resources, teachers’ access to the available resources and the difference in the use of the resources across sex, academic qualification and school categories. The study used pragmatist paradi...
ABSTRACT This research study was an action research which involved a sample of fifty-four (54) students of form 3 General Arts ‘A’ class of Mansoman Senior High School in the Amansie West District of Ashanti Region, selected purposely for the study. The study was aimed at improving the performance of students in mensuration tasks involving areas and volumes of cylinders, cones and spheres. Pre-test and post-test were used in data collection. Pre-test and post-test scores obtained by...
ABSTRACT This study explored the effectiveness of the use of video-based instruction on students’ relational understanding, their attitudes toward it, and their tendency to collaborative, in learning solid mensuration, in the Birim Central Municipality of Ghana. A mixed methods concurrent triangulation research design, embedded with one-group pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design was employed. The same treatment and methodologies were used on two intact classes (𝑛 = 43 and �...
ABSTRACT This study employed the quasi-experimental design to address Potsin T. I Ahmadiyya Senior High School Students’ Difficulties in solving algebraic word problems in linear equations using constructivist approach. The researcher identified four major difficulties students encounter when solving algebraic world problems namely: students attempting but demonstrating misunderstanding of the problem; students attempting and unable to translate problem into algebraic model or equation(s);...
ABSTRACT This study investigated senior high school students‟ attitude towards mathematics and how they perceive their mathematics classroom learning environments. Two-hundred (200) participants from five senior high schools (School A, B, C, D and E) in the Cape Coast Metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana consisted of the sample size. A descriptive survey design was used with a Mathematics Classroom Learning Environment Inventory (MCLEI) and Mathematics Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ) as ...
ABSTRACT This study examined the perception of preservice mathematics teachers on cognitive needs, TPACK levels and altruistic to teaching mathematics. The research design employed was the mixed methods approach specifically sequential explanation mixed methods. The population for this study was preservice mathematics teachers at the University of Education, Winneba of Ghana. The study employed the purposive sampling technique specifically homogeneous sampling technique to select level 300 ma...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted at Bimbilla College of Education. It examined gender differences in mathematics achievement among students. The descriptive crosssectional design was employed for this study. Thirty (30) college students were sampled via stratified and simple random sampling techniques for the study. Questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.73), and mathematics test items were used as data collection instruments. The data collected were analysed quantitatively using descriptiv...
ABSTRACT The study sought to explore and examine the competence basic school mathematics supervisors possess in ensuring effective mathematics education delivery in the Ghanaian basic schools. A cross sectional descriptive survey research design was undertaken with an adopted conceptual framework from Niss and Jensen (2002). The conceptual framework enumerates the kinds of competence expected of a mathematics student, teacher or supervisors. The sample for the study comprised mathematics tea...
ABSTRACT The study examined the level of participation of mathematics tutors in T-TEL professional development sessions (PDS) and their perceived self-efficacy beliefs to implement the new 4-year B.Ed. mathematics curriculum in the Colleges of Education in Northern Ghana. The study adopted the mixed methods survey approach that involves concurrent triangulation of data. The sample was made up of 39 participants comprising 37 male mathematics tutors and 2 female mathematics tutors, among whi...
ABSTRACT The study explored the extent of ICT integration in teaching and learning of mathematics among Colleges of Education (CsE) mathematics tutors in Ghana. It also investigated factors that influence ICT integration in teaching and learning of mathematics in the CsE in Ghana. This study utilized the Constructivist theory, Technology Acceptance Model and the Concerned Based Adoption Model as its theoretical frameworks. The study which included forty-four (44) CsE mathematics tutors utili...
ABSTRACT This study was set out to examine the barriers to ICT integration into Mathematics teaching and learning in selected Senior High Schools in the Central Region of Ghana. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the effects of internal barriers (constructive teaching beliefs, teaching experience, attitudes toward computer and technology competence) and external barriers (access to technology use, level of training in the use of technology, ...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to examine the performance of Mathematics at primary leaving examinations in government aided schools in Bubutu Sub-county, Manafwa District.The study was centred on finding out whether: - methods of teaching, pupils’ attitude towards Mathematics and inadequacy of instructional materials lead to poor performance in Mathematics at Primary Leaving Examinations in government aided schools...