Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

The factors that hinder successfull implementation of mentally challenged learners in inclusive education. A case study of kiharu division, murang'a district, kenya.

Abstract The study paper explained barriers that hinder successful implementation of inclusive education for mentally challenged learners in Kiharu Division ofMurang'a North District. A sample of forty regular primary school teachers was purposively selected. The researcher used qualitative design approach to get the information. Questionnaires were used to correct date. The questionnaires targeted regular primary school teachers who deal directly with special needs. Date was then analyzed u...

Teacher effectiveness: managing children with behaviour problems in primary schools in matete east zone, lugari district, kenya.

ABSTRACT  The study dealt with teacher effectiveness in managing children with behaviour problems in primary schools. Following the implementation of free primary education, we expect all learners to be in school but to the contrary there is very high rate of school drop out, truancy of learners and school unrest. Therefore, these learners are not benefiting from FPE. The study is meant to determine how effective teachers are in managing learners with behaviour problems in primary schools. T...

Challenges Encountered In Implementing Free Primary Education In Kasarani Division Nairobi Kenya

Abstract The research assessed the strength and challenges encountered in implementing free primary education in Kasarani division. Few strength were noted like high enrolment, reduction of street children among others. However there were some challenges like lack of enough teachers, inadequate learning facilities like desks and infrastructural materials e.g. text books among others. 

Challenges Faced By Teachers Who Teach Learners With Special Needs In Regular School Setting: A Case Study Of Mikinduri Zone, Tigania District

ABSTRACT  The study attempted to carry out a critical analysis on the challenges that affect the education achievements of learners with special needs while trying to get themselves acclimati zed with the regular school programmes where they are mixed with their counterparts who do not have any disability at all. The study took Mikinduri zone, Tigania District as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of challenges do affect and make it hard for these learners to stay at schoo...

Factors Affecting Performance Of Learners In Mathematics With Specific Learning Difficulties In Nyamira Division Nyamira District Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to explore the possible factors which contribute to poor academic performance among learners with specific learning difficulties in Mathematics, writing, reading and spelling. The researcher used structured questionnaire to collect data to determine the problem. He then used random sampling of schools and sampled four schools to represent the larger group. The researcher narrowed his research to 10 teachers, two from every school to fill The researcher ...

Parents Involvement In The Education And Acad Mic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Child N In Rhamu Division, Mandera District - Kenya A Case Study Of: Rhamu Division

The central problem of this study was that despite the introduction of free primary education by the government in 2003, the enrolment of mentally retarded children in public primary schools of Rhamu Division, REIAMU division of RHAMU Kenya was low. This low enrolment made the researcher to conduct the study tn find out the factors that cause the problem. The researcher wanted to confirm whether cultural beliefs, lack of adaptive skills, in-adequate assessments lack oftechnical skills am...

Factors Affecting Teachers Implementation Of Educational Interventions For Mentally Retarded Children In Selected Regular Schools In Miriu Zone Of Rachuonyo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to detennine the factors affecting teacher's implementation of educational intervention in regular primary schools in Mirui zone East Karachuonyo Division Rachunyo district of the republic of Kenya. There are 17 primary schools of which 9 were randomly sampled to be target schools for the study. In the 9 sampled schools 65 teachers were found be present. Only 8 teachers have qualified to have qualified to handle learners with disabilities in regular prima...

Teaching methods and the performance of english in an inclusive setting: A case study of primary schools in municipality zone murang'a north district, kenya.

ABSTRACT Considering the fact that English is one of the cores subjects in the primary school curriculum, one would have expected learners to perform in it but the reverse, dismal performance in the subject seems to be the case. Indeed, there is declining performance in English which largely contributes to overall poor performance in other subjects tested in the curriculum. It is ironical that in the Kenyan system of education, where there is great emphasis on the teaching of English languag...

An Investigation Into Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Among Learners With Hearing Impairment In Lambwe Division, Mbita District-kenya

The study was to investigate the causes of poor academic performance among the hearing impaired learners in regular primary schools. The researcher used questionnaires used to collect information from the respondents, the respondents were 25 teachers and 50 learners from the five sampled schools. The researcher found that in comparison with their hearing counterparts, hearing impaired learners performed poorly in academic work due to a number of factors.  These include: o Poor methods of...

Relationship Between Resource Utilization And Academic Performance Of Physically Challenged Learners In Ototo Zone -Homa-Bay District Kenya

ABSTRACT  The researcher was drawn into conducting this study by the report that revealed that the physically challenged learners of Ototo Zone in Homa Bay District—Kenya were performing very poorly in their national exams. The report had also touched on the under utilization of educational resources by teachers of the physically challenged learners. The purpose of the study was therefore mainly to assess the relationship between educational resource utilization and the academic performanc...

Teacher's Attitude Towards Inclusion Of The Hearing Imp Aired Into Mainstream Schools In Baringo District Kenya (Acase Study Of Kabutiei Primary School)

Provision of special needs education is a great milestone in addressing the challenges found in learners with special needs. This research has been initiated to investigate how attitudes of regular primary school teachers have helped in inclusion of learners with hearing impairment in a regular primary school. The investigation was centered in finding out attitudes towards people with hearing impairment, Salamanca statement and framework for the action and intervention of the hearing impa...

Factors Affecting The Teacidng Of Children With Mental Retardation In Inclusive Setting In Green Hills Academy Primary School In Gasabo District, Kigali City, Rwanda

This research study intended to establish the factors affecting the teaching of children with mental retardation in inclusive setting in Green Hills Academy Primary School in Gasabo District in Kigali city of Rwanda. It was to investigate and identify the possible barriers that affect the teaching of children with mental retardation in inclusive setting and to determine various strategies that could be used to overcome the factors hindering the teaching of children with mental retardatio...

Class Room Management And Academic Performance Of Intellectually Challenged Learners A Case Studyof Luikuyani South Zone Lugar! District Kenya

The study focused on the class management and academic performance of intellectually challenged learners in likuyani south zone, lugari district, Kenya. This "'as undertaken by the researcher after discovering that their academic achievement is far much below average raising eye brows among parents, teachers and pupils. The researcher wanted to establish educational resources available, trained teachers in special needs education , attitude of teacher and teaching strategies used and kno...

Effects Of Motivation On Academic Perfomance Of Leaners With Learning Disablities In Public Primary Schools In Amu Division Lamu District, Kenya.

The study set to find out how learners with Learning Disabilities are motivated to learn by their teachers. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the causes of learning problems among learner. The methods used for data collection was questionnaire to the staff members of the schools. The findings were presented and interpreted in relation to the study objectives and research questions. The findings concluded that there are some teachers who can not identify learners with leave...

Challenges Of Teaching The Mentally Retarded Learners In Githambia Primary School, Thika Dictrict, Kenya.

In the year 2003. free primary education was introduced in Kenya. This enhanced the Jomtein Conference. 1990 in Thailand and Dakar Conference in the year 2000 which advocated for free education for all. (EF A). In this regard, every child irrespective of nature. religion race, color or creed has a right to education. In reference to the under privileged in the world, even people with disabilities of which ever nature, should have access to education. It is now upon the teachers handling ...

136 - 150 Of 160 Results