Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers’ Perception Of Transition Preparedness By Learners With Physical Disabilities Towards Employment: Joytown, Joyland And Mombasa Special Secondary Schools, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study examined factors influencing teachers’ perception on transition preparedness for learners with physical disabilities (PD) towards employment: Joytown, Joyland and Mombasa Special Secondary Schools for physically handicapped in Kenya. The study was carried out in Joytown Secondary School in Thika West, Kiambu County, and Mombasa Secondary in Mombasa County and Joyland Secondary School in Kisumu County. Descriptive survey research design was used to establish teachers’ co...

An Analysis Of Determinants Of Psycho-Educational Assessment For Learners With Learning Disabilities In Brno City, Czech Republic

ABSTRACT A comprehensive psycho-educational assessment for learners with learning disabilities (LD) is a significant event for parents, psycho-educational assessors, teachers and leaners. This research study aimed to analyse the determinants of psycho-educational assessment for learners with learning disabilities (LD) in Brno City in the Czech Republic. Psycho-educational assessment for learners with LD remains a challenge in Czech Republic, hence, there is an extensive debate as to how to b...

Factors influencing provision of community-based rehabilitation services to children with physical disabilities in isiolo north constituency, isiolo county, kenya.

ABSTRACT  Disability is not inability! Globally, children with physical disabilities should receive psychological, medical, and educational and social services like any other „normal‟ children. A descriptive survey design was used which explored an in-depth and holistic understanding of social life. Both qualitative and quantitative measures were used to analyse the data. Purposive sampling was used to select 2 centres, 2 administrators, 12 personnel, 12 teachers, 18 parents and 30 child...

Analysis Of Interventions Teachers Use To Manage Learners With Selected Behaviour Disorders In Primary Schools In Thika Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the intervention strategies teachers used in managing learners with selected behaviour disorders in primary schools in Madaraka zone, Thika sub-county, Kiambu County, Kenya. The following objectives guided our study: to establish effectiveness of assessment methods teachers used in identifying learners with selected behaviour disorders, explore intervention strategies teachers used in managing learners with selected behaviour disorders, to inv...

Performance Of The Cerebral Palsy Society Of Kenya (Cpsk) In Rehabilitation Of Children With Cerebral Palsy In Kenya

ABSTRACT The researcher carried out an evaluative study of the Cerebral Palsy Society of Kenya (CPSK) with focus on its performance in rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (CP) in Kenya. The study was aimed at determining the rehabilitation services provided and the human and material resources available at CPSK, the achievements of the society and challenges faced. It also aimed at gathering views of the members on ways of enhancing rehabilitation services. The purpose of this stu...

Sign Language And English Language Use: Examination Performance Implications For Deaf Students At Kuja Secondary School, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigated the problem on poor performance by students with Hearing Impairment (HI) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination. Efforts had been employed such as the use of Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) as medium of instruction alongside English, the language of setting and writing examination. However, switching code from KSL to English by students with HI presented a problem during examination preparation and that continued to contribute to poor perform...

An Investigation Into The Provision Of Support Services For Learners With Physical Disabilities In The Two Selected Schools In Kisumu East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated the provision of support services to learners with physical disabilities in Kisumu East District, Kenya. The study focused on provision of support services and their impact on socialization and academic participation of learners with physical disabilities. It was guided by social cognitive theory. Case study was used to achieve the objectives. The target population was made up of 34 teachers, 177 students and four professionals, making a total of 215 persons....

Analysis Of Predictors Of Behaviour Change Among Children At Risk In Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres In Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyse predictors of behaviour change among children at risk in juvenile rehabilitation centres within Nairobi County, Kenya. The target population was all the children and managers of Juvenile rehabilitation Centresin Nairobi County. This consisted of 380 boys, 160 girls, 8 managers in Kabete and Getathuru and4 managers in Dagorreti rehabilitation Centre, all making a total of 552 respondents. Children at risk in Juvenile rehabilitation Centres within ...

Effectiveness Of Special Needs Education Supervision In Uasin Gishu District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT One of the major challenges facing special education in Kenya has its origin from the implementation and evaluation of the educational movements that have resulted into special schools, integrated programmes and inclusion. This process emphasizes the need for close supervision to address the transition effectively. Studies reviewed indicated that problems in the supervision of Special Education occur right from the varying definition and roles of supervision, to Special Educational N...

Strategies For Enhancing Access And Retention Of Learners With Visual Impairments In Universal Primary Education Schools In South Western Uganda Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate strategies for enhancing access and retention of Learners with Visual Impairments (LVI) in regular Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools in South Western Uganda. The study was conducted in seven districts within South Western Uganda. This area was selected because it had a high concentration of LVI enrolled in regular UPE schools. The study was based on Access theory by Ribot & Peluso (2003), supplemented by Adaptation theory by Sherril...

Instructional Resources And Strategies On Participation In Adapted Aquatics For Learners With Physical Impairments In Joy-Town Special Primary School In Kiambu County, Kenya

The study sought to analyze the instructional needs and resources for Adapted Aquatic activities for learners with Physical Disability at Joy-Town Special Primary School Kiambu County Kenya. Children ought to get 60 minutes or more physical activity every day, including children with physical disabilities as it is an excellent way of improving motor fitness, physical fitness, social skills and self-confidence of learners with disabilities. However, most PE teachers are not conversant with Ada...

Influence Of Child Labour On Access To Education Of Children With Disabilities In Samburu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to find out the influence of child labour on access to education of children with disabilities. It is widely acknowledged that child labour is detrimental to children’s school attendance, participation and completion which is also a precursor to child labour. The specific objectives of the study were: to determine the type of labour performed by children with disabilities as child labourers; to determine how the types of disability influence children into chi...

Effect Of Teaching Methods On Academic Performance In Mathematics Among Learners With Hearing Impairment In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of teaching methods on academic performance of learners with hearing impairment in Mathematics in Igembe District, Meru County, Kenya. The study was based on Burhus Fredric Skinner‟s theory of motivation in learning. The argument here was that learner‟s motivation to undertake a task depends on expected rewards that is, achievements in accomplishment of task. This study will adopt a descriptive survey design which will allow th...

Vocational Education And Community Integration Of Young Adults With Mental Retardation In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate how vocational education and transitional services offered in vocational institutions helped young adults with mental retardation attain full community integration. The study objectives included to; investigate the extent to which vocational education equip young adults with mental retardation with skills of community adjustment and identify different avenues through which they were integrated in the community. The study employed both quan...

Influence Of Guidance And Counseling On Social Skills Of Students With Learning Disabilities In International Secondary Schools, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research study sought to assess the influence of school guidance and counseling services on the development of social skills of learners with learning disabilities in international secondary schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish the types of Guidance and counseling services being offered to learners with learning disabilities, to examine the influence of professional training of school counselors on guidance and counseling...

481 - 495 Of 610 Results