Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Impact Of Female Genital Mutilation On Education Of Girls With Hearing Impairment In Gucha County-Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to find out the impact of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on education of girls with hearing impairment in Gucha County which is in Kenya. FGM is the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia (WHO, 1995). It results in immediate Physical Problems, for example, intense pain and/or hemorrhage that can lead to shock during and after the procedure, hemorrhage can also lead to anemia, wound infection, including tetanus, damage to adjoining orga...

Determinants Of Pace Of Learning For Learners With Visual Impairments At St. Francis School For The Blind, Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify the pace of learning for learners with visual impairment in St. Francis School for the Blind in Pokot County. The study adopted a case study research design that used the mixed method that utilized both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The target population comprised learners with visual impairment (VI), teachers and the school headteacher, total of 170 participants. A sample size of 35.30% of the total population was used. The headteache...

Effects Of Socialy Maladjusted Behaviour On Academic Performance Of Learners In Public Primary Schools In Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of socially maladjusted behaviour on the academic performance of learners in public primary schools in Kasarani District of Nairobi County Kenya.The researcher used descriptive survey in the study. In this study, the target population used was 700 respondents that comprised learners from various public primary schools sampled, all head teachers, deputy head teachers, and teachers in Kasarani sub - county. Questionnaires, an observat...

Environmental And Personality Factors As Correlates Of Psychological Adjustment Of Adolescents With Hearing Impairment In Secondary Schools In Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Adolescents with hearing impairment are often viewed as individuals who are psychologically maladjusted as a result of poor environmental and personality factors. Consequently, their senses of belonging in the society have been reduced to the extent that their self image have been affected.  Although, several studies on adolescents with hearing impairment have focus on their academic performance, but little attempt have been made to examine or study the environmental and personal...

The Effects Of Teacher Characteristics On Pupils’ Academic Perfomance In Kcpe In Inclusive Classroom In Public Primary Schools In Narok North Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite education being one of the basic human rights and an empowerment prerequisite, there are various factors that affect the provision of quality education in inclusive public primary schools in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teacher characteristic on pupil‟s academic performance in KCPE in inclusive classroom in public primary schools in Narok North sub-County in Narok County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess; the effect of teac...

Challenges Faced By Learners With Visual Impairment In Reading And Writing English Braille Grade Ii In Selected Special Primary Schools In Kisumu And Siaya Counties - Kenya

ABSTRACT Learners with visual impairment (VI) depend on Braille as a medium of instruction and communication. According to a report by the Ministry of Education, only 45 (30.6%) out of 147(100%) of learners with VI enrolled in upper primary classes in Kisumu and Siaya counties could read and write English Braille grade II competently. Despite this discrepancy, there was no documented explanation for this low percentage of learners with English Braille grade II competencies, particularly in Ki...

Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance In Ugandan Sign Language Courses At Kyambogo University, Uganda

ABSTRACT Ugandan Sign Language (USL) training for students improves service delivery to members of Uganda Deaf Community. Kyambogo University (KyU) was the only public University in Uganda which trained students in USL. From 2007 to 2012 students’ performance in USL had been low (mean = 46 and mean = 42) in comparison to their performance in other courses offered for students pursuing Bachelor of Adult and Community Education (mean = 73) and Bachelor of Arts in Community Based Rehabilitatio...

The Influencw Of Selected Factors On Academic Performance Of Deaf Students In English Composition In Secondary Schools In Kenya

ABSTRACT English is a key and compulsory subject in secondary school curriculum in Kenya. The performance of students in schools for the Deaf in English in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, (K.C.S.E) has been below average. In the years 2010-2015, students‟ registered mean score of 3.45, 3.0, 2.4, 3.7 and 3.17 respectively, out of a mean of 12, which indicated a “D” Grade and below average in Kenyan grading system. Although theories have suggested that the selected factors could...

Stakeholders Level Of Preparedness On Use Of Alternative Assistive Technology Among Learners With Visual Impairment In Inclusiveprimary Schools In Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Braille has been used as the main assistive technology by Learners with Visual Impairment (LVI) for the last 200 years. However, the use of this technology has limited opportunities for learners to access the curriculum and general information. With the emergence of new devices that are based on audio, electronic and multimedia technologies such as audio tapes, talking books, Optacon, note taker, computer with speech output, Optical Character Reader (OCR) scanner, refreshable braille...

Determinants Of The Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Public Secondary Schools In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education empowers citizens and hence reduces poverty by enhancing livelihood. Globally, 77 million children are out of education and 25.7 million (33.4%) are those with disabilities. In Kenya 1,504 (0.48 %) Students with Disabilities of 315,000 in public secondary schools are in Inclusive Education programme. Baseline survey in Bungoma County between 2013 and 2016 indicated that only 107(0.07%) Students with Visual impairments and physical challenges are in Inclusive Education progr...

Teachers’ Perception Of Challenging Behaviour Among Learners With Autism And Its Influence On Choice Of Management Strategies In Primary Schools In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers working with learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) often feel ill prepared to manage challenging behaviours presented by them. Quite often, when they are faced with cases of challenging behaviour, they use coping strategies that have led to delinquency and other anti-social behaviours resulting into school dropout among these learners. Education Assessment records in Busia, Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, Nandi, Kisumu and Siaya counties in Western Kenya indicate that ...

Teachers Level Of Support To Retain Learners With Disability In Regular Primary Schools In Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya made inclusive education a policy requirement in the provision of education to all children. Research has shown that the support given by teachers plays a very important role in curriculum implementation that ensures success in a child`s career. Education Assessment records in Kisumu county indicate that between the year 2012 and 2016, 846 learners who are physically challenged had been assessed and placed in regular schools in Kisumu West, Kisumu Central and ...

Demographic And Psycho-Social Background As Correlates Of Parents’ Perception Of Causes Of Mental Retardation Among School Children In South-Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT There are contradictory opinions surrounding the causes of mental retardation among parents of children with mental retardation. The causes on one hand may be genetic and on the other may be largely attributed to mystical forces. Previous studies have tried to ascertain the causes of mental retardation in families but they have not been able to establish the actual etiology. However, demographic and psychosocial factors are also important factors worthy of investigation in identifyin...

Family Life And Hiv/Aids Education (Flhe) As Predictor Of Knowledge And Attitude To Hiv/Aids Among Adolescents With Hearing Impairment In South-West, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The menace of HIV/AIDS is a serious concern globally, especially the rate at which the disease spreads among adolescents with hearing impairment. This has been attributed to poor knowledge of and attitude to the incidence of HIV/AIDS, lack of personal skills coupled with inability of adolescents with hearing impairment to hear, comprehend and translate information about HIV/AIDS to functional use that could have helped them to cope with life challenges. Several studies have been carr...

Impact Of Explicit And Visual Instructional Strategies On Vocational Interest Of Pupils With Mild Intellectual Disability In Selected Schools In Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Vocational training is important in achieving economic empowerment and independence in persons with intellectual disability. However, pupils with intellectual disability often enter the labour market in Nigeria without receiving vocational training resulting into serious challenges to these pupils. Several existing research on pupils with intellectual disability focused on improving academic performance, while few studies have been done on enhancing their vocational interest using Ex...

511 - 525 Of 610 Results